
The Theoretical Learning Center Group of the Municipal Party Committee held a study meeting

On the afternoon of December 2, Zhang Yongning, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and mayor, presided over the study meeting of the theoretical learning center group of the municipal party committee. The meeting invited Sun Jianping, member of the party group of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, secretary of the party group and director of the provincial grain storage bureau, to give a counseling lecture, deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on food security, in order to bear in mind the political consciousness of "two establishments" and resolutely achieve "two safeguards", unswervingly grasp the work of food security, and resolutely shoulder the major political responsibility of food security. Wang Shixiong, Lan Siqi and other leaders of various groups in the city participated in the study.

At the study meeting, Sun Jianping gave a comprehensive and systematic explanation of food security work from four aspects: "Shouldering the heavy responsibility of stabilizing grain security and firmly grasping China's rice bowl," and gave a comprehensive and systematic explanation of food security work from four aspects: "food security has always been the most important task in governing the country," "reviewing the glorious course and great achievements of the party's grain undertaking over the past century," "the severe situation and challenges facing food security at present," and "eradicating corruption in the field of grain purchase and marketing and shouldering the heavy responsibility of stabilizing food security."

Zhang Yongning pointed out that the special counseling is rich in content, vivid in examples, in-depth and simple, not only has a strong policy, theory, but also a strong pertinence and practice, which is of great guiding significance for us to do a good job in the city's food security work in the new era.

Zhang Yongning stressed: It is necessary to earnestly improve our political standing. Earnestly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's series of important instructions on food security, implement the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the Provincial Party Committee on food security to the letter, adhere to the work of ensuring food security in a prominent position, comprehensively strengthen the capacity building of grain source security, reserve management, grain circulation, and emergency supervision, and make every effort to consolidate and improve the level of food security in our city. We must strictly adhere to the bottom line of food security. We should conscientiously implement the system of farmland protection, strictly implement the policy of supporting grain and benefiting farmers, vigorously popularize the application of key technologies such as stabilizing production and increasing production, preventing and reducing disasters, and green environmental protection, give full play to the role of state-owned grain enterprises as the main channel, crack down on illegal acts of grain and oil supply in a strict and serious manner, speed up the construction of an efficient grain emergency system, focus on ensuring the source of food security, strengthen grain inventory, rotation, and quality management, and effectively ensure the stable supply of grain. It is necessary to improve the long-term mechanism of normalcy. In connection with the rectification of special inspections and inspections on grain-related issues and the special rectification of corruption in the field of grain purchase and sale, in accordance with the requirements of "blockages are in place in a timely manner and rectification and reform are carried out as soon as possible," we should improve the long-term mechanism for the supervision and control of grain purchase and sales in a targeted manner, further consolidate responsibilities, ensure that the local grain stock reserves are true, of good quality, safe in storage, and standardized in management, and truly use the system to ensure that the responsibility for food security is firmly shouldered.