
God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

author:Sengoku mud fun shi mikatsu
God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Continuous updates, didn't expect it!? Hahahahaha

Brief introduction

In 1552, the Kanto clan was defeated and fled to Echigo to rely on;

In 1559, he went to Luo again and obtained government permission to serve as the governor of the Kanto region;

In 1560, the army was sent to the Kanto region, and the number of responders reached 100,000;

In 1561, he besieged the castle of Odawara, but due to military operations and other reasons, failed to capture, and then succeeded Uchiyama Sugi and kanto governor (renamed), and withdrew his army from Echigo;

1561 - Old Enemy! Battle of Kawanakajima!!

4th Battle of Kasakajima:

The fourth military conflict between the Takeda and Uesugi forces in the Kawanakajima area is also the largest, and if you only say "Battle of Kawanakajima", it is generally said that this is the battle.

However, this battle was the most insufficient historical record, and there was no historical record of the course of the battle, except for the Takeda family's book "Jiayang Junjian", which is the so-called orphan evidence.

Jiayang Junjian

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"


This book is a book written by the boyfriend, when he was seriously ill, in order to persuade his successor, to dictate it himself, and recorded by others (nephews, courtiers).

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Escape & Tadashi · Masanobu Takasaka

After his death, the work continued to be perfected in exile until his death. The book went into the hands of "", who saved it after adding his own name to the author.

Historians believe that this "" is most likely a former vassal, or a descendant of the Takeda family who defected to Uesugi after the fall of the Takeda family. In modern times, there have been editions handed down by the Kohata family.

And legend...

The book was edited by the son of Admiral Takeda Iemitsu. Because of the manuscripts found so far, the oldest is the version.

Double Legend...

In his book Miscellaneous Records of Martial Arts, Hizen Matsudo clan explicitly wrote:

"Jiayang Junjian" is basically a son, when he was an apprentice in the temple, in order to exaggerate his father's achievements, he created a forgery under the guise of techniques and stories!

But Matsuura Jun forgot one thing... Is it true that no one can draw conclusions ==

In his "Discussion of Changshan", he clearly wrote:

"Jiayang Junjian" is simply "full of absurd words, all false things"!

[ps: The above-mentioned "Miscellaneous Records of Martial Arts" and "Discussion of Changshan Records", their authenticity and historical data are higher than those of "Jiayang Junjian"]

In this way, it is only a military novel in the strict sense, and in the Edo period, as a historical classic, it was always a little off the table, and most of the process and records of the Fourth Battle of Chuanzhong island in later generations originated from the content and imagination of this book.

Does this mean that the Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima does not exist!?

The author said not necessarily!

In another book, "Katsuyama Chronicle" (Chronicle of Customs), there is a sentiment about the Uesugi family (military merit award), and the letters written to celebrate the victory in the "Ancient Cases of the Past Dynasties" Show that in 1561, there was indeed a military conflict between the two major forces of Takeda and Uesugi, which proved from another side that the "Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima" should indeed exist.

Who is The Guard?

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

1536~1612(77 years old)

From the Sengoku period to the Edo period, the goto family was a member of the goto family, the famous Fujiwara Kita family, and the konoe family governor.

Five Photographers:

The five highest families of the public family established in the Kamakura period are "Konoe, Kujo, Nijo, Ichiji"(don't ask me where the barrel characters and the ten thousand characters are, I don't know). Among them, the Eagle Family is also a branch relative of the Konoe Family.

Only these five families can serve as the official positions of the Great Nayan, the Left Minister, and the Right Minister, and then become the status of the Regent Guan Bai and the Tai Zheng Minister, so these five families are also called "Regent Guanjia", "Five Regents" and "Handlers".

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Konoe peony family pattern

Origin of the Konoe family:

The eldest son of the Fujiwara family lived in a building called konoe-den, so the family was named Konoe. The family pattern is Konoe peony.

Imperial Farewell:

During the Edo period, because (the eldest son) had no heirs, because the female emperor (Kwon should be a concubine) and a daughter (was a concubine). Therefore, she and one of the emperor's sons were passed back to the Konoe family to become the governor of the house, so the Konoe family was also called the "Imperial Guard Family".

