
tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

author:There is a brother in everything proper

In June 1941, Nazi Germany tore up the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, and Hitler's million troops marched to the Soviet Union in three ways. Because Nazi Germany was well prepared and good at fighting the "Blitzkrieg", the Soviet Union collapsed all the way in the early days, and the situation was grim.

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Overview of the Soviet-German War

Nazi Germany's sharp behavior puzzled the little fan of militarist Japan: Didn't it say that they would not invade each other? Why did you still fight? Big brother, give me a look before you start, I know how to do it?

Nazi Germany was angry: "Can't you see that the battles have been done to this extent?" yes! Copy the guys on ah! I attack from the north, the middle and the south (there is no sense of LOL, the beginning is the upper, middle and lower three roads), you based on northeast China to conquer Siberia, we take the Soviet Union in one fell swoop, when the time comes to gather in Moscow for a party, please eat sushi."

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Militaristic Japan listened to the heart and secretly scolded the Old German Fox: "You are all warsaw, Minsk, Kiev, Moscow and other big cities with lightning all the sparks on your way, I can only inhale two more breaths of cold air when I conquer Siberia, although Siberia has rich natural resources, but it will take time to develop, now it is a barren land, dry wool."

Obviously, Japan has its own calculations, and the fear of the Soviet Union carved into his bones cannot be concealed. In May 1939, the "Battle of Nomonhan" broke out between Japan and the Soviet Union, and Zhukov, commander of the Soviet Red Army in the Outer Monomihan area, completely annihilated the elite japanese army, and the 2 integrated divisions of the Kwantung Army known as the "Flower of Japan" were about 50,000 people, and they even armed the Kwantung Army to the teeth, and the only armored division that was known as the elite of the elite was beaten to a pulp. It is not an exaggeration to say that the Soviet Union broke the backbone of the Japanese Kwantung Army in this battle, in August 1945, the Soviet Red Army sent troops to northeast China, not counting the destroyed Kwantung Army, only the prisoners captured more than 600,000, and the main force of the Kwantung Army almost all surrendered, which shows that the Soviet Mao Zige is really tall and mighty.

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Battle of Nomonhan

Turning back to Japan, there have always been two voices about the direction of the war: one is the "northward march" strategy represented by the Kwantung Army of the Army, in a vain attempt to seize northeast China and Siberia. One was the "southward expansion" strategy of the Japanese Navy, which was intended to swallow up all of Southeast Asia and the indochina region to which it belonged.

In the "Battle of Nomonhan", Japan suffered a shameful defeat, and at the moment it fell into the quagmire of war with China and could not extricate itself, and it still maintained a certain military presence in Southeast Asia, but at this moment it was unprofitable to send troops to Siberia. On the other hand, the Japanese Navy is still leisurely developing cat grass, and gradually the "southward" view has the upper hand.

In October 1941, Hideki Tojo, Japan's number one militarist, came to power, and he firmly believed that Japan, as a powerful country, must be a country capable of energy self-sufficiency and completely independent economy. If the "northward advance" is not mature, then quickly promote the "southward advance" and shout west! Anyway, in a word, oil, cotton, rubber, all the natural resources that can be engaged...

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Japan Imperial Council: Several big men misjudged the situation

Well, "south to north" need not be discussed! The boss's big project was launched, and now it was ok to need a shrewd CEO to execute it, and eventually the project fell into the hands of Isoroku Yamamoto, commander of the Combined Fleet of the Navy. As the leader of the Japanese Navy, Yamamoto began to prepare after fully understanding the boss's intentions.

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Film and television drama image: Isoroku Yamamoto

Japan squeezed out France, Britain, and the Netherlands through war in Southeast Asia, and gained the Indochina Peninsula and French Indochina. At the same time, the approach of militaristic Japan has also deeply disturbed the United States, which has seized benefits in Southeast Asia and the North Pacific.

"You poke me in the lung tube, then blame me for poking your bladder", Europe and the United States soon jointly imposed economic sanctions on Japan (specific measures: freeze Japan's overseas assets, reduce Japan's imports), militaristic Japan soon tasted the evil consequences of sanctions, consuming a huge amount of energy every day, and the energy that can be imported is now less than the previous layer, if the energy of time is not replenished, the big ships and cannons will become broken copper and iron, which makes Japan unacceptable.

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Bet on the "southward march" strategy of Japan's national fortunes

The sanctions in Europe and the United States did not yield to the imagination, but instead inspired Japan's determination to stop relying on Western imports. Today, Hideki Tojo believes that only through war is the only way to solve the problem.

For Japan, the biggest obstacle in Southeast Asia and the North Pacific is the United States. I was embarrassed to call Japan a great power without engaging in the United States, so the Pearl Harbor base of the US Pacific Fleet became the target of Japan's first declaration of war against the United States.

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

The boss's "southward march" project was launched: the Japanese soldiers pointed directly at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii

"The boss moved his mouth, and broke his leg below", well now it is the turn of the project leader Yamamoto Fifty-Six to have a headache.

I think Yamamoto's heart was bitter at this moment: "Ah! You say france, you engage the Netherlands, and without saying a word, I will directly drive the fleet to the Rhine. You said that I am OK to engage in Britain, and he is finished! Now you're going to do America."

Yamamoto, who studied at Harvard in the United States and served as a naval attaché at the Japanese Embassy in the United States, knows that the United States looks like a pool of stagnant water on the surface, and once this stagnant water is stirred up, it will burst out of a terrible energy.

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Yamamoto fifty-six to senior officers

Since you can't resist, enjoy it to the fullest! If you don't fight, you must destroy the ENTIRE US Pacific Fleet! Yamamoto's seemingly arrogant ideas actually have a certain room for operation. Although the United States is strong, its military strength in the North Pacific is almost the same as That of Japan, and even Japan has the slight upper hand.

Throughout the Combined Fleet of the Japanese Navy, Yamamoto was particularly known for his good bets and big gambles. Yamamoto traveled to Europe as a young man and became famous in the famous Moroccan casino, becoming the second person in the casino's history to be blacklisted for his superb gambling skills. Yamamoto himself threatened to use his superb gambling skills to win back a Yamato-class battleship for Japan.

As can be seen from Yamamoto, the Japanese Navy's family can dispatch six aircraft carriers at a time, two battleships, three cruisers, nine destroyers, three submarines, three hundred and fifty carrier-based aircraft, and five miniature submarines, which is almost all of the Navy. For the militaristic Japan, this battle is not only based on winning the war but also pursuing its own minimum casualty rate, and a "stud" master like Yamamoto is really afraid that he will destroy his own family in a naval battle.

Yamamoto himself had a clear understanding of this, so he handed over the entire fleet to the commander of the Navy's First Air Fleet, Nanyun Tadaichi, whose cautious personality was exactly the opposite of Yamamoto's Fifty-Six, hey! In our current parlance, it is to let Nanyun command so that the navy can "pull out, use it, and win the battle and pull it back." There are also many people in Japan who criticize Nanyun's timidity and cowardice, and failed to launch the third round of surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, making the crippled US Pacific Fleet even more crippled, and it is best to fight the United States incontinence, life can not take care of itself! We will elaborate on this in the next section, and I will not interpret it here.

tiger! tiger! tiger! Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor (Part 1)

Nanyun Tadaichi

Since then, why Japan insists on engaging in the United States Pearl Harbor base the context is clear, the next section we will open the curtain of Japan's sneak attack on Pearl Harbor, like friends please support more, thank you.

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