
Walking in the forest of painting Ancient paintings are read and said

author:101528958629 Wang Tianshou

Chapter 13: Quotations from Paintings

Qing Shitao


One Painting Chapter One:

Tai gu can't, too much is not scattered, too much is scattered and the law is established, the law is standing in He Li, standing in a painting. A painter is the foundation of all beings, the root of all things; seeing is used for God, Tibet is used for man, and the world does not know, so the method of painting is self-reliance. Whoever establishes the Law of One Painting cannot give birth to the Law, and the Law of the People with the Law of the People. The painter, the one who comes from the heart also. The beauty of the characters of the mountains and rivers, the temperament of the birds, animals, grasses and trees, and the momentum of the pond and the pavilion failed to penetrate into its reason, and the state of the song was exhausted, and finally the flood rules of a painting were not obtained. Go far and ascend, and get up the skin. This painting has exhausted the hongmeng, that is, hundreds of millions of pens and inks, and there is no beginning here and ending here, but the ears of the ears of the hearers are taken. People can paint a specific and subtle, the meaning is clear, the wrist is not vain, the painting is not, and the painting is not the wrist. Move to spin, run to turn, live in the open. Out as cut, out as revealed. Can circle the square, can be straight can bend, can go up and down. The left and right are even, convex and concave, cut and oblique, such as the depth of water, such as the inflammation of fire, natural and not allowed to be strong. With all the gods and the law without inconsistencies, with all the reason and without inexhaustible state. With a wave of the hand, mountains, people, birds and beasts, grass and trees, ponds, and terraces, take shapes and use potential, sketch and speculate, imitate scenery, reveal implications, people do not see the completion of their paintings, and paintings do not go against their hearts. The law of painting is established from the scattered and one painting. The Law of One Painting stands and all things are complete. I know: My way is consistent.

Chapter 2:

The rulers are also the extremes of the square circle; the heavens and the earth, the operation of the rules is also. The world knows that there are rules, but does not know the righteousness of the husband's rotation, the law of this heaven and earth is bound to the law, and the law of man's service is in Mongolia, although the law of the heavens and the earth is in the end, it will not be able to exist in the end. Therefore, there are those who cannot attain the law, but there are also obstacles to the law. Ancient and modern laws cannot be obstructed, and the reason for a painting is unclear. Once the painting is clear, the obstacle is not in the eye and the painting can be drawn from the heart. Painting from the heart and obstacles from afar. The painter of the painter, the one who shapes the heavens and the earth and all things. How the pen and ink are shaped! Ink is subject to the sky, thick and dry, followed by pen manipulation, hook and dye follow. The ancients did not fail to take the law as well. The inability is infinite. It is a painter, not infinite and limited, not limited by the law, without the law and limited by the law, without obstacles, without obstacles. The law is self-painting, and the obstacle is self-painting. Dharma barriers are not involved. And the righteousness of The Qianxuan Kun transformation is complete, the painting is prominent, and the painting is complete.

(Baiyun reads: This is the creation of the Fa Heaven and Earth.) This meaning is the most difficult, the most difficult to say, what is it? Simple also. One also. )

Change Chapter 3:

The ancients also have the tools of knowledge. The one who has transformed knows what it is and does it. Ancient to the end, did not see the lady also. It is regrettable that those who are not in the mud are also knowledgeable. Knowledge is not widespread, so the gentleman can only borrow the ancient to open up the present. It is also said: "To the point that man cannot do it", it is not impossible to also be unable to do so, but it is the ultimate law. Everything must have the right to go through the scriptures, and there must be laws and there must be transformations. One who knows his scriptures is to change his rights; when he knows his law, he is able to contribute to it. Fu painting, the Great Law of the world's flexibility, the elite of the mountain and river situation, the cultivation of ancient and modern creations, the popularity of yin and yang, borrowing pen and ink to write about all things in heaven and earth and Tao Yonghu I also. Today's people do not know this, but the movement is known: a certain family can stand on its feet, not like a certain landscape, can not be passed on for a long time. A certain light, can stand up. It is not like a certain family's craftsmanship, but it is enough to entertain people. It is me who uses it for a certain service, not a certain family for me. Even if it looks like a certain family, it also eats the residue of a certain family. What's up to me! Or there is a saying: "So-and-so Bo me, so-and-so ask me also." Where will I go? To what class? What does it compare to? What is the effect? Where to dye? Yu Kege Guo Zhen? In what situation? Can I be ancient and ancient is me? "If so, he who knows the ancients does not know that there is me." I am what I am, and I am in myself. The eyebrows of the ancient cannot be born in my face; the heart of the ancient cannot be placed in my belly. I spontaneously lifted my heart and lifted my eyebrows. Even if I sometimes touch a certain family, it is a certain family that is also me, and it is not me who is also a certain family. Nature also grants it. Why did I learn from the ancients and not become what I did?

(Baiyun reads: He who does not transform is also an authority.) The authority is standing, who dares to depersonalize him? Don't do it either. Those who make it, those who do not take advantage of their names and those who do not profit. )

Honorific Chapter IV

Receive and know, first receive and then know. Knowing and then receiving, not receiving also. The people of the brightest in ancient and modern times, through their knowledge, they will receive what they have received, and they will know what they know. However, the power of one thing, its small knowledge is also small. Failing to recognize the right to paint a painting, expanding and expanding. Fu Yi painting contains all things in it. Painting is subject to ink, ink is subject to pen, pen is subject to wrist, wrist is subject to heart. As the heavens are born, the earth is created, and so it is received. However, no one can respect him, but he does not respect him, and he abandons himself; he can get his paintings without transformation, and he binds himself. Husband: The painter will respect and guard the people, strong and use them, without distinction between the outside and the inside. "Yi" said: "Tianxingjian, a gentleman with self-improvement." This is why it is respected.

