
Dingzhuang Town, Lingcheng District, Dezhou: Make sufficient embroidery efforts to comprehensively improve the level of fine governance of the living environment
Dingzhuang Town, Lingcheng District, Dezhou: Make sufficient embroidery efforts to comprehensively improve the level of fine governance of the living environment

Dingzhuang Town Subdistrict, Lingcheng District, Dezhou City.

Public Network Poster News Reporter Geng Zhenzhen Correspondent Yang Baoling Reported from Lingcheng

The streets are clean and tidy, the vehicle emissions are orderly, and the landscape features of the sketches are distributed... After the implementation of the fine treatment of the human settlement environment in Zhengtun Village, Dingzhuang Town, Lingcheng District, Dezhou City, the overall appearance has been significantly improved and significantly improved.

Since the beginning of this year, Dingzhuang Town has taken the improvement of the human settlement environment as the core, combined with the work of creating a national civilized city, the civilized practice of the new era and the construction of a civilized village, refining measures, strengthening supervision, vigorously grasping implementation, precise force, and making sufficient embroidery efforts to comprehensively improve the level of fine governance of the town's human settlement environment.

Make good thoughts to lead the work in advance and create a strong atmosphere

The living environment is closely related and closely related to every ordinary person, and it is also an important index to measure the "satisfaction" and "happiness" of the masses, and we must conscientiously do a good job in ideological guidance and widely gather ideological consensus. Dingzhuang Town has made efforts to strengthen propaganda and education, using Propaganda carriers such as WeChat groups, loudspeakers, cultural and sports squares, and public columns, cultural fronts, and public service advertisements, through wall-painted slogans and local operas, to vigorously carry out the propaganda of landmark concepts and golden sentences such as "the people's yearning for a better life is our goal", "green waters and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", "garbage classification into resources, benefiting the country and the family and benefiting the people", and opening up the "last kilometer" of ideological and theoretical dissemination.

"This year is a key year to create a national civilized city, we in Dingzhuang Town also put forward the goal of building a demonstration town for the fine governance of the living environment, we the majority of the people should start from themselves, love environmental sanitation, do not litter..." Recently, at the scene of the publicity activities of the people in Zhengtun Village, the propagandist Zheng Baoshu explained to the villagers the importance of human settlement environment improvement, calling on everyone to actively participate in and jointly build a civilized Dingzhuang. Through deepening the people's propaganda, combining theoretical propaganda with services for the benefit of the people, cultural life, scene experience, and emotional exchanges, we will guide the masses to see achievements, development, and changes from the people around them and the things around them, so that the broad masses of the people can enhance their understanding of the living environment and civilized villages and towns in participation and experience, internalize in their hearts, externalize them in their actions, and take the initiative to participate and actively integrate.

At the same time, Dingzhuang Town has also popularized the knowledge of anti-drug and anti-gambling, public health and civilized etiquette through the popularization of health knowledge for the whole people, civilized traffic education, civilized table manners and other public welfare publicity, established good habits of stressing civilization, hygiene, and disease prevention, and enhanced the scientific cognition and civilized quality of the broad masses.

Do a good job in implementing the basic skills and improve the level of rectification

The improvement of the rural human settlement environment is a long-term and arduous task, and it is difficult and easy to rebound, so we must always make unremitting efforts and make long-term achievements, and implement it in detail and in detail. Dingzhuang Town has refined tasks and classifications from the aspects of improving infrastructure, improving staffing, rectifying special problems, promoting the toilet revolution, and strengthening sewage treatment, and comprehensively and effectively improving the effectiveness of rectification.

On the one hand, Dingzhuang Town has increased the investment of human and financial resources to achieve road hardening, village greening, street lighting, courtyard purification, and environmental beautification as the goal, improve the town and village transportation, water conservancy, communications, electricity, medical care, sanitation and other infrastructure, and do a good job in daily maintenance and maintenance. Promote the "toilet revolution" and sewage treatment in rural areas, accelerate the implementation of harmless treatment and resource utilization of toilet manure, and at the same time, put the "pipe" in a more prominent position to achieve the stable operation of the long-term mechanism for the follow-up management and protection of harmless sanitary toilets in rural areas. In 6 villages, the rural domestic sewage treatment project has been implemented in a targeted manner, and after the completion of the project, it can realize the unified discharge of sewage treatment for farmers and effectively improve the living standards of the masses.