Born in 1536 (0 years);

1540 Yuanfu (adult, 4 years old!) Taking the name of the general at that time, it was called.

In 1541, he was given three titles and was appointed secretary of state... 5 years old!!

He was appointed Minister of the Interior in 1547 at the age of 11!!

He was appointed Right Minister in 1553, and was 17 years old!!

In 1554, he became the minister of Sekibai Left, and he was 18 years old!! Become a Fujiwara parent...

Promoted from one in 1555, at the age of 19!! Abandon the word "Qing" and change the name;

In 1559, they met during the second Shangluo and wrote a blood oath;

In 1561, he followed the army to Kanto as a public secretary, and was 25 years old!!

After retiring from the Echigo Kingdom, he remained in The Ancient River Castle of Kwantung despite his safety, and sent information from the Kanto region to Echigo, and in the same year, he changed his name from the public family to the samurai format and changed his name to "", which can also be regarded as a public family member who dared to fight righteousness.

In 1562, he left kanto and returned to Kyoto, at the age of 26!

In 1565, after the murder of the general, for various reasons, (at the age of 29) advocated taking over;

In 1568, Heonari Jonakata, (aged 32), suspected of involvement in a previous murder, was banished from Kyoto;

In 1573, he was exiled, but (at the age of 37) he wrote to advise;

In 1575, he asked the emperor to allow (at the age of 39) to return to Kyoto;

In 1578, he was granted quasi-three-house treatment (42 years old);

In 1580, after mediating and the war that lasted for many years with Honganji Temple, he persuaded the abandonment of the castle to retreat, and was known as the greatest man, and wrote to his son, mentioning that "Nobunaga promised that the peace of the world would be dedicated to the territory of the Konoe family" (age 44).

In 1582, he participated in the "Koshu Expedition" (age 46) that destroyed the Takeda family.

In 1582, honnoji Changed, suffered a great turning point in his career, and was ordained as a monk. Because some people entered the rumor that the army climbed on the mansion and shot, and left Kyoto to seek refuge.

In 1585, in order to be able to take office as Guan Bai, he became an adopted son and had the status of "Five Regents".

In 1612, he died at the age of 77.

The Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima began and ended

In order to assist his ally lords of the Go-Hojo clan, when leading the attack on Odawara Castle, he built Kaizu Castle at an important location in Shinano Province, threatening the base camp of Echigo Kingdom, indirectly leading to the unintentional siege of the castle, and hurried back to Echigo to lift the siege of Odawara Castle.

Immediately after returning to Echigo, he also lobbied the Takeda Iekatsunuma clan to rebel, and in response to the Katsunuma clan's rebellion, he sent troops from the Echigo Domain into Shinano Province, intending to take advantage of the situation to destroy The Castle of Kaizu, which was like a fish in the throat, thus triggering the Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima.

Mr. Kayanuma

younger brother, that is, uncle. When he first gathered forces to rebel and exiled his father, he became the governor of the Takeda family.

Died in 1535, the rebellious Katsunuma clan is recorded in the Koyo Junkan as "Goroden", about which there are two theories:

1. Son;

2. In 1539, the Fuchu Imai clan inherited the Katsunuma family, and this Goroden was his son;

Articles about the famous Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima in the past

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

There is a detailed description, if you want to know again, please jump to [Sengoku Daimyo · The Legend and End of Takeda Shingen].

Judging from the war situation, the two sides are evenly divided;

In terms of attrition, the two sides suffered heavy casualties, takeda Shingen's brother Takeda Nobuharu and other famous generals were killed in battle, and the Uesugi family was dominant;

From the perspective of the situation, Uesugi Masahide did not conquer Kaizu Castle, nor did he drive Takeda Shingen out of Shinano Province, and the Takeda family continued to control a large area of Shinano Province, with the Takeda family taking the upper hand;

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

The Fourth Battle of Kawanakajima had just ended

In November 1561, after his death, the Takeda army was able to invade the western part of Ueno Kingdom, while the echoing Go-Hojo clan also raised an army to attack Musashi Matsuyama Castle, which had been captured.

