
"Welcoming the Party Congress and Forging Ahead on a New Journey" Interview - Visiting Ma Yueyao, Secretary of the Qingshui County CPC Committee

author:New Tianshui Network

Stride towards a new journey and reshape new advantages for development

——Visiting Ma Yueyan, secretary of the Qingshui County CPC Committee

New Tianshui News reporter Li Xintong

Recently, Ma Yueyao, secretary of the Qingshui County CPC Committee, said in an interview with reporters that the "Resolution" deliberated and adopted by the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China profoundly revealed "why we were able to succeed in the past and how we can continue to succeed in the future." This is an action guide that takes history as a mirror, creates the future, and realizes the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Ma Yueyu said that through studying General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech and the spirit of the "Resolution" in its original form, I have a deeper thinking and understanding of the spiritual essence of the plenum, more consciously remembering the original mission, and more firmly taking the road of catching up with the examination in the new era. First, to take the road of catching up with the examination in the new era, we must continue the red blood from the "great significance of the five aspects", "the major achievements in the thirteen aspects", and "the ten historical crystals of persistence", and move forward with firm courage and determination. Second, to take the road of catching up with the examination in the new era, we must resolutely implement the practical requirements of the "two establishments," strengthen our lofty aspirations, arouse the spirit of making progress, and forge the courage to take responsibility, and truly transform the "two establishments" into ideological consciousness, political consciousness, and action consciousness of achieving the "two safeguards." The third is to take the road of catching up with the examination in the new era, always keep in mind the original mission, adhere to the fundamental position of people-centered, and take the initiative to draw spiritual strength from the selfless feelings of General Secretary Xi Jinping", "I will live up to the people without me", so that the development results can benefit the people more and more fairly. Fourth, to do a good job in taking the road of catching up with the examination in the new era, we must persist in studying, understanding, and understanding the latest achievements in the party's innovative theory, and always maintain political firmness with theoretical sobriety.

Ma Yueyan told reporters that in the past five years, Qingshui County has adhered to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, bravely undertaken its duties and missions throughout the county, determined to overcome difficulties, launched a general offensive against absolute poverty, and achieved a comprehensive victory in the battle against poverty. After the poverty alleviation efforts, the rural areas of the county have undergone historic leaps and bounds and great changes, the spiritual outlook of the masses who have been lifted out of poverty has been renewed, the relationship between the party and the masses and between cadres and the masses has been significantly improved, and the party's ruling foundation in the rural areas has become more solid. Unswervingly grasp the project structure to improve quality, and the foundation for county economic development has been continuously consolidated. Adhere to the foundation of making up for shortcomings and increasing the value of the face, and take a solid step in coordinating the development of urban and rural areas. Earnestly practicing the concept of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", the construction of ecological civilization has been continuously strengthened, and the defense of blue sky, clear water and pure land has achieved remarkable results. We should strive to improve the well-being of the people with heart and soul, and create a new situation in people's livelihood and social undertakings. Conscientiously implement the general requirements of party building in the new era, carry out in-depth study and education on "two studies and one doing," education on the theme of "not forgetting the original intention, keeping firmly in mind the mission," and party history study and education, so that the foundation of the faith of the majority of party members is more solid, and the calcium of the spirit is more sufficient.

Ma Yueyan said that at present, Qingshui is in a superposition period of multiple development opportunities, a critical period of reshaping new advantages in development, a period of tackling tough problems in deepening reform and opening up, and a window period for narrowing the development gap. We will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, comprehensively promote the overall layout of the "five-in-one", coordinate the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, implement the overall requirements of the "three new and one high", adhere to the party's overall leadership, adhere to the party's spiritual genealogy to draw the strength to forge ahead, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress in stability, adhere to the people-centered, based on the development positioning of "one place, two regions", build "six characteristic industrial plates", promote high-quality development in an all-round way, and build a large industrial county and a healthy and happy land Humanistic resorts, ecological gardens, and happy homes, strive to write a new chapter in the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization clean water, and use practical actions to answer the new era topics of "what kind of clean water to build" and "how to build clean water".

Ma Yueyan said that in the next five years, Qingshui County will be guided by the integrated development of the first, second and third industries, concentrate on creating "six characteristic industrial sectors", unswervingly implement the project-driven strategy, and go all out to promote the development of county economic characteristics, characteristic economic industrialization, and industrial agglomeration clusters. Deeply promote the three-year multiplication action plan for the advantageous characteristic industries of the modern Silk Road cold and drought agriculture, continue to strengthen the "five major enrichment industries" of fruits, animal husbandry, vegetables, Chinese medicinal materials and small miscellaneous grains, build the "five major industrial demonstration belts" with high standards, promote the large-scale, intensive, industrialized and park-oriented development of characteristic agriculture, and accelerate the construction of "Gansu Province's characteristic agricultural industrialization and agricultural product processing base". Seize the opportunity of the province to build a 100-billion-level medical and health industry cluster, build a health care and big health industry cluster covering traditional Chinese medicine health care, hot spring health care, ecological function convalescence, Chinese herbal medicine industry, health food, sojourn pension, and accelerate the construction of the "Yellow River Upstream Health Care and Great Health Industry Integration Development Pilot Zone". Focusing on the implementation of the carbon peak and carbon neutrality strategy, promote the construction of clean energy industrial parks and power transmission channels, and accelerate the construction of the "Longdongnan Clean Energy Integrated Development Demonstration Zone" with the supporting development of upstream raw material manufacturing and downstream consumption industries. At the same time, we will fully implement the strategy of rural revitalization, accelerate the construction of new urbanization, unswervingly deepen reform and opening up, deeply fight the battle against pollution, focus on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, strengthen and innovate social governance, comprehensively strengthen party building, continuously enhance the people's sense of happiness and security, and strive to create new achievements worthy of the times, the people, and history.