(Baiyun reads: Former sages, never perish.) The development of painting is pluralistic, each has its own strengths, complements each other, and does not have each other. There are no people, and the view of the portal is also. Therefore, the recipient, self-improvement also)

Pen and Ink Chapter 5:

The ancients had pens and inks, there were also pens without ink, and there were also ink without authors; non-mountains and rivers were limited to one side, and people's endowments were uneven. The splash pen of ink is also based on the spirit, the ink of the pen is also based on the god, the ink is not nourished, the pen is not the god of life, the spirit that can be nourished and does not understand the god of life, there is ink without a pen. The spirit that can be nourished by the god of life without change is a pen without ink. The concreteness of all things in mountains and rivers has reverse and positive, partial and sideways, gathering and scattering, near and far, inside and outside, virtual and real, broken and connected, layered, peeling, abundance, ethereal, and the big end of this life. Therefore, the spirit of all things in the mountains and rivers is recommended to people, because people exercise this right to cultivate life, and they are not what they are, and they can make the pen and ink, there are fetuses and bones, there are openings and closings, there are bodies that are useful, there are shapes and postures, there are arches and stands, there are crouches and jumps, there are lurking, there are rushes, there is collapse, there is majestic, there is saga, there are strange cliffs, there are steepnesses, one by one, they are full of their spirits and are enough to satisfy their gods?

Chapter 6:

Or: drawing notation and painting training, chapter and chapter invention, using pen and ink, fine everywhere. Since ancient times, there has never been a situation of mountains and seas, riding on empty words and trusting the same good. Want to be too high in the sex of the big polyester, extraterrestrial legislation, disdain to start from the shallow and near? Strange words also! To be received from the far, to be near; to be near, to serve is to be far. A painter, the shallow kung fu of the calligraphy and painting; the change of the painter, the shallow and close degree of ink with the pen; the mountain and the sea, the shallow of a hill and a valley, Zhang Benye; the situation, the shallow and near program of the qi also. If a disciple knows the knowledge of Fang Yu, he has the Zhang Ben of Fang Yu. For example, there are mountains in the corner, there are peaks, and the Si people also get a mountain, always map it, get a peak, and always stay the same. Is it the mountain also, is the peak also, turning the carving into the hands of the Si people, can it not be? And the situation is also unchanged, the disciples know the fur of the wrinkles; the painting method is unchanged, the disciples know the rigidity of the situation; the cultivation is uneven, the mountains and rivers are not prepared; the mountains and forests are not prepared, and the emptiness of Zhang Ben is known. If you want to transform these four, you must first start with the wrist. If the wrist is illusory, the painting can be folded, and if the pen is cut off, the shape is not foolish. The wrist is really calm and transparent, the wrist is distorted and melodious, the wrist is subject to the right rule, the wrist is straight to the front, the wrist is oblique, the wrist is diseased is manipulated, the wrist is delayed, the arch is sentient, the wrist is transformed into nature, the wrist is changed and the land is strange, the wrist is strange, and the wrist is magical, and the wrist is inspired by the god.

(Baiyun reads: At the beginning of the painting, you must hang your elbow and hang your wrist, and a piece of painting paper is on the wall, and you will draw it in opposition.) After three or five years, you can go to The Micro is not good. )

Chapter 7:

Pen and ink will be for the sake of chaos, not for the sake of chaos, for the chaos, for the chaos, who is it? Painting in the mountains is the spirit, painting in the water is moving, painting in the forest is born, painting in people is easy. The meeting of pen and ink, the division of chaos, the elimination of chaos, the transmission of ancient and modern, the formation of a family of its own, is also the wisdom of all. It must not be carved, it must not be rotten, it must not sink into the mud, it must not be implicated, it must not be disconnected, and it must not be unreasonable. In the neutral spirit of the ink sea, the pen determines life, the scale is replaced by the bones, and the light is released from the chaos. Even if the pen is not pen, ink is not ink, painting is not painting, I am here. Cover with transporter ink, non-ink transport also; the pen, non-pen also; take off the husband, not the birth of the fetus. From one to ten thousand, from ten thousand to one. The power of the world is complete.

