
Profoundly grasp the world historical significance of the CPC's century-long struggle

author:Bright Net

Author: Liu Shiqiang (Vice Dean and Professor, School of Marxism, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, Researcher, Sichuan Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics)

The Communist Party of China is a Marxist political party with an international perspective and human concern. Over the past hundred years, the Communist Party of China has always conformed to the times, embraced the world, and been a builder of world peace and development. Just as the "Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party's Century-Long Struggle" pointed out, over the past hundred years, the party has not only sought happiness for the Chinese and the people, and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation, but also for mankind to seek progress and unity for the world, and has profoundly changed the trend and pattern of world development with its unremitting struggle for self-improvement.

First, China's development process has affected the balance of power in the world and promoted the multipolarization of the international pattern. In modern times, China's feudal autocratic rule has been decaying and declining, and with the continuous invasion and cruel enslavement of imperialism, the Chinese nation has suffered unprecedented disasters. The new democratic revolution led by the Communist Party of China finally overthrew the "three mountains" and realized national independence and people's liberation, which not only created fundamental social conditions for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, but also greatly encouraged the anti-imperialist and anti-colonial struggles around the world and accelerated the end of the international colonial system built by the Western powers by relying on aggression and expansion.

After the founding of New China, China carried out large-scale socialist construction on the basis of the socialist revolution, established a relatively complete industrial system and national economic system, greatly enhanced China's international status, and significantly strengthened the strength of the socialist camp. Since the reform and opening up, China's internal reform of production relations incompatible with the productive forces, and its external full integration into the international economic and political system, promoted the long-term high-speed growth of the economy, jumped to become the world's second largest economy, and become a representative force for the collective rise of emerging countries.

Since the Eighteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has been self-confident, self-reliant, upright and innovative, promoting historic achievements and historic changes in the cause of the Party and the country, further enhancing China's economic strength, national defense strength and comprehensive national strength, effectively changing the situation in which western powers have absolutely dominated the international order in modern times, and the world has developed in a more balanced, pluralistic and democratic direction.

Second, China's reform and opening up has promoted global connectivity and provided great opportunities for win-win cooperation. In the 20th century, two world wars brought unprecedented havoc to mankind, and the Cold War divided the world into two opposing camps along the political system and ideology. After the end of the Cold War, economic globalization began to march forward, and the interdependence of all countries in the world deepened unprecedentedly, bringing about tremendous economic prosperity and social progress. However, economic globalization has also exacerbated the gap between rich and poor between countries and social classes, which in turn has stimulated a global populist wave characterized by anti-elites, anti-trade, and anti-immigration. In particular, the United States arbitrarily provoked international trade frictions during the Trump administration, vigorously withdrew from the group, abrogated the treaty, decoupled from the outside world, formed an exclusive and closed small circle, coupled with the serious impact of the new crown epidemic, resulting in a major rupture in the global industrial chain supply chain, and the flow of international exchanges was forced to be suspended.

Since its reform and opening up, China has actively adapted to the general trend of the times of economic globalization, not only gaining the external driving force for its own development through continuous integration into the world, but also providing great opportunities for all countries in the world through continuous expansion of opening up. Especially since the beginning of the new era, China has actively strengthened international macroeconomic policy coordination, taken a clear stand against protectionism and bullying, actively participated in bilateral and multilateral trade and investment negotiations, and promoted the construction of an open world economy. China continues to expand market openings, further reduce tariff levels, significantly reduce the negative list of foreign investment access, strengthen the construction of pilot free trade zones and free trade ports, host the China International Import Expo, and share China's vast market opportunities with the world. China's vigorous and high-quality construction of the "Belt and Road" has effectively promoted the interconnection of countries along the route and even the world, and injected a strong impetus into promoting world economic growth and alleviating the gap between the rich and the poor in the world.

Third, China's development path has created a new development model and expanded the path of modernization in developing countries. The road issue is related to the future and destiny of the country, and the success of a country's modernization cannot be separated from the guidance of the correct path. Since the end of the Second World War, a large number of developing countries have achieved national independence and national liberation, and have embarked on a grand historical process of modernization. However, due to the influence of multiple factors such as history and reality, tradition and modernity, international and domestic, the modernization process of many developing countries is full of twists and turns. Especially since the end of the Cold War, some Western countries have forcibly exported development models to the outside world under the myth of the "final conclusion of history", and the result is often dissatisfaction with the soil and water, resulting in many countries taking the political crisis and social dissatisfaction as the most important as the civil war and the fragmentation of the country.

Not only that, in the context of the lack of momentum for change and external checks and balances, the political systems of Western countries are becoming increasingly rigid, the economic development is derelict to virtual, the gap between rich and poor and society is unprecedentedly aggravated, and the systemic failure to deal with the new crown epidemic highlights the deep dilemma of their institutional models.

On the contrary, in the course of its century-long struggle, the Communist Party of China has always adhered to proceeding from the national conditions and successfully opened up a new path of Chinese-style modernization through arduous exploration. Under the correct guidance of this road, China has completed the industrialization process of developed countries for hundreds of years in only a few decades, and its comprehensive national strength has been significantly enhanced, and its international status has greatly jumped. The new path of Chinese-style modernization solves the problem of how a developing country with a large population and a weak foundation can achieve comprehensive and coordinated development and common prosperity through peaceful means, and the success of the Chinese road has broken the uniqueness of the modernization model, declared the bankruptcy of the "final conclusion of history", and greatly expanded the path choice of developing countries to achieve modernization.

Fourth, China's responsibility to change global governance provides intelligent solutions to major human problems. The world today is not at peace, hegemonism and power politics are constantly emerging in new guises, competition among major powers is becoming increasingly fierce, and conflicts between locations are rising and falling. The world economy under the COVID-19 pandemic has experienced a deep recession and has suffered multiple crises such as supply shortages, inflation, and soaring debt. Non-traditional security issues such as the gap between rich and poor, climate change, cybersecurity, and terrorism continue to ferment, threatening the survival and sustainable development of mankind. In particular, the covid-19 pandemic has brought about a huge humanitarian disaster and profoundly affected the course of human history. In the face of so many complex global problems, Western countries led by the United States have continuously retreated in providing international public goods, frequently staging farces of throwing pots and pushing blame, which has further aggravated the failure of global governance.

In the face of the question of the times of "what is wrong with the world and what should China do", the CPC proceeds from the political height of the world's great righteousness and human well-being, actively participates in the reform and construction of the global governance system under the guidance of the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and continuously contributes to China's plan to deal with global issues. From promoting the reform of multilateral mechanisms such as the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, to building the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the Silk Road Fund, from vigorously supporting the United Nations peacekeeping cause to participating constructively in international conflict mediation, from fully implementing the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to solemnly committing to China's timetable for achieving carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, China has promoted the continuous improvement of global governance with the concept of win-win sharing and firm and powerful actions. Contribute its wisdom and strength to the development of world peace and the progress of human civilization.

The CPC's century-long struggle has not only fundamentally changed China's future and destiny, but also profoundly shaped the face and form of the world. In the face of the intertwining and superposition of the epidemic situation of the century and the changes of the past century, and in the face of various foreseeable and unforeseeable difficulties and challenges in the journey of mankind, the Communist Party of China will remain the same original intention and unchanged mission, strive to make new and greater contributions to mankind while realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and push forward the wheel of history towards a bright future!

Source: Guangming Network - Theory Channel

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