
Build a haven and guard the home of the stars | Sending warmth in the harsh winter to care for autistic children

author:Chinese Children's Mercy Society

Since the 19th National Congress, the Party Central Committee has repeatedly stressed the need to attach importance to "the role of charitable organizations and achieve the third distribution of wealth", guide enterprises to "move upwards and towards goodness", assume social responsibility, practice the culture of charitable assistance, and carry forward the traditional Chinese virtues.

On the occasion of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (i.e. December 3 every year), the public welfare project team of the China Children's Mercy Association Xinglian Star Mu Tong Project, with the support of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Xixian New District, Shaanxi Province, went to the Huixin Ai Ai Intellectual Disability Service Center in Xixian New District to send nearly 200 sets of warm love cotton pants down jackets to autistic children.

Build a haven and guard the home of the stars | Sending warmth in the harsh winter to care for autistic children

The StarLink Children's Programme donates cotton coats to autism agencies

The activity officially began on the afternoon of November 26, and the donation activity was supported by Ms. Gao Xiaofei, second-level inspector of the Shaanxi Disabled Persons' Federation, Zhang Panwei, deputy director of the Civil Affairs Bureau of Xixian New District, and Ms. Xing Yuxuan, head of the Starlink Project of the China Children's Charity Relief Foundation.

Build a haven and guard the home of the stars | Sending warmth in the harsh winter to care for autistic children

Zhang Panwei, deputy director of the Xixian New Area Human Resources and Social Security Civil Affairs Bureau, delivered a thank-you speech

Zhang Pan, deputy director of the Xixian New District Human Resources and Social Security Civil Affairs Bureau, delivered a thank-you speech on behalf of the District Human Resources and Social Security Civil Affairs Bureau, highly affirmed and thanked the public welfare project team of the StarLink Mu Tong Project to take the lead in sending winter clothes to the children, and hoped to establish long-term cooperation with the Mu Tong Plan, pay attention to and care for more special groups, and build a beautiful China together.

Build a haven and guard the home of the stars | Sending warmth in the harsh winter to care for autistic children

Xing Yuxuan, project leader of the China Children's Mercy Association Star Lianxing Project

At the donation event, Ms. Xing Yuxuan, head of the China Children's Mercy Association, delivered a speech on behalf of the Children's Mercy Association. She introduced the purpose and development process of the Chinese Children's Mercy Society, and said that the current autism group in China has reached 11 million, of which there are more than 2 million autistic children. "StarLink Mu Tong Project" is committed to providing support for the physical and mental development and rehabilitation needs of autistic children aged 0-18 in China, and hopes that caring people from all walks of life and caring enterprises will join hands to build a safe haven and build a loving home for vulnerable disabled people such as autism (autism), depression and intellectual disability.

Build a haven and guard the home of the stars | Sending warmth in the harsh winter to care for autistic children

Sent chilled cotton pants down jackets to the children of the Hui Ai Ai Service Center for the Mentally Handicapped

Good is like water, great love has no boundaries! There are many social caring people and caring enterprises from all walks of life who dedicate love to this warm clothing donation activity, among which Shaanxi Longyong Wealth, Xi'an Jinnuo Property, Yingtang Petroleum, Shaanxi Jinfang Property and other enterprises actively participate, contributing the main force to the sponsorship of this activity.

Build a haven and guard the home of the stars | Sending warmth in the harsh winter to care for autistic children

Photos of the live event

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