Yamakawa Chapter VIII

The quality of the mountains and rivers is also the one who has obtained the principle of clean things. The artist of the law of pen and ink, Yamakawa no. Knowing its ornaments rather than reason, its reasoning is dangerous. Knowing its quality and illegality, its law is small. Therefore, the ancients knew that their slight dangers would be obtained in one, and if there is no clarity, all things are obstacles, and if there is no unknown, all things are together. The principle of painting, the method of the pen, but the quality and decoration of heaven and earth. Mountains and rivers, the situation of heaven and earth also. The wind and rain are obscure, and the weather of the mountains and rivers is also. Dense and far-reaching, the mountains and rivers are also about the path. The rhythm of the mountains and rivers is also the same. Yin and yang are thick and light, and the concentration of mountains and rivers is also. Water and clouds gather and disperse, and the connection between mountains and rivers is also sparse. Crouch to the back, the mountain trip hides also. The wise, the power of heaven also. The generous one, the balance of the earth also. Wind and clouds, the heavens bind the mountains and rivers also. Water stone people, the excitement of the earth jumping mountains and rivers also. The balance between heaven and earth cannot change the unpredictability of mountains and rivers; although the shackles of the wind and clouds cannot wait for the mountains and rivers of the nine districts to be in the same model; although the water and stone are leaping, it is impossible to distinguish the situation of mountains and rivers from the end of the pen. And the mountains and rivers are large, the vast land is thousands of miles, the clouds are thousands of miles, and the peaks are listed, and it is peeped at with one tube, that is, the flying immortals may not be able to maneuver around. Measured by one painting, you can see the transformation of heaven and earth. Measuring the situation of mountains and rivers, measuring the vastness of the land, judging the density of peaks and mountains, and understanding the obscurity of clouds and smoke. Thousands of miles, evil is heavy, and all are attributed to the power of heaven and the balance of the earth. Heaven has the right to change the spirit of the mountains and rivers; the earth has the style of heng can transport the mountains and rivers; I have a painting that can penetrate the gods of the shape of the mountains and rivers. Fifty years ago, this was not born out of the mountains and rivers, nor did it spoil its mountains and rivers and make the mountains selfish. Mountains and rivers make yudai mountains and rivers also, mountains and rivers are born from Yuya, and mountains and rivers are born from mountains and rivers. Search for the Odd Peak hit the draft also. The mountains and rivers meet the gods and the traces are also revealed, so in the end it is returned to the Great Purification.

(Baiyun reads: I still like Shitao paintings that are not born from mountains and rivers, and I don't like Shitao paintings that have been traced.) The painting of 'traces' is the painting of fame. Famous people, no traces are expensive. Not expensive, not expensive. )

Chapter 9 of the Law of The Law:

The pen is also to the face, and the face is also open. If the mountain is shaped, its open surface is not at one end. The world knows its wrinkles, but it loses its face. Even if it is in the mountains, why is there a mountain? Or stone or earth, write its stone and earth, this square corner of the 皴也, not the mountains and rivers themselves 皴也. For example, mountains and rivers have their own wrinkles, there are different peak names, strange bodies, and different shapes, so the method is different. There are cirrus clouds, axe splitting, pimples, unsophisticated, ghost-faced wrinkles, skeletons, chaotic firewood, sesame seeds, golden bijiao, jade shavings, bullet nests, alum heads, boneless creases, all of which are wrinkles. It will be born because of the body of the peak, the face of the peak, the peak and the fusion, and the peak from the peak. The peak cannot be used to change the body of the peak, but the peak can be used to finance the situation of the peak. Why can't its peak change, why can't its peak appear? The change and invariance of the peak lies in the appearance and non-appearance of the peak. The peak has a name, and the peak also has a shape. Such as Tianzhu Peak, Star Peak, Lotus Peak, Peiren Peak, Wulao Peak, Qixian Peak, Yuntai Peak, Tianma Peak, Lion Peak, Emei Peak, Langya Peak, Jinlun Peak, Incense Burner Peak, Xiaohua Peak, Pilian Peak, Huiyan Peak. It is the peak that also occupies its shape, and the crest also opens its face. However, when transporting ink to operate the pen, why wait for the view of the peak, a painting falls on the paper, the painting follows, a rational is possessed, and the many reasons are attached. Examine the comings and goings of a painting, and reach the scope of the public. The situation of the mountains and rivers is determined, and the laws of ancient and modern times are not different. The situation of the mountains and rivers is in painting, the cultivation of painting is in ink, the life of ink is in the exercise, and the role of the exercise is in the maintenance. Those who are good at luck, immortal and empty, because they are subject to the principle of a painting, they should be all sides, so there is no paradox. There are also those who are empty inside and real outside, because of the transformation of the Law, without thinking, the appearance is already there, but the inside is not loaded. It is a person of the ancients, virtual and real, combined with internal and external exercises, painting methods have become prepared, no defects and no disease. The spirit of nourishment, the god of use. Regular is positive, 仄 is 仄, and partial is sideways. If the wall is covered with dust and the material obstacle is there, is there anyone who does not hate the creator?

Realm Chapter 10

Dividing the territory into three folds and two sections, it seems that the loss of the landscape and water, but there are those who do not lose, such as the natural division of the territory, to the end of the Jiangwu land, across the river across the mountain is also more. Whenever you write about landscapes, such as opening up and breaking through, there is no life, and you know it when you see it. Three stacks of territory: one layer of mountains, two layers of trees, three layers of mountains, what is the distance to look? Write this three-fold xi xi seal engraving? Two paragraphs: the scenery is below, the mountain is above, and the custom is cloud in the middle, and it is clearly divided into two paragraphs. For this reason, the three must first be through one breath, not rigid. Divided into three folds and two sections, it is necessary to act with empty hands, only to see the pen power, that is, into thousands of peaks and valleys, there is no vulgar trace. For this reason, if the three are immersed in the gods, they will be lost in the small pieces, and there is no doubt about it.

