
Magic Hour is wonderful and necessary to read and read aloud


Magic Hour is wonderful and necessary to read and read aloud.

To be honest, when I first saw this book. I thought that this book, like other books, would start with all kinds of particularly scientific, high-end theoretical research. Because I have read some books about children learning to read before. They generally start from some psychology, cognition, behavior, sociology, these are more theoretical starting points. But there are some things in these books that the reader reads with a half-understanding, as if they understand non-understanding. Yet he has little real practical guiding significance.

The book Magic Hour is absolutely different from the way they tell it. He also has his own theoretical basis and his own long-term research results, but the book can also appear more approachable. There is no theoretical preaching and the image of tall authority. He told everyone from some practical examples and real events about the importance of reading and reading aloud. And several other related insights. Here do not talk about knowledge, although the word knowledge appears to be somewhat high-end, but it seems too rigid, and the reader seems to have a certain sense of distance, the book is about the author's experience and insight, the author is to share with the reader to experience his research and his practical application effect.

First of all, the views put forward by the author are very agreeable, and they are in agreement. Reading has never been far away or missing in my life. No matter how much the advent of the electronic age has brought to reading, but such a habit, no one should lose. Especially the reading of the sound during reading. It is also a deliberate reading behavior that needs to be actively promoted. This talk read aloud is an unparalleled experience. When one person reads to another it is a magical alchemy that happens. It really seems like magic produces magical effects.

Even though I've been away from school for years. But I came across some good chapters, good text in the process of reading. I still can't help but read it aloud. In this way, it seems that you can immerse your body and mind in a three-dimensional environment created by words, with the beauty of the connotation of words, the rhythmic beauty of language and sound.

Reading aloud is truly incredibly powerful. The reader, the book, and the listener are all part of it. In the process of reading aloud, these three will undergo magical transcendent changes. Although the sound has passed, it will leave traces in the listener's imagination and memory. The author also mentions the latest developments in modern behavioral science and brain science, and gradually unveils its mystery for us. When people feel confused and confused, read aloud, it seems to be reshaping the human brain.

Let's think about our human history. Isn't the history of mankind a history of storytelling? When there are no mosquitoes, humans draw inspiration from ancient sources of happiness through storytelling through sound. Let's look at the current people, with the current electronic products, the current middle school students stay at home, from morning to night are on the Internet, teenagers hold the door in their hands, lost in the virtual world of mobile phones, adults are also addicted to the social network, people in some electronic products are convenient to use at the same time, but also lost too many useful things. So wise people will keep themselves and their families away from those electronics. Because reading has a happy and infinite magic that can bring people closer to their hearts.

So that is to say, reading can make the bond of love closer. The book also addresses the importance of picture books for children's development. Telling stories to infants and young children promotes trust, as well as their early language skills, and the development of self-regulation. It also enhances children's attention. to develop good and healthy habits. Reading through reading and reading aloud, as well as reading together in communication with each other. It's like language communication between people. Interactive reading can increase children's vocabulary. Children can have a wider and more convenient space in practical applications. Through a lot of reading, there will also be quantitative changes caused by qualitative changes. Let the children's thinking change the monthly salary. They may withdraw from these real lives and abstract their own thinking. Let your imagination be richer and more free. Explore more subtleties and a high level of knowledge. Of course, reading aloud is not just a child's preserve. Reading aloud from nurseries to nursing homes should be promoted. Let lang lang's students endure for a long time. The beautiful combination of books and sounds will make the emotional and spiritual worlds of adults never empty.

Let all of us fall in love with reading, let us all read aloud. Adding up to a lot, reading can make a magical change in our lives. This may be the real magic moment.

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