Forced to send troops, probably due to the recent Battle of Kawanakajima, the battle of Uesugi was defeated (the Battle of Ikunoyama), although it failed, but in the end Musashi Matsuyama Castle did not fall.

Note: No evidence of personal command has been found in various records.

In December 1561, the word was given and renamed "".

1562 - Re-issue Kanto!

Struggling to cope with the wheel war between the Takeda and Gohojo families, he united with The father and son of Anfang Kuniku and contained the Go-Hojo family from the rear;

After Ueno's death, the invincible were able to enter and exit the western part of Ueno Kingdom;

The Hojo clan frequently attacked Musashi Matsuyama Castle, switching from defending to attacking, sending troops northward to threaten the Echigo Kingdom;

The Kanto daimyōs fell with the wind and successively defected to the Hojo family.

Anfang Daimyo saw Yoshiyoshi

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Born in 1507;

In 1533, the 26-year-old and his father received support, killed his uncle and captured the governor;

Because of the disagreement over the succession rights of the eldest and second sons of the Zhenligu clan, relations with the Go-Hojo clan deteriorated.

This then evolved into a confrontation with the alliance at the time, and carried out military operations against the Hoshojo family.

In 1537, the supporting side won the battle for succession;

In 1538, the First Nationalist War of Taiwan finally broke out between the Allied Forces and the Gojo clan, and they were killed because of the inferior situation.

It is said that to avoid trouble, he ordered the beheading and defeating of the soldiers and retreated back to the Ambo Country;

In 1552, due to the rebellion of the Hojo family, a large number of People rebelled;

1554, Empress Hojo family, Imagawa family, Takeda family alliance;

In 1555, the western part of Kamisō Kingdom was occupied by the Go-Hojo clan, and in order to suppress the people of the pro-Hojo forces in the country and regain the territory, they chose to conclude a treaty of friendship with the Uesugi family;

In 1560, after attacking Hojo's army at Kururi Castle, with the help of reinforcements from the Uesugi family, he won a great victory and took advantage of the situation to retake the territory of Shangzong Kingdom;

It is said that the "Yao" in the name is taken from the "Yao Emperor" of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors of China, and then named his son "Yi Shun" ( ) for this reason.

On the Kanto Front—

Subordinate to Hojokata, lord of Taterin Castle in Ueno Kingdom, fled, and the Akai clan perished;

Subordinate to Hojo Fang, lord of Karasawa Mountain Castle, stubbornly resisted and ultimately did not conquer.

On the Vietnamese-Chinese front of the Uesugi Tiger -

July 1562

In order to help put pressure on the country and stabilize the situation in neighboring countries, troops were sent to Cross China.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

After being forced to surrender, just wait for the return to China, immediately raise the anti-flag!

In September, it had to send troops across China again and surrender again.

Take advantage of the fight, there is no time to take care of the Kanto ——

The Hojo clan, together with reinforcements from the Takeda family, totaled more than 50,000 men, besieged Matsuyama Castle, a stronghold of the Musashi state, and matsuyama Castle's defense was relatively weak and dangerous.

Although heavy snow closed the passage, this time he forcibly crossed the snow mountain and insisted on rescuing Matsuyama Castle, and arrived at Numata Castle, which had entered Ueno Kingdom, in December, and immediately began to recruit soldiers and organize armaments there. However, before it was ready, Matsuyama Castle fell (February 1563).

Angry, he temporarily changed his plans and led his soldiers into Musashi:

Attack the city of Kisai, where Musashi Kingdom is located;

Brother, lord of The Ninja Castle of Musashi Province, surrendered;

April Attack and Fallfield Country:

Shimono Kingdom, the lord of Karasawa Mountain Castle, who had been stubbornly resisting, surrendered;

The small mountain castle where Shimono Kingdom is located is breached;

Subsequently, he led an army to attack the lower general state:

of his younger brother, Yuki Castle, was forced to surrender;

Lead the army back to Ueno Kingdom:

Captured The stables of Bridge Castle, which had been taken by the combined forces of Takeda and Go-Hojo, and arranged for the defense of the town of Qiangtoucao;

In December, he captured Ueno Kuniwata Castle;

Return to Stables Bridge City for the Chinese New Year.