Chapter 11:

There are six ways to write paintings: the scenery is not right for the mountain, the mountain is not right for the scene, the inverted scene, the borrowing of the scene, the truncation, and the steepness. These six rules must be made clear. The scenery is not right for the mountain, the ancient appearance of the mountain is like winter, the scenery is like spring, and this is not the right scenery for the mountain. The trees are as ancient as winter, and their mountains are like spring, which is not the right view for the mountains. Such as trees are positive, mountain stones are falling; mountain stones are positive, trees are upside down, and all are upside down. Such as the empty mountain meditation, no ecological ecology, to thin willows and tender bamboo, bridge grass pavilion, this borrowing scenery also. Truncated, the unworldly realm, the landscape and the tree, the water, the head and the tail, the pen everywhere, all with truncation, and the method of truncation, unless the pen of the pine can not enter. Dangerous people, people can not reach, there is no way to enter. Such as the island mountain Bohai Sea, Penglai square pot is not immortal Moju, not the world can measure, this mountain and sea of the precipitous also. If you draw a picture of a steep, only the cliffs on the steep peaks are straight and rugged. It must be seen that the pen power is wonderful.

Lin Mu Chapter XII

The ancients wrote trees, or three, five, nine, ten, so that they are yin and yang, their respective faces, jagged, vivid. I wrote the method of ancient cypress locust ancient juniper, such as three or five plants, which are like heroes dancing, crouching on their knees, and staggering in rows. Whether it is hard or soft, the pen is transported, and most of them are written in the way of writing stones. Four fingers, five fingers, three fingers, all with its wrist, and elbows to stretch and shrink, in unison, its pen is extremely heavy, but it must fly on the paper to dissipate the fierceness. So it's thick or light, empty and smart, empty and wonderful. The same is true of the mountains, and the rest are not enough. Seeking the broken phase in the raw heat is not to be said.

Haitao Chapter XIII

The sea has torrents, and the mountains have lurking. The sea has a swallow, and the mountains have arches. The sea can recommend clouds, and the mountains can pulse. The mountain has layers of mountains, deep cliffs in the valley, Zanyuan abrupt, Lan qi mist dew, smoke clouds, like the torrent of the sea, the swallowing of the sea, this is not the spirit of the sea, but also the mountain's self-respect in the sea. The sea can also live on its own mountain. The ocean of the sea, the sea of the flood, the laughter of the sea, the mirage of the sea, the whale of the sea leaping dragon; the tide of the sea is like a peak, the tide of the sea is like a ridge. This sea dwells in the mountains, the non-mountains dwell in the sea, the mountains and the seas live in the sea, and the people also have sights, such as Yingzhou, Langyuan, Weak Water, Penglai, Yuanpu, and Fangju, even if the chess is divided, it can also be known by the water source and dragon vein. If it is gained by the sea, it is lost to the mountain; if it is gained from the mountain and lost to the sea, it is also a man who receives it in vain. I have received it, the mountain is the sea, and the sea is the mountain. The mountains and the sea know that I have suffered. All in the flow of people in one stroke and one ink also.

Chapter XIV

Whoever writes about the scene of the four hours, the flavor is different, the clouds and sunshine are different, and the time is judged. The ancients sent scenery to poetry, its spring day; every sand and grass hair, long water and clouds. Its summer day: the ground under the trees is often shaded, and the wind at the water's edge is the coolest. Its autumn day: the cold city is overlooked, and the plain Chu is in the sky. Its winter day: the road pen arrives first, and the pool cold ink is more rounded. There are also winter irregularities, whose poems are called: The snow is cold, and the year is getting longer in recent days. Although there seems to be no chill in winter, there are also poems: the day of the cruel year is easy to dawn, and the snow and rain are sunny. On the book of two poems, the cold, the long, the easy to know, the snow, and the imitation are not unique to the winter, but at three o'clock, each follows its own orders. There are also half-eyes and half-shades, such as clouds and bright moons, oblique sun and rain. There are also those who look like yin, who do not have to worry about the twilight, and the sky is light yin. To give poetry means to be a book, and there is no scene that is not at any time. Clouds and mountains change at any time. With this, can we know that the book is the meaning of the poem, and the poem is not the Zen in the book?

Far Dust Chapter XV

Man-made things are covered by dust. Man and material, the heart is labored, the heart is self-destructive due to engraving books, the dust is covered by pen and ink and self-restraint, and this bureau is also closed. But the loss is not beneficial, and the final unhappiness is also. If I cover things with things, and the dust with the dust, then the heart is not tired, and if the heart is not tired, there are paintings. Paintings are the property of man, and a book is unprecedented. Painting is expensive, thinking about one of them is fast, so the painting is subtle and unpredictable. I think the ancients may not have said this. Extra deep hair.

Chapter XVI

Fools and vulgars share the same ridicule. Foolishness is wisdom, and vulgarity is clear if it is not splashed. The cause of the world is foolishness, and the cause of foolishness is ignorance. Therefore, people cannot fail to reach, cannot be unclear. When it reaches it, it changes, and when it is clear, it becomes clear. The receiving is invisible, and the healing form is traceless. Transport ink as if it were its own, and write as if it did nothing. The ruler manages the heavens, the earth, the mountains and rivers, and the heart is indifferent, the foolish to the wise, the vulgar to the qing to also.

