
Aiyue Fort | What conditions affect your baby's intellectual development

author:Aiyue Fort Childcare And Early Education Center

Every parent wants their child to be smart and clever, but parents need to understand which conditions will affect the baby's intelligence, so that they can solve the situation of slow intellectual development of children according to local conditions.

Aiyue Fort | What conditions affect your baby's intellectual development

1. Heredity

In general, the IQ of parents is high, and the IQ of children is not low. Of course, there is also a saying that the more distant the blood relationship of the parents, the higher the IQ of the child, and the mixed race is often beautiful and intelligent. Therefore, when choosing a spouse for a child, it is best not to choose someone who is closely related by blood.

2. Exercise

Studies have shown that students who exercise for 20 minutes a day will perform significantly better than those who are lazy to exercise. This is because physical exercise can put the brain in a relaxed state, imagination will be freed from the shackles, so that children become more creative.

3. Weight

Children who weigh more than 20% of children who compete for favors will have a low level of vision, ability to receive knowledge, and hearing. Children who are as thin as wood are also detrimental to the development of the brain, which in turn affects the development of intelligence. Then in addition to a small number of these children caused by diseases, most children will be anorexic and picky eaters. Therefore, parents must control their children's snacks, so as to ensure that their children are full when eating.

4. Marriage and childbearing time

The family is the most important place for children's intellectual development, and the cultural level of parents will have a subtle impact on children. If the parents are all primary school culture, then according to the survey research, the child's flat spring IQ is 98.3, the parents are 103.0 for junior high school graduates, 108.1 for high school graduates, and those who have obtained a college degree or above will reach 109.0.

5. Information stimulation

There are hundreds of millions of brain cells in the human brain, and its establishment depends on the early years of exercise and perception, such as whispering, smiling, touching and hugging children. Therefore, parents can give a variety of benign stimuli from the age of 0 to help the brain establish a good intellectual system as soon as possible. It can be seen that benign stimulation is very good for children's IQ development.

In summary, we can see that the factors that affect children's intellectual development are multifaceted. Therefore, if parents want to change their children's intellectual development, they must consider it from many aspects.