January 1564

Tokiriku was returned by the Hojo family and led an army into The Tokuriku:

Defeated the troops at the Battle of Sannodo and captured Odado Castle, the kingdom of Toraku;

In February, the war report came, and the lord of The City of Karazawa Mountain in shimono kingdom rebelled again.

Furious, he immediately led his troops back to Shimonoku:

After a fierce battle (the largest of the 10 Battles of Karasawa Castle), he accepted the advice and surrendered again. The two also kept their promise and persuaded them to keep the Sano family's life and territory.

In March 1564, Ueno Kuniwata Castle, which had just fallen at the end of the previous year, was attacked by the Takeda family;

It seemed that Takeda Shingen was about to take up a military campaign in Shinano Province, and Uesugi decided to return to Echigo immediately to prepare.

This time to send troops to kanto, the pawn is invincible, worthy of the name of the god of war!

Editor's Note:

However, in our current view, it is more like being flown by someone, all kinds of just right OT, who says not?

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

It's definitely a team battle that has been flown by someone!

If you count the Fifth Battle of Kawanakajima, which began subsequently, it lasted for more than 26 consecutive months

Who is Masatsugu Sano?

Daimyō Sengoku, the 15th governor of the Sano clan. Famous warriors, neither the Uesugi nor hojo clans, could defeat him directly. He never failed in the battlefield because the castle was captured, and constantly preserved the lifeblood of the Sano family by conditional surrender and betrayal.

About Origin:

1. The second son of the 13th generation of house governors;

2. The eldest son of the 14th generation of house governors;

In other words, either the younger brother or the son, understand?

Born in 1529.

In 1559, the 14th generation of household governors died and was succeeded by the family governors.

Originally, the Sano clan served the Furukawa clan for generations, and initially served the hojo family at that time, but after the Hojo family's power expanded, they turned to allying with it.

When leading a large army to attack Odawara Castle, he participated in the Uesugi Alliance;

Therefore, the base of Karazawa Mountain Castle was retaliated against by 30,000 troops, and reinforcements were sent to help the defense of the city successfully.

In the end, he had to abort the Battle of Odawara and lead his army away.

The Karasawa Castle of the Sano family was like a lonely boat, and soon returned to Shun (a puppet of the Later Hojo family).

The Uesugi family attacked Karasawa Mountain Castle 10 times before and after, each time ending with a surrender after the Battle of Li.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Fang Tangjing's evil gaze

Similarly, whenever the Uesugi clan withdrew, they returned to the Hojo faction.

He died on April 28, 1574, on the day of his first death, legend has inscribed inscriptions on his tombstone to express the memory of this good enemy.

1564 - Old Enemy! Battle of Kawanakajima!!

In order to prepare for military operations in Shinano Province, he returned to Echigo Country after finishing the Kanto Raiders.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Mr. Mori Ashina


The leader who had formed an alliance invaded Echigo, but did not give him a chance to perform miracles, and was uncontroversially driven out of Echigo.

However, this was actually a plot by The Dark Lord, who took advantage of the battle to capture Nojiri Castle in Mizuuchi County, under the power of Uesugi of the Shinano Kingdom.

August ——)

He once again confronted the Kawanakajima area, still garrisoned at Shiozaki Castle, refused to confront him head-on, and did not clash on a large scale.

The two sides confronted each other for more than 60 days.


After the surrender of Karasawa Castle, the Hojo clan had to retreat from Kawanaka Island to Shimono Domain, and the last Battle of Kawanaka Island ended.

Eventually, he was forced to surrender again, sent hostages to show his loyalty, and returned to Echigo.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Masayuki Sano: "Tell you in advance, this is definitely not the last time!" ”

Since then --

They never met again on Kawanaka Island, and the two old enemies never met on the battlefield again.

The Battle of Kawanakajima, which lasted five times, acquired a large part of Shinano's territory, but was unable to move forward.

In the northern part of the original Shinano Kingdom, the original lands of the Uesugi clan and the Takanashi clan of the Uesugi clan could no longer be regained, but after all, they controlled the border area of Echigo And prevented the possibility of moving north.

