
Shaanxi Baoji was once a famous brand industrial product

author:Hongchao said history

Qinchuan Daqu Wine: a traditional product of the county's Xiqin Distillery, it was registered as a trademark xifeng famous wine in 1950, changed its registered trademark to shuangfeng brand xifeng wine in 1960, and changed to Qinchuan daqu wine in 1969. In 1980, it was awarded the title of high-quality wine in the light industry system of Shaanxi Province, in 1984 it won the silver cup award in the national liquor quality competition, the ministry of light industry awarded the title of high-quality wine, and in 1985, the provincial people's government named it "Shaanxi Local Famous Wine".

According to the old records, Qinchuan Daqu wine began around the first year of the Western Qin Dynasty to the thirteenth year (388~400). At that time, Qifu Qiangui capital was built in Sanjiaocheng (former Qin Jian Jian, site in present-day Guchuan Township Foyan Cliff, also known as Qin Wangzhai), found that the spring water under the cliff was as clear as a mirror, sweet and delicious, so he recruited wine workers and selected high-quality barley and peas

Shaanxi Baoji was once a famous brand industrial product

3. Sorghum winemaking, the wine brewed is crystal clear, soft and refreshing, and the aftertaste is endless. After the fall of Western Qin, due to the lack of local raw materials, its wine workshop was located in Yuzhen and moved to continue brewing, with a history of about 1600 years. In the Tang Dynasty, it was included in the treasures with "Ganquan Good Wine, Qingjian Alcohol" and was once famous in the world.

Qinchuan Daqu wine is made of exquisite materials, complicated craftsmanship and delicate production. Raw materials are mainly sorghum, barley, peas, supplemented by sorghum husks, rice skin, requiring raw materials to be fresh, insect-free, no mildew, no debris, no strange taste, moisture, starch, protein content have reached the specified physical and chemical requirements; the production of large koji, the barley, peas in proportion to the mixing and screening, vacuuming, removal of impurities after crushing, made of curved surfaces, proportionally add water (water temperature of about 15 degrees Celsius), mix well, and then pressed into thin and consistent, soft and hard moderate, smooth surface, no ash, no cracks, no water flowers, curved into the curved room to store cultivated bacteria, After the rest of the month, after the identification of those who meet the specified indicators of physics and chemistry, it can be used; the process of making wine, its process needs to go through 18 processes of ingredients, cellars, broken cellars, round cellars, plugging cellars, picking cellars, etc., and after starting to distill out new wine, store them in wine Haizi according to the degree, through redox, so that ethanol is combined with water molecules, so that it is naturally mature, increasing the aroma, which is the basic wine. To be stored for more than a year, according to its characteristics of scientific blending, after strict inspection, qualified people out of the factory sales. Quality standards are divided into physical and chemical indicators and sensory indicators. Sensory index requirements, color: clear and transparent; incense: with the unique fragrance of this product; taste: mellow and smooth, sweet and soft.

Shaanxi Baoji was once a famous brand industrial product
Shaanxi Baoji was once a famous brand industrial product

Qinchuan Daqu liquor physical and chemical indicators Huayue brand medicine socks: in 1983, the county knitting factory and the Institute of Dermatology of Shanghai First Medical College successfully developed, divided into 70D Jinlong elastic silk (nylon socks) and 60D Jinlong silk (silk stockings), processed with anti-mold drugs, which have strong killing and inhibition functions for the prevention and treatment of athlete's foot disease, and have obvious curative effect on foot sweat and foot odor. Clinical trials, with an effective rate of 87%, have been soaked and washed more than 100 times, and exposed to the hot sun for 200 hours, and their effects are particularly present. In 1985, it won the first prize of excellent new product of Baoji Municipal People's Government, which sold well in 18 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions across the country and exported to Hong Kong.

Compound feed: The county feed processing plant, the Provincial Animal Husbandry Research Institute and the Northwest Agricultural University have successfully conducted joint research, divided into 8 kinds of feeds such as chicks 101 and 201, layer chicken No. 1 and No. 2 and fattening pigs, dairy cows, large livestock, pigs, etc., and are made of corn, barley, sorghum, black beans, fava pupae, fish meal, rapeseed cake, cottonseed cake, bone meal, calcium powder and its minerals, trace elements, polyvins, etc. In 1984, the Provincial Science and Technology Commission identified as the best formula, and in 1985, the Provincial Grain Bureau and the Bureau of Standards and Metrology jointly identified that 8 products contain metabolic energy, digestion energy, milk production capacity, crude protein, calcium and phosphorus and other ingredients, all of which meet the provincial standards, and the No. 1 and No. 2 feeds of layer chickens were rated as provincial high-quality products. The 2650 tons produced in 1987, in addition to supplying the county and Baoji City, Qishan, Fengxiang, Meixian, Linyou and other counties, has been exported to Xinjiang, Gansu, Guangdong, Guangxi, Jiangsu and other provinces and regions.

Meihua brand 19/21 white factory silk: one of the main products of the county silk factory, with mulberry silkworm cocoon as raw material, after fine selection and stripping, boiling cocoon, reeling, re-shaking, finishing and other processes. The product texture is excellent, light and soft, white as jade, and is known as "a unique show". From 1969 to 1987, it exported 551.62 tons, worth 26.1759 million yuan, and sold to Japan, India, the Soviet Union and Western Europe.

Silk power spinning: a new product of the county silk factory, in December 1958, it was awarded the second prize of the municipal excellent new product by the Municipal Economic Commission. There are also silk fabrics soft satin quilts and baoguang silk, which are also famous in the province.

Clothing: The county garment factory produces 11 kinds of clothing, such as single children's clothing, medium velvet boys' trousers, men's overalls, men's overalls, men's workwear, bermuda women's shorts, toad suits, etc., which are known at home and abroad for their novel styles, fine workmanship, and beautiful and generous

Shaanxi Baoji was once a famous brand industrial product

It sells well in 12 countries, including Japan, Germany, France, the Netherlands, the United States, Australia, Belgium and Kuwait. From 1985 to 1987, a total of 199178 pieces of clothing were exported, earning 4.206 million yuan in foreign exchange.

Fuqiang flour: As one of the main products of the county flour mill, it is famous for its fine and white flour grains, and is the best material for making high-grade nutritious food. In October 1987, it won the title of Shaanxi Province Quality Product. In addition to being supplied to baoji city, Xi'an, Hanzhong and Ankang in the county, this product has been sold to Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai and other provinces and regions.

Yuzhen lacquerware: For the traditional products of the county wood ware factory, it is known for its flatness, brightness, not afraid of hot, fading (the longer the time, the brighter the luster). With earth paint as the main raw material, in recent years, it has been equipped with rubbing paint as an accessory, and the product is better. The process flow is complex, the workmanship is extremely fine, and it needs to be wrapped in raw lacquer cloth, flattened with mud, polished, colored, painted, glazed (cooked soil paint), yin yu (humidity is 25 to 28 degrees, temperature is about 20 degrees, and there are more than 20 processes such as "February and August paint"). The fading lacquer small dinner table produced in 1980 was rated as a high-quality product of Baoji Municipal People's Government; the four seasons flower lacquer art carved screen produced in 1985 won the Provincial Arts and Crafts Company Provincial Lacquerware Production Excellent Work Award.

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