
185 years ago, the Qinglian Rebellion in Wugang City was completely annihilated by the skillful plan of The Gentry of Wugang Ichigo

author:Meet Wei Yuan Library

Qinglian Sect, also known as Wuwei Jindan Dao, was a folk religious sect in the middle and late Qing Dynasty, derived from Luo religion. The Qinglian Sect has a political proposition of "opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty", so the historical Qinglian Sect has had many uprisings throughout the country, most of which occurred in Sichuan, Hubei and other places. What people did not expect was that the Wugang area in southwest Hunan also had an incident of the Qinglian Sect uprising. Today, I will work with you to sort out the events of the "Qinglian Sect Uprising" that occurred in Wugang City 185 years ago, and welcome you to add and Yazheng. If you want to understand the customs and customs of Wugang and local anecdotes, I suggest that you find the author to take a look at the "Wugang County Chronicle", which is the first official revision of the "Wugang County Chronicle" after the founding of New China, which is worth carefully studying.

185 years ago, the Qinglian Rebellion in Wugang City was completely annihilated by the skillful plan of The Gentry of Wugang Ichigo

Majestic Wugang Castle

In the tenth year of the Qing Dynasty, that is, in 1830, a Qinglian Sect person came from Sichuan, named Wang A., Wang also came secretly to Wugang, Xinning and other places to develop Qinglian Sect believers, and their purpose was to oppose the Qing Kuang and restore the rule of the Han People. Cheng Konggu and Wang Lian of Wugang County, as well as Lan Zhengzhu, Chen Zhongchao, Zhang Yonglu, and others from Xinning County, joined the Qinglian Sect one after another.

In December of the fifteenth year of Daoguang (December 1835), Cheng Konggu, a group of Wugang believers on the Wugang side, were arrested and charged by the Qing government, at this time, the Qinglian sects in other areas were afraid that things would leak out their lives, so on the first 5th of February 1836, more than 3,000 believers gathered in The Kowloon Nunnery in Zhenyuan, Xinning County, and decided to revolt against the Qing.

They supported lan zhengzhuan, a Qinglian sect in Xinning County, as the king of Wei and changed the yuan to "just built." Lan Zhengzhu, the King of Wei, made Luo Caiqing, Jiang Yuyuan, and Zou Yuanyou the Grand Marshal and Zhang Yonglu the Military Commander, and issued an edict," "The Thirteen Articles of Wang Zheng," informing An Min that liu bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, had the momentum of entering the three chapters of the Law of The Customs Treaty. On February 6, 1836, Lan Zhengzhu hastily reorganized a contingent of several thousand people into an army, and sent Zou Yuanyou as an emissary to the yamen of Wugang Prefecture to negotiate, hoping that Wugang Zhizhou would surrender to the city.

185 years ago, the Qinglian Rebellion in Wugang City was completely annihilated by the skillful plan of The Gentry of Wugang Ichigo

Qinglian Sect rebels

On February 7, 1836, Lan Zhengzhuo, the defender of the Qinglian Sect, led the reorganized rebel army to attack Wugang City in three ways: Chen Zhongchao led a group of men and horses to attack Wugang from Anxinguan, Jiang Yuyuan led a group of men and horses to attack Wugang from the Dagu Mountain of Chengbu, and Lan Zhengzhun led the main force to attack Wugang in the middle of the road to Weixi Chong. In the southern suburbs of Wugang City, wang lian, a Qinglian sect member in the Qing army, was the internal response. Xu Chun, Zhizhou of Wugang Prefecture, detained Zou Youyuan, who had come to negotiate, pretended to say that he wanted to surrender to the city, but in fact had secretly set up an ambush in Wugang City. The Qinglian Sect rebel army was obviously inexperienced, thought it was successful, and entered the city with its men and horses, but after entering the ambush circle of the official palace, the Qing soldiers directly bombarded it with red-clad cannons, and the Qinglian Sect suffered heavy losses and had to return to Caijiatang to defeat. In order to facilitate everyone's understanding, the author simply drew a map of the war.

185 years ago, the Qinglian Rebellion in Wugang City was completely annihilated by the skillful plan of The Gentry of Wugang Ichigo

Wugang Qinglian Sect attacked Wugang Situation Map

After the defeated qinglian sect retreated to Caijiatang, the local squire Zhang Qian pretended to entertain the rebellious generals in his family ancestral hall, and the generals led by Zhang Yonglu were sleepy and hungry, so they gladly joined the association. The squire Zhang Qian, while ambushing his subordinates around the ancestral hall, quickly sent reinforcements to Protect Wugang Zhizhou.

Zhang Qian and the qinglian sect generals pushed cups and changed cups, the dishes were five flavors, and the wine was three rounds, at this time the reinforcements of the official government also arrived, plus the township braves who had been ambushed before, and together they suddenly attacked the Qinglian Sect army, hitting them by surprise, and all the Qinglian Sect generals who attended the banquet were all arrested, and at this point, a Qinglian Sect uprising that occurred in Wugang City was completely annihilated by the squire Zhang Qian.