
Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

author:Mr. Muzi talks about catering

The hottest track for catering financing in 2021 is noodles.

Hefu Fish noodles obtained two rounds of financing within one year, with a financing amount of more than 1 billion yuan; met Xiaomian to obtain two rounds of financing, the amount of financing exceeded 100 million; Wuye Noodles obtained two rounds of financing for two consecutive months, with a financing amount of more than 300 million yuan; MaJi Yonglanzhou beef noodles obtained two rounds of financing, the amount exceeded 100 million; Chen Xianggui obtained 3 rounds of financing, the amount exceeded 300 million...

After the epidemic in the face of the decline in passenger flow, food costs and labor costs, many small shops can not bear the pressure to close down, on the contrary, many chain brands in the capital under the blessing of rapid expansion, Lanzhou ramen market suddenly lively, new ramen brands appeared, capital crazy, and even some people predict that there are brands can open thousands of stores, then lanzhou ramen market in the end? Why does capital like Lanzhou ramen? What does the endgame look like in the future? Today, Mr. Muzi will talk to you about this topic.

Why does capital like Lanzhou ramen?

1. There are categories and no brands.

Lanzhou ramen has more than 30,000 stores in China, most of them self-employed, who share a trademark/name and few chain brands.

So far, there have not been more than 1,000 chain brands, before the Oriental Palace in the peak of the number of chain stores more than 300, now Chen Xianggui announced to the outside world 200 directly operated stores, in contrast, the rice of the hometown chicken has exceeded a thousand stores, village base and Mr. Rice together also more than a thousand stores.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

The size of the Chinese ramen market is expected to be 312 billion in 2021 and 430.5 billion by 2024, an increase of 100 billion, with a compound annual growth rate of about 12%. Lanzhou ramen is the largest noodle in Chinese-style ramen, with big fish in the water, a large market for Lanzhou ramen, and a lot of room for the growth of chain brands.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

Capital can pressure a brand with growth potential in the big track is very profitable, which is the first point of capital to pay attention to Lanzhou ramen, so even if the valuation of the new ramen brand is high, there are people who invest, because the logic of capital to make money is not to sell noodles bowl by bowl, but to increase the valuation, and then someone takes over or can cash out after listing to make money.

2. Consumption upgrade, market vacancy.

After the epidemic, the consumption of Chinese consumers has been polarized, on the one hand, there are rich people, the epidemic has no impact on their consumption behavior and consumption decisions, or they should buy what they want, but they account for a minority; on the other hand, they are not so rich people, the epidemic has changed everyone's consumption habits, will be more rational consumption, reduce the amount of consumption and consumption frequency, this is the mass population.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

Ai media consulting report shows that in the first half of 21 years, the single consumption amount of Chinese consumers going to noodle shops, less than 15 yuan accounted for 13%, 16-30 yuan accounted for up to 43.9%, 31-50 yuan accounted for 33.1%, plus 50 yuan or less of 90% of the proportion, or low-end consumers more, do the public can accept the noodle shop is easier to scale development.

New-style ramen open in the mall, to meet the rich office workers, their consumption power is strong, willing to pay for quality, while many shopping malls are not Lanzhou ramen, because the traditional ramen brand are open in the community and the street, this is the market gap and opportunity point, the new ramen brand on the traditional ramen has been upgraded, in the space is cleaner and brighter, in the category back to the traditional renamed beef noodles, in the product structure is simpler, the service is better, although the unit price of customers compared to the traditional ramen market is much higher, But in the mall, it is not high compared to other brands.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

Muzi teacher once saw a brand that moved the baked cold noodles to the mall, the business is very bleak, the baked cold noodles sold outside are 8 yuan a piece, they sell 18 copies in the mall, they do not see the difference in the amount, the difference in packaging and the difference in ingredients, do not see the value, just simply see the price is expensive, it is difficult to stimulate everyone's desire to buy, and there are many snacks in the mall, it seems that it is very unremarkable.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

Similarly, when things on the street are moved to the mall, some people succeed and some people fail. The noodle price of the new ramen brand is not much more expensive than that of the traditional brand, but through the combination of products to increase the unit price of customers, allowing customers to order more meat skewers, side dishes and desserts. Consumers have an obvious price perception of the most core noodles, and consumers can accept that the price of noodles is more expensive.

eg: The price of beef ramen at the parity in Beijing is 18 yuan, and the price of new-style ramen is 26 yuan, which is 44% higher; the price of grilled cold noodles on the street is 8 yuan, and the price of grilled cold noodles in shopping malls is 18 yuan, which is 125% higher.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

In fact, the competitors of the new ramen brand are not traditional ramen (at least not yet), their real competitors are Fulai noodles and Ajisen ramen, everyone's unit price and service are similar, the location is similar, the competition is the choice of consumers, from the taste point of view, beef noodles are more universal, can meet more people.

The new ramen brand can meet the consumption upgrade and market vacancies, which has been proved, so the capital will invest, and the monthly turnover of the single store of Hefu Noodles is 500,000-550,000 yuan, the ping effect is 4500-5000 yuan, and the three new ramen brands Are both higher than the Two data of Hefu Noodles, with a turnover of 500,000-600,000 yuan and a ping effect of up to 5,000 yuan.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

3. High degree of standardization, easy to copy.

Ramen has a high degree of standardization, the kitchen equipment is simple, the proportion of area is small, the dough can be made by the central factory, the soup base can be made of spice package by the factory, other products can also be prepared or clean dishes, after doing the training of the ramen master, the efficiency of the entire production and operation is very high, the degree of dependence on people is not high, we go to eat a ramen, basically two minutes on the top, after eating less than 15 minutes, the efficiency is very high.