On the other hand, we will promote the comprehensive treatment of rural garbage, complete the sanitation and cleaning team, improve the sanitation facilities, publicize the knowledge of garbage classification, and establish a mechanism system such as local classification and reduction of garbage and resource recycling. Carry out comprehensive environmental improvement, clean up the environmental sanitation along highways and railways, the pits, ponds, ditches, and ruins, and the surrounding environmental sanitation of the market, especially the construction and production of domestic garbage, the piles of feces in front of and behind the houses, the black and smelly water bodies, and the garbage on the shore beaches, so that there is no garbage littering, feces are piled up, livestock and livestock are running around, firewood and grass are littered, sewage is spilled, and random construction is realized, so as to realize the clean and smooth surrounding villages and the streets and alleys, and the neat and tidy cleaning in front of and behind the houses.

"We set the 20th of each month as the town's environmental sanitation centralized cleaning day, and organized party members and cadres to clean up on the streets." In addition, in combination with activities such as the theme party day, I do practical things for the masses, and I dedicate an hour to the civilization of Lingcheng, we have also promoted the normalization and institutionalization of the work of improving the living environment. Zhang Zhenkai, secretary of the Party Committee of Dingzhuang Town, introduced, "In the next step, we will also establish and implement a long-term mechanism for the management and protection of the human settlement environment with a system, a standard, a team, a fund, and a supervision," explore the rural infrastructure construction and operation mode of 'construction and operation integration, regional contiguous governance', and promote the unified planning, unified construction, unified operation, and unified management of the human settlement environment infrastructure in towns and villages." ”

Use good role models to select and enhance merit, and comprehensively lead the way

"In the past two years, we have created and selected 30 beautiful courtyards, and the town and village cadres have uniformly accepted and listed these demonstration households, and through the distribution of material rewards such as desk calendars and potted plants, everyone can actively strive for innovation and strive to be on the same page." Sun Decheng, secretary of the party branch of Sun Dikou Village, said.

Combining the construction of beautiful villages and the improvement of village customs and folk customs, Dingzhuang Town gives full play to the typical leading role of beautiful courtyard demonstration households, guides the masses to increase hygiene and cleanliness and enhance the awareness of civilization, and promotes the neat and orderly inside and outside the courtyard, and the indoor hygiene and comfort and beauty.

"At the end of the year, we will also organize the selection of 'civilized families', so that the awareness of stressing hygiene, loving the environment, stressing civilization, and building a new wind will be deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that the advanced will lead the backwards and individual groups, so as to achieve a strong improvement and long-term maintenance of the living environment of the whole village." Sun Decheng said.

At the same time, Dingzhuang Town has also organized all villages to promptly revise and improve village rules and regulations in accordance with village conditions and public opinion, effectively brought into play the positive role of villagers' autonomous organizations such as villagers' councils, moral councils, and red and white councils, guided peasants to educate themselves, serve themselves, and improve themselves; and regarded the building of civilized villages and towns as the main starting point for comprehensively promoting the building of spiritual civilization; it should be simultaneously integrated into the work of rural revitalization and grass-roots party building; it should earnestly strengthen funding guarantees, strengthen inspection and supervision, and raise the awareness, support, and participation of cadres and masses in towns and villages.

Do a good job in strengthening the spiritual outlook and condensing endogenous power

The improvement of the living environment relies on the unity of the cadres and masses of towns and villages, co-creation and co-construction, and ultimately shows the good spiritual outlook of the broad masses of people who are civilized, healthy, and positive.

Combined with the needs of the masses, organize volunteer service activities such as theoretical publicity, education and science popularization, environmental improvement, voluntary tree planting, helping the elderly and children, and epidemic disease prevention and control, improve the service capacity and level of volunteer service teams at the town and village levels, and gather strong centripetal force and spirit for the fine governance of the living environment.

"The volunteers in the town go on duty on the streets every day, rain or shine, take the lead, and we ordinary people must do a good job of cooperation and support!" Ding Zongshen, a villager in Dingzhuang Village, said, "Such a clean and tidy square needs to rely on everyone's maintenance to ensure that we have a good place for activities." ”

In addition, Relying on traditional festivals such as the Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Chongyang, Dingzhuang Town has strengthened the construction and management of cultural and sports facilities such as the town's comprehensive cultural station, the village comprehensive cultural center, the cultural and sports square, and the rural bookstore through organizing and carrying out mass cultural and sports activities such as "Our Festival", vividly and concretely publicizing and popularizing the core socialist values, so that the masses can deepen their understanding and daily use in the midst of hearing and seeing, and constantly enhance the humanistic spiritual outlook.