
China's super high-rise buildings are the first in the world, which city has the most high-rise buildings? Neither Beijing nor Shanghai

author:Anne shows you the world

Now we live in the environment can be said to have been surrounded by high-rise buildings, in the big city we walk under the high-rise buildings and even have an inexplicable sense of pressure, in order to use the high-rise space rate is higher, the new buildings in various cities are rising at an amazing height, think back to that year, most of the residential buildings are at a height of 6 floors, and now we see the new community new houses have rarely seen those buildings below 6 floors, most of them are more than a dozen floors and twenty floors of the height upwards, But not every city will move up to tall buildings.

China's super high-rise buildings are the first in the world, which city has the most high-rise buildings? Neither Beijing nor Shanghai

▲High-rise buildings

China has been in the forefront of the world in high-rise buildings, which is not to say how high-rise buildings built in China are, but the number of these high-rise buildings ranks first in the world steadily, if we take 150 meters of high-rise buildings as a standard, the number of high-rise buildings in China above 150 meters occupies one-third of the world, and it is also the first position in the world.

In addition to the high-rise buildings leading the world, in recent years China's building speed is also very fast, there are data show that in 2018, the domestic new buildings accounted for 61.5% of the world's total, many people may not have much feeling about just looking at the proportion, in the past few years, there are more than 200 meters of high-rise buildings in the world, and China has built 88, so look at how high the number of high-rise buildings in China is.

China's super high-rise buildings are the first in the world, which city has the most high-rise buildings? Neither Beijing nor Shanghai


Since there are so many high-rise buildings in China, which city has the most high-rise buildings? I believe that many people's first reaction is to go north to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, as China's four major first-tier cities, the economy is much more developed than other cities, and the scale of urban construction is also very large, so it is a very normal thing to have many high-rise buildings.

China's super high-rise buildings are the first in the world, which city has the most high-rise buildings? Neither Beijing nor Shanghai

▲Shenzhen high-rise buildings

However, it is true that as the four cities with the most developed economic development, the number of high-rise buildings in China is also in the forefront, and people who have been to these cities also know that when walking in the most prosperous parts of the city center, looking up are all high-rise buildings rising from the ground, many people who have just gone to these cities will even feel an inexplicable sense of pressure.

China's super high-rise buildings are the first in the world, which city has the most high-rise buildings? Neither Beijing nor Shanghai


In fact, although the number of high-rise buildings in the north, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen is in the forefront, but the real first is not any of these four cities, the city with the largest number of high-rise buildings in China is actually Chongqing, but the high-rise buildings here do not refer to the kind of buildings that are hundreds of meters high, but those super high-rise residential buildings, there are relevant data that the number of super high-rise residential buildings in Chongqing reached 2200, while our capital Beijing only has 125, from which we can also see, Among the super-high-rise residential buildings, the gap between Beijing and Chongqing is not a star and a half.

China's super high-rise buildings are the first in the world, which city has the most high-rise buildings? Neither Beijing nor Shanghai

▲Chongqing residential buildings

The reason why there will be so many super high-rise residential buildings in Chongqing is also because the terrain of Chongqing is more complex, most of the areas in Chongqing are mountainous, and the resources that can be used as building land are very small, and in order to meet the housing requirements of Chongqing residents, the residential buildings can only be built higher in the location where resources are scarce, and the sunshine conditions in Chongqing do not have any restrictions on the height of the residences, so the number of super high-rise residential buildings is relatively large.

However, according to the skyscrapers of more than 200 meters as a standard, the number of skyscrapers occupied by Chongqing is not the first in the country, but ranks fourth in the country, and the number of skyscrapers owned by Chongqing cannot catch up with Guangzhou, Nanjing and other cities.