Chapter XVII

Ink can cultivate the shape of mountains and rivers, and the pen can overturn the momentum of mountains and rivers, but it cannot be limited by one hill and one valley. Ancient and modern figures are all well-informed, and will make the ink sea ambition, the pen mountain driving, and then widely used. Therefore, the table of the eight poles, the change of the nine earths, the dignity of the five mountains, the breadth of the four seas, the outside, the harvest. The world does not enforce the law, the heavens do not cling to it, not only in painting but also in words. The word and the painter have two ends, and their work is one. A painter's character book has the root of the first, and the calligrapher's painting of the day after tomorrow's scripture also. Those who can know the right to read and forget the origin of a painting are those who have lost their ancestral branches by their descendants, those who can know the ancient and modern and forget their merits are not in the people, and those who have lost their heavenly gifts from a hundred things. Heaven can teach people the Fa, but cannot teach people merit; Heaven can teach people to paint, but cannot teach people to change. People either abandon the law to cut merit, and people or leave the painting to change. The heavens do not belong to man, and even if there are calligraphy and paintings, they do not pass on. Heaven has given man, because he can give it, and there is also great knowledge and great grant, and small knowledge and small grant. Therefore, ancient and modern calligraphy and painting, the heavens and the whole person are also. Those who have been taught by heaven and who know little and know little from the heavens have no way but to have the law of calligraphy and painting, and those who have been broader are also. Therefore, I also have the theory of words.

Title xVIII

The ancient people are happy with pen and ink, falsely incarnate in the mountains and rivers, do not transform but should be transformed, do nothing and do something, the body is not dazzling and famous, because of the merit of cultivation, the exercise of life, the world of the world, has been subject to the quality of the mountains and rivers. If you look at it with ink luck, you will be appointed by cultivation; if you look at it with a pen, you will be appointed by life; if you look at it with mountains and rivers, you will be appointed by the fetal bone; if you look at it with Guo Jiao, you will be appointed by painting; if you look at it with a sea view, you will be appointed by heaven and earth; if you look at it with a lofty view, you will be appointed by The Appointment of The Heaven and Earth; if you look at it with a temple, you will be appointed by The Responsibility of Being, if you look at it with nothing, you will be appointed by doing something; if you look at it with a painting, you will be appointed by ten thousand paintings; if you look at it with a false wrist, you will be appointed by Ying. Whoever is in charge must first give him what he is in office; then he can apply it to the pen. If it is not qualified, the situation is shallow and shallow, and there is no way to do it. And the heavens are at the mercy of the mountains. The properness of the mountain is also in place, the spirit of the mountain is also in the god, the change of the mountain is also transformed, the mountain is also cultivated with benevolence, the vertical and horizontal of the mountain is also moved, the lurking of the mountain is also quiet, the arch of the mountain is also with etiquette, the mountain is also harmonious, the mountain is also gathered with caution, the spirit of the mountain is also wise, the pure show of the mountain is also based on literature, the squat and jump of the mountain is also based on martial arts, the steep history of the mountain is also dangerous, the mountain is also high, the thickness of the mountain is also hong, and the shallowness of the mountain is also small. This mountain is appointed by the appointment of heaven, and the non-mountain is appointed by the heavens, and man can be appointed by the appointment of heaven, and the appointment of the mountain is also appointed by man, and it is inferred that this mountain is appointed by itself, and cannot be moved to the mountain. It is the benevolent who does not move to the benevolent and leshan also. The mountain has a ren, but the water has no ren ya? Water is not doing nothing and doing nothing. Fu Shui: Wang Yang Guangze is also virtuous, the humble ritual is also based on Xi, the tide is not endless, the decisive leap is also courageous, the Yi Hui Ping Yi is also the Law, the Yingyuan Tongda is also in View, the Qin Hong Xian jie is also good, and the twisting and turning to the east is also based on Zhi. If his water is seen in the midst of the Ying tide and the bo, if he is not doing his duty, how can he surround the mountains and rivers of the world and the blood of the heavens? He who is at the mercy of the mountains and not to the waters is still sinking into the sea and not knowing its shore. I don't know if there is a sea or a sea. It is the one who knows, who knows that his shore has died on the river, and who listens to the source and enjoys the water. The responsibility of not being a mountain is not enough to see the vastness of the world, and the responsibility of not being a water is not enough to see the greatness of the world. The water that is not a mountain is not enough to see the flow of the surroundings; the mountain that is not water is not enough to see the surrounding. If the mountains and rivers are not done, then the circumferential flow is surrounded by no reason; if the circumferential flow is not embraced, there is no way to cultivate life. If there is a discipline in the life of the People's Cultivation, then the Zhou Liu ring has a reason; if the Zhou Liu ring has a reason, then the landscape and water are at will. If our people's Ren Shanshui is not extensive, it is allowed to be controlled; if it is not more, it is easy. Non-easy can not be more, non-system can not be extensive. If he is not in the pen, he will let it be passed on; if he is not in ink, he will be acceptable; if he is not in the mountains, he will be quiet; if he is not in the water, he will be moved; if he is not in the past, he will be left without wilderness; if he is not in the present, he will be left without obstacles. It is that there is no chaos in ancient and modern times, and pen and ink always exist, because it is only a matter of humility, but then this person, sincerely cultivates the principle of life, rules ten thousand with one, governs one by ten thousand, does not allow the mountain, does not allow the water, does not allow the pen and ink, does not allow the ancient and modern, does not serve the saint, is also ren, is in fact. All in all, a painting also, Wuji also, the way of heaven and earth also.