Although there has been controversy about product standardization, the first principle of catering enterprises to become bigger and stronger is product standardization, at present, consumers are acceptable, so capital dares to invest with confidence, because the category is easy to copy, and the brand also has the ability to copy on a large scale.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

4. The battle of efficiency, efficient elimination of inefficient.

Muzi teacher went to the traditional ramen shop to do research, the efficiency is shockingly low, before the epidemic can be ok, many stores can make money, but after the epidemic everyone is basically supported, barely maintained, the traditional ramen shop lacks modern management, the cost is extremely high, the rent is high, the labor cost is high, a small shop of about 200 square meters with more than a dozen people, and there is no hourly worker, hundreds of products, some products only sell a few copies a month, the cost of ingredients is also high, and the quality is uncontrollable, the service is not standardized, The monthly revenue is about 300,000, and the net profit is less than 5%.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

In contrast, the new ramen brand has high efficiency, high timeliness, high ping efficiency, high human efficiency, and the overall efficiency of making money is higher.

The money-making efficiency of traditional ramen brands is too low, if the operation mode of the new ramen brand is adopted, the future development of street shops (which may use new brands) will have a great impact on traditional brands, resulting in the closure of many small shops and the rapid increase in the chain rate. If the new ramen brand is relatively smooth in the mall, it will take about 3 years, and after 3 years, it will usher in a head-on duel between new ramen and traditional ramen, efficient elimination is inefficient, it is only a matter of time, and it is impossible to hide.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

Will there be a Wandian chain brand in the Lanzhou ramen market?

If you look at it according to shopping mall stores, the new ramen brand will encounter a bottleneck when it reaches 300-500, and the probability of a thousand-store chain brand is not large, because of the limitations of the point and consumer population. Hefu Lao noodles have been established for 9 years, with financing of more than 1 billion yuan, and the current number of stores has not exceeded 500; Mr. Li beef noodles have been established for more than 30 years, using direct operation and franchise models, and the number of stores has not exceeded 1,000; the thousand stores plan of Aichi Ramen ten years ago has not been realized until now... It is difficult for the number of ramen brand stores to exceed 1,000, and it is even more difficult to exceed 10,000.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

At present, there are only 4 brands with more than 10,000 stores in the Chinese market, Michelle Ice City, Wallace, Delicious Duck Neck and Zhengxin Chicken Steak, everyone adopts the model of joining/partnership, the store is small, the unit price is low, and it is mainly made through the supply chain. If there is a brand using modern management methods, through the direct operation + franchise or franchise model, vigorously develop street and community stores, the number of stores over thousands should not be a problem, the layout of the first and second line and the sinking market, coupled with the development of overseas markets, the number of stores is also possible, but it requires clear strategic planning and strong operation and management capabilities, the difficulty will be very large, the time will be a long time, at present, it is not clear which brand will do ten thousand stores, I am afraid it is difficult for someone to do it within ten years.

Judging from the current situation, everyone may think that the investment logic of capital is problematic, because the number of shopping mall stores opened by the new ramen brand is limited, and it is difficult to achieve the scale of thousands of stores. But now we only see the first step, they should have a second or third step of the plan, first occupy the commanding heights - shopping mall stores, then establish a base - street stores, and finally expand the scene - new retail, otherwise the current layout of shopping mall stores can not support the scale that capital wants.

Will there be a thousand store chain brands in Lanzhou ramen? The dispute between new ramen and traditional ramen

The final prediction of Lanzhou ramen

1. The competition in the Lanzhou ramen market has both incremental and stock, from the data calculated by iResearch, the compound annual growth rate of Chinese noodle restaurants in the next 3 years is about 12%, and by 2024, the market size will reach 430.59 billion, at this stage, the new ramen brand and traditional ramen are dislocated competition, although the products are the same, but the people served are different, and the locations are different.

2. The traditional husband and wife store operation efficiency is too low, the ability to resist risks is poor, it is urgent to improve in terms of operation, when the new ramen brand completes the layout of the mall, it is likely to launch a new brand layout street shop, and the traditional ramen brand to compete head-on, due to the scale advantage, better efficiency, the traditional ramen shop will be greatly impacted.

3. How do traditional ramen brands make more money? The brand and space are upgraded to cover more young people, otherwise there are more middle-aged customers now, and it is easy to have customer age faults in the future; appropriately adjust the product structure, make the menu more concise, cut off products with low order rate, and supplement high gross profit products; rationally use hourly workers, reduce the number of full-time personnel, and give certain incentives; adhere to parity, try to open small shops, and improve service, takeaway and marketing. Traditional ramen brands make money mainly from franchises and supply chains.

4. How can new ramen brands make more money? Accurate site selection, the establishment of a basic management system and talent training system, do a good job in digital marketing and supply chain infrastructure construction, the early stage of a single product (signature ramen), the follow-up will increase other products, enrich the number of products, because the pain point of ramen is that his addiction is not strong, the number of times to eat is easy to get tired, will affect the frequency of consumption. The new ramen brand mainly makes money by operational efficiency and scale advantages.

5. Focus on the Lanzhou ramen brand, the new ramen brand has Chen Xianggui, Ma Jiyong and Zhang Lala, now Chen Xianggui runs faster, in addition to Henan also has a brand called Zhang Bowl, it is said that it has also integrated a lot of capital to prepare for power; traditional brands have Oriental Palace, Western Mahua and Malan ramen, they may be upgraded and adjusted.