1565 - Battle of the Sleepy Beasts!

The great battle that brought the final end to the Sengoku period was the Osaka Summer Formation.

(On behalf of the Toyotomi side and the Western Army) once shouted at the enemy (on behalf of the Tokugawa side and the Eastern Army) who did not dare to pursue:

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

"The Samurai of kanto claim to be millions, not even a single so-called man!"

This is true of most kanto daimyōs in their eyes at the moment... Maybe that's tradition.

March 1565 (First Battle of Sekiju Castle)

Sending troops to attack The Key Point of the Kanto Region, Sekisu Castle, the Hojo family took Iwanfu Castle and Edo Castle as their bases, relying on the Toshinegawa River for water transportation, and the troops and materials were constantly flowing, and it was inevitable.

Immediately dispatch troops to rescue the lord of the city of Guansu Castle, Liang Tian Harusuke;

The Uesugi family's ally, Tokusatsu Kuni, also sent reinforcements to Sekisukyu Castle.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

He had to abandon the siege plan and withdraw his troops back to China (the first Battle of Sekisu Castle).

In May 1565, the general who gave the character "Hui" was assassinated by the Miyoshi Trio and (concubine) (the change of Yonglu), and the world was alarmed.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

It is rumored that Matsu nozomi is behind the scenes

Who are the three good three people?

It refers to the three relatives and heavy subjects of the Miyoshi family, namely-

It's what we often call "", but it's a misreading. Miyoshi's real name should have been "", later renamed "".

This man does exist in history, but there is someone else, he is the younger brother.

Zong Wei and Wei San, both are Dharma names.

June 1565

The Takeda clan sent troops to the Nishiueino area to attack Kuragano Castle, where Uesugi's forces were located.

September 1565

In order to prevent further military action by the Takeda family, he led a large army to attack the Takeda family's stronghold of Ueno Kingdom and Ta castle.

But it didn't work out! 【Failed battle against the Takeda family】

Early 1566

Troops were sent to Hitachi-kuni to attack the Hojo clan after the surrender again.

Eventually Oda Castle was breached;

In 1566

Because of their allies in The House of Peace, they were forced into a desperate situation by the Go-Hojo family, so they led the army to plan to drive straight into the rescue of the allies;

However, when he had just invaded Shimoguni and attacked the Hojo faction and controlled usui Castle, he encountered very stubborn resistance, and finally failed to attack the city! 【Defeated battle against the Hojo family】

Two unexpected defeats dimmed the myth of the undefeated god of war, and the daimyōs of the original subordinate forces in the Kanto region began to waver, defect, and rebel against the Uesugi family:


Ueno Kingdom Kanayama Castle Lord, Doshi uesugi family;

Nishi Ueno, the lord of Minowa Castle, the eldest son, after stubborn resistance, self-bladed, the last stronghold of Ueno Kingdom was lost, and the entire territory of Nishi Ueno fell into the territory of the Takeda family;

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

This represents the future situation in the Kanto region, and the Uesugi family has to face both the Takeda family and the Hojo family in the Kanto territory, and the situation is very unfavorable, and they have to turn to a defensive position.

In this way, a chain reaction was triggered:

The Uesugi family's strategic approach to the Kanto could not be aligned with the Satake clan of the Tokiwa kingdom.

Satake also announced:

No longer supported.

In 1567

Betrayed again, Uesugi Keiho suppressed the rebellion in March;

In the same month, the defenders of the important town of Stables Bridge City plotted rebellion and raised troops to suppress it, and in April, the suppression was completed and the stable bridge city was retaken.

The stronghold of Stables Bridge Castle became the last stronghold of the Uesugi family in the Kanto region.

He spent his whole life fighting in the Kanto region (Ueno Kingdom, Musashi Kingdom, TokiriKu, Shimono Kingdom, Shimoso Kingdom), facing constant rebellion and rebellion... The Takeda family and the Go-Hojo family took turns in military operations on the border, and the Uesugi family was like a battle of trapped beasts.

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin "Part IV"

Anyway, in the "Ancestor Effect" comic, I am still quite powerful

Past Portals:

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin [One]

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin [Part 2]

God of War · Uesugi Kenshin [