Shi Tao Inscription Painting Selection


Calligraphy and painting are not small roads, and the world is shaped like ears. Out of the pen chaotic open, into the clumsy clever death. The law is endless, and the law is full of reason. The law of reason is not fu, and the ancients had no choice. When I wrote this paper, my heart went into the spring river, the river flowers bloomed with me, and the river water rose with me. Roll up the river tower and shout Yue Zimei. A smile water cloud low, open the picture of the illusion of the essence.


  Famous mountains are not allowed to be painted, and the mountains that paint must be like them. The magic of change is not like the current worship. The heart and peak period eyes are just flying, and the pen travels to make the door unhindered. In the past, I once stepped on the highest peak, but I still have no silent debt.


   The painting has the Southern and Northern Sects, and the book has the Law of the Two Kings. Zhang Rong said: "I don't hate the law of the two kings, I hate the law of the two kings and no kings." "Now ask the Southern and Northern Sects, my Sect?" Dzong I yay? For a moment, he said, "I use my own method." ”


  This path is clear and clear, and it must be swept straight. Thousands of rocks, a longitudinal glance, looking at the clouds, Tun Tun rose from the ground. Jingguanye? Dong Juye? Ni Huangye? Shen Wenye? Who is with Ann? Yu rewards are seen in famous artists, imitating a certain family and a certain school of law. Books and paintings are born with one person in charge of one person's affairs, and they must seek truth from others, so where do I start?


  Although the ancients were good at family, they did not know how to copy them all. Otherwise, why is there a source of Dharma? A scholar like today, like a dead bone? Knowing this is the dragon in calligraphy and painting.


   When the pen and ink were transformed by the contemporaries and the customs of Judean poetry, the paintings of the ancients were simple and meaningful, such as the sentences of the Six Dynasties of Han and Wei; the paintings of the Middle Ages, such as the early Tang and Sheng Tang, were majestic and magnificent; the paintings of the lower ancients, such as the sentences of the late Tang Dynasty, although beautiful, gradually thinned. To the Yuan, such as Ruan Zhi and Wang Yueyi. Ni Huangshi recited Tao Qian's sentence: "The sorrowful beauty of The Mu is fried from white water." "I'm afraid there will be no better."


This way has people who are not in line with the public at that time and will be appreciated by future generations. At that time, there was thunder and thunder, and those who would never ask questions in the hereafter could not understand the ears of others.


It is the qi cultivated by the Han Mo family in his life. Zheng Rong is strange, lei lei falls, like a tun jia lianyun, hidden from time to time. The characters are grass and trees, the boats and cars are in the city, and the things are reasonable, so that the viewer is born into the mountain. 


The ancients wrote leaves moss color, there are deep ink thick ink, composition words, characters, one word, character, three words, and even three poly five, sycamore leaves, pine leaves, cypress leaves, willow leaves and other hanging heads, oblique leaves, and describe trees, mountains, wind god attitude. I don't. Points have wind and snow rain and sunny four hours to be appropriate, there are anyway yin and yang pro-paste points, there are water and ink mixing points, there are bracts algae silk wisps and points, there are empty and wide dry and tasteless points, there are ink (pen? Inkless flying white like smoke spots, there are scorched like sloppy transparent dots. There are two more points, not willing to learn from humanity. There is no day and earth when the head splits the point, there are thousands of rocks and valleys clear and pure. belch! The law has no definite phase, and the qi is formed into a chapter.


Poetry and painting temperament also come, then the painting is not possible to imitate Li and then compose poetry. The poem in the painting is also the one who is alive when the environment is interesting, then the poem is not raw and stripped and then painted. True knowledge touches, like a mirror writing a shadow, the beginning of the heart. It is inevitable that the poems will be abrupt.


Former People Yun: "The distant mountains are difficult to place, and the water mouth is difficult to settle." "These two are not easy. For example, the Tang Dynasty has thousands of rocks and valleys, the heads and horns are perfect, and the changes in the landscape and water mouths of the distant mountains and rivers are all there. If Leng Qiu is not from the people, only in the middle of the pond, there are eight characters of the innate creation of the hour, the appearance is strange and strange, and the non-human thinking can be obtained. World Zunyun: "Yesterday I said that I decided the Fa, but today I don't say the Fa." "I have thus realized the liberation of Dharma.


Drumming with the power of fir wood, writing with the pen of wool, but also a moment of pleasure, under a thousand years, it is difficult to say whether it is gained or lost. If there is no hand of Jingguan, who dares to mess with it? The same is true of this. After enlightenment, I began to believe what I said.


The ancients set up a method that is not an empty shovel, and when they are idle, they pick up a virtual spirit word, and do not make true thoughts, such as taking pictures in the mirror. The landscape is really interesting, and when I go into the wilderness to see the mountain, I see him or real or illusory, which is my pen aura. When others start to start, they can't get it, and this is true, and there is no need to talk about ancient and modern.


Ni Gaoshi has "Qiulin Tu", Yu Jin writes paintings, and also has this. Dripping high and low, their own temperament. Now the pen and ink in the sea go to the ancient far away, and qingxiang daxiaozi laughs to himself and knows his fur ears.


Ni Gaoshi's paintings are like waves of sand and stones, turning and following, out of nature, and an ethereal and moist atmosphere, cold and compelling. Later generations imitated its dry rope cold place, the reason why this painting is not far away.


