
Today in History (Battle of Changde)

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December 3, 1943 The main generals in the fierce battle between China and Japan in Changde were Sun Lianzhong, Wang Jingjiu, Wang Yaowu, Yu Chengwan, Shi Zhongcheng, Hu Lian, Chi Fengcheng, and Zhang Lingfu.

The Chinese commander Sun Lianzhong, the Japanese commander Isamu Yokoyama

  On December 3, 1943, the Chinese defenders in Changde were covered with the corpses of the Chinese and Japanese armies, and the 57th Division of the 70th Army guarding Changde ran out of ammunition after 15 days and nights of fierce fighting. Relying on its positions to stubbornly resist the attack, delay the Japanese army's attack, and inflict major attrition on the enemy, the Battle of Changde was one of the large-scale battles during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and it was also one of the most meaningful victories since the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and it had a certain position in the entire War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression and even in World War II.

Xu Guozhang, commander of the 150th Division, Peng Shiliang, commander of the Provisional 5th Division, and Sun Mingjin, commander of the Reserve 10th Division, were martyred in this battle.

According to the number of casualties reported by the Chinese participating troops, the Sixth Theater lost 45,000 people, the Ninth Theater lost 15,000 people, and the Fifth Theater lost 3,000 people, a total of more than 60,000 people.

Today's prosperity is as you wish,

Remembering the martyrs and remembering history!!!