
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

author:Long little brother

Hetian Yusha jujube green

Hetian Yusha Zaoqing Senior Player Standard Summary:

Indigenous production of Hetian jade blue seed material with special texture or Gobi material (very few mountain flowing water)

The main production of sand dates


Seed feed

Jujube green

Mainly produced in: Hotan area (around the Moyu River Basin)

Kashgar Yecheng Area (around the Yarkand River)

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Gobi material

Main production area: Gobi Desert near the Alluvial Fan Plain of the Yerkand River and The Moyu River

The main producing areas of green jade and jasper Gobi around Celle are likely to produce sand jujube green

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Jujube green has a special texture

The jujube green in the eyes of novice players

The color is close to that of the leaves of the jujube tree cyan and tian yu

The sand jujube green in the eyes of old players

Hetian seed material with special texture Gobi material cyan hetian jade

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Special texture of sand jujube green【1】

The texture is delicate and rich, and the fat powder is good

The finished product is thick and solid and full of paste

The basic distinction between green jade and sand jujube green [1]

Green jade: rough stone pores are dense and dense Conventional light permeability is good Cooked glutinous Finished jade has a rich sense of aura Light permeability

Sand jujube green: rough stone pores are tight texture porcelain solid conventional light almost no sense of transparency after the finished product texture is solid and thick paste-like

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Special texture of sand jujube green【2】

Some jujube green flesh contains cat's eye line filamentous stripes

Fine silky textured superimposed structure

Usually, the larger sand jujube green material is the symbiosis of the oil part and the silk part, which belongs to the sand jujube green material that belongs to the big door in the eyes of the old player

(1) The paste part is rich and delicate (a few can achieve no structure quality)

(2) The color of the silk part is clear (a few achieve the effect of fluorescent cat's eye)

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

The basic distinction between qingyu and sand jujube [2]

Extra fine jade seed material strikes the section Of delicate felt interwoven structure

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Jujube green filamentous seed material striking cross-sectional superimposed silk texture structure

Special texture of jujube green【 3】

Seed material sand jujube green often has an old-fashioned skin color Under the skin sugar Qin Grass flowers Qin Ink dot Qin

Mix-and-match style, refined oil paste-like sand jujube green, old skin, fine meat and old texture is the heart meat of old players

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Color classification of jujube green

Jujube blue-cyan system: Generally old oil skin Thick sugar skin will have this hue General small piece of state distribution Meat delicate and clean is a fine product Very rare Old player safe hidden species

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Jujube green bean sand green blue green system: generally belongs to the green background green and Sugar color mixed to produce a special color Texture rich and comfortable boutique has a fluorescent effect

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Jujube green sugar Qin color system: generally sugar yellow Qin color chestnut yellow more uniform and clean grass-free Qin as the best quality

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Jujube Celadon White Series: Rare Porcelain Color Skin Generally Has a Light Sugar Color The structure is delicate and occasionally has a cool gray tone The jade is clear and the jade is rich and generally has a gray color root distribution

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Sand jujube green bright blue system: to the green green flesh is clean, solid and delicate is preferred

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Sand jujube green dark blue deep army green system: close to the color of black and blue Texture is more solid than black blue The sense of light is more intense

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Sand jujube green cement gray cold gray system: texture porcelain solid color unique generally has a slight filamentary pattern and color root feel oil lubrication refined oil paste-like visual effect

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

The extended color of the jujube green texture Peach blossom jade seed material: peach blossom jade generally has a filamentous pattern distribution Most of the texture is rich and occasionally has an old-fashioned skin color..... The jade properties of peach blossom jade and sand jujube green are almost the same As the leaders of the same characteristic jade species, high-quality peach blossom jade production is even rarer

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Medicinal beauty sand jujube green seed material

Jujube green seed material has a rich ointment part and a silky part symbiosis

Jasper duck egg Aoyama material will also have a filamentous part, an ointment part, symbiosis

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation
Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

Imitation seeds sand jujube green: these in the market have been selected before leaving the factory, each batch of rolling seeds will have a very similar, those that were picked out very early, the rest of these are actually very good to distinguish between true and false, everyone mainly feels the color and texture

Precautions for purchasing jujube green

(1) Pores Skin color large open door easy to identify

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

(2) The texture and oiliness must be good: the seed material sand jujube green is more warm than the jasper duck egg green Feel more warm through the river perennial wash soaking The disk play has a touch of moisture and moisturization

Jade Merchant Notes ~ Hetian Yusha Jujube Qing Detailed Explanation

(3) Try to choose trust and reliable professional businesses: long-term operation, often cut their own materials, excellent character technology, rare production and marketing channels, relatively fixed learning cutting materials, the threshold for identification is relatively high, looking for a long-term operation of this category of reliable merchants to buy is relatively safer

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