Sexual laziness and illness, almost desire to burn the pen, peeling and peeling, and can not be obtained. In the loneliness, step on the head, or see the true deeds of Ni Huangshi Dong, look over and follow, and feel that there is a taste of sleeping and eating for several days. In this way, it is difficult to know that the wood is difficult, and the search is not easy to despise. (The name of the JingJing gem, produced in the Jing Kingdom.) Mu Nan Zhu name. )


When writing and painting, before the pen is dropped, do not rush, do not slacken, do not sharply cut, do not scatter the gods, do not be too shu, do not think about the heavens, the mountains and rivers, the location of the forest, not the mr. tree, the back of the cloth, into the forest out of the ground also. With my arrogance, it is not within the mountains and rivers, and its spirit is controlled outside the mountains and rivers. As soon as the essay falls, it is random and self-evident. Everywhere empathetic, everywhere awake, everywhere out of the dust and life, from the hand of the cage of heaven and earth to nature.


There are three exercises with the pen: one exercise standing, two exercises on the side, and three exercises for drawing. There are standing and side pens, and the first three people also. One is in the force, two is in the easy, and the third is in the reception. The power is too much to paint the god, not easy to brush the spirit, can change to the painting is strange, this three grid also. One changes to water, two to ink, and three to mongolia. The water does not change and does not wake up, the ink does not flow through, the awakening is not enlightened, and this three wins are also. The pen is not flashy and solid, and the words of the pen are afraid of losing the old. In the end, the person who wields the pen does not carry its tip, its force is in the middle, and the force in the middle is too sharp. With a sharp point but not a sharp point, the ground is strong. With the tip and the tip, it is drawn.


The ancients intended, ink and pen work, horizontal and backward, empty and practical, light and heavy, all on the wrist middle finger out of it, its fingering is loose. Pine people are born with unpredictable changes. So the looser and tighter, the farther and closer, the more ancient. Fun is outside the painting, intended to be in front of the hand, unintentionally boring, where to get it?


The old friend used this to paint strange mountains and strange waters, how dare Yu be different from the ancients? Painting with form, drawing shape with painting, reason in painting, painting with shape, love is outside the form, as for love outside the form, it is nothing but emotion. Nothing is unsentimental, nothing is illegal.


A peak protrudes, even the barrier is broken, the change is instantaneous, it seems to be continuous, like a cloud protecting the dragon, the branches and strands are connected, and it is only a matter of mind.

Paper raw ink leaks, one of the painters Ofe, how can it be good? Thirty years later, this paper has no meaning, and the world is afraid that there is no one who knows.


Before the ancients enacted the law, I don't know what the law of the ancients is? After the ancients legislated, they did not allow the present people to issue ancient laws. For thousands of years, the people of today have not been able to come out of nowhere. The heart of the ancients and not the heart of the ancients, it is advisable that they cannot come out of the ground, wronged!


Writing books and paintings, no matter how old they learn, those who win with qi first, the spirit is brilliant, out of the paper. Lazy is shallow and godless, unable to paint and calligraphy. More is more than muddy, less is fine. Good collectors should not ask for the length and thickness of the paper. The ancients pieces of paper only words, the price of thousands of gold, it is not easy to seek. It is not easy to seek, it is not easy to raise the pen, so there is a true spirit in the world. There is no one on the empty mountain, and the left and right are scattered; sitting alone is nothing, and it is also fast to get a pen.


Ten thousand points of evil ink, killing mi qian; a few soft marks, laughing at the North Garden. Far away but not together, I don't know the vicissitudes of the mountains and rivers; near and numerous, only to see the contempt of the village. Death from the inside of the body, since the fairy is facing the wind, the skin bone forces the aura.


  When writing and painting together, it is necessary to know that there is a blessing. The Mongols are unable to do so because they are too ancient, and the nourishers are too simple to disperse. Those who do not scatter their breadth cannot be blinded. He has not been inked, but he has thought about it before he has been enlightened; he has written and reviewed his cultivation. Thinking of its enlightenment and judging its cultivation, it can enlighten itself and the whole ancient, it can change itself and it cannot, and it belongs to the way of cultivation.


The pen is like cutting iron ink like water, cold through the eyebrows to see the Hinayana. If you are hot in front of you, it is still illegal.


Heaven and earth are in one breath, and then when the wind and rain are divided into four hours, the light and shade are high and low, far and near, and they are not similar to each other.


Painting the law closes the book law, and the sky is blank and naïve. Otherwise, I would like to ask Elder Zhang, where to solve the sword dancer?


The person who enters through the door of this road is not a family treasure, but a name for a while, is it not difficult to get it? Gao Gu is like Bai Bald (Shi Huo) Qing Huo (Cheng ZhengYi) Daoshan (fear of Yun Daosheng) kings, Qing Yi is like Mei Ren (Cha Shi Biao) Wanjiang (Hongren), dry and thin like dirt Daoren (Cheng Jie), Li Qi Gu is like Nanchang Bada Shanren, and the magnificent Mei Qu Shan (Mei Qing) Xue Ping Zi (Mei Geng) are all liberators of a generation. I did not understand this meaning, so it was empty, and Mu Mu silently inquired about it.


The pen is dry and beautiful, the pen is wet and vulgar, and the pen and ink between the clouds today have this disease. In short, too much, why not get wet? Those who pass this level know it.

Like Dong Fei Dong, like Mi Fei Mi, the rain has passed through the Autumn Mountains, and the light is like washing. Who is the teacher of the present and who is the body? But in and out, turn the bottom of the pen.


The painter can not be ancient, sick in holding up the pen only to ask for tricks, but this pattern, from the Majie to the present. Written three times, birds become horses, wronged!


Contemporary Yu painting may not be very heavy and Yu is self-respecting. Sexual laziness is more often sick and less sick. The depth of non-mutual knowledge is not possible, and the residual nature of the winner is not easy, and one or two things stop. If the one who asks again will be late and too late, the one who receives it will be wonderful. Taste the collectors are their own appreciation, have sincerity, save the desk, a tea and an incense, and dissipate this three ambiguities. From the root of the ear, and from the root of the ear, so the rest of the self-respect. Behind me, I think I know more like this, but I don't know it either. He who knows me will laugh when he sees me.


Lin Mist wants to float spring, Yan Guang moves and shines quietly, should know that he is a pure person, forget his words and smile. Pen and ink is a matter of temperament, and in the vague ass, there are those who cannot be mastered by pen and ink.


In the past, people painted Buddhas and dragons without finishing touches, that is, they were afraid to go away. Taoists are not. Why should I leave it on the paper? Raw smoke royal wind, porcelain and Er dripping embellishment.


In the past, every time people painted ink, Yu Guan should regret ink and oppose ink, how to understand painting theory? That is, if Yu Tu cuts the cliffs of this lofty mountain, the valley is full of ink, like a cloud high and the sun is rising. If you lighten mohua, although it is deliberate, I am afraid it will not be easy to get the original face.


Calligraphy and painting have always known themselves, and Xiu Yun's ink dares to delay. How much do you know about the angles of the head painting, and the fancy people are like poems.


Dongpo painting bamboo does not make festivals, this solution to the view, in fact, the world's inviolable people are not as good as the festival, the wind and frost are fierce, the green is green, draped in a long chant, please give Su Gong another turn.


When it is not unearthed, there is a knot first, and there is always no heart to the clouds.


Letter Sunday Fang "Hundred Beauty Map" huge scrolls, Gai Tang people female Xi Shangfeng fat and beautiful, so Sunday Fang directly wrote his habits, the real father (Qiu Ying) can do his best, delicate and realistic, not special to his achievements, he is carefully antique, not easy for people to get used to. Ding Ugly Spring Moon imitation, to the autumn of the first ke ready, fortunately in case also.


Yu Yu landscape tree stone flower god like insect fish, all copied, as for the characters do not dare to do it. Over the past few years, the collection of characters in the Dongquan Bo clan has been very rich, and xi is written by Sunday Fang, Zhao Wuxing, and Qiu Shifu, and Yu has to appreciate his radiance and demeanor.


On the right of this scroll Yu G Song Silk "Phoenix Laiyi" figure also. Remember this figure in March. ...... Although Yu has a day of imitation, the work of grinding ink and sucking the pen is also good and bitter. Although it is made of grass, it is long and huge, and it cannot get its flower and bird business, and it is nothing more than its careless ears.


Yu Xiangshiguan Dadao (Huang Gongwang) made a scroll of "Jiangshan Shengqin" for Yunlin (Ni Zhan), one Qiu and one valley, all of which invented this way from Gu Hutou, Lu Tanwei, and Zhang Shengxuan. Moving pens and moving, dot painting novelty, this is the extraordinary place of the legislation of the predecessors. In the great fool, Yunlin, Huanghe Mountain Tree (Wang Meng) has become straight through the ancients, thousands of hills and valleys, such as eating leaves, occasionally written, who should be concerned? Therefore, the volume of three cold and hot is completed. Today's painter, three Wu have three Wu habits, two Zhejiang have two Zhejiang habits, Jiangchu and Guangdong in the middle of the southern capital Qin Zhun hui Xuanhuaihai area, things for a long time are each habit, the true face of the ancients, in fact, have never seen, what they see are fakes. If the truth is in front, it cannot be seen. In this case, the passer learned that in the tasteless, it was his ancient strength, and when he realized it, he was still unenlightened, and it was easy to say it!

○: Baiyun reads and says: Shi Tao, Qing, Guangxi county people. Commonly known as Zhu, the name is Bitter Pole, after becoming a monk, the legal name is Yuan Ji (1641-1719). There are many of his trumpets, including bitter melon monks, blind monks, Jishan monks, Qingxiang old people, Qingxiang Chenren, and dadizi.

  Shi Tao is a prodigy in the Chinese painting world and the founder of the "Huangshan School" of Chinese painting. Because he became a monk from an early age, he had a deep study of Buddhism and Zen, and was also highly accomplished in literature, poetry and other aspects. Under the influence of Zen thought, his painting style is unique, the brush and ink are arbitrary, otherworldly, eclectic, and the artistic conception is reckless and novel, which has created a new artistic conception for the development of Chinese painting. He put forward the views of "pen and ink should be contemporary" and "I use my own method", which is full of Zen ideas.

Shi Tao's theory said that 'the creation of the Fa Heaven and Earth' was more thorough than that of his sages. However, the 'Law' of 'Fa-Heaven and Earth Creation' is not clear, and may be deliberately dishonest. Painting "one" as the "law" and the law as the "tao". The Tao gives birth to one, one to two, two to three, and three to all things. Although, the reader can't read it and can't do it, nor can it make Shi Tao painting. With his full text, I know that I have been a former sage of the Sect of Wisdom, and I can see through the changes. ,

Walking in the forest of painting Ancient paintings are read and said

Qishan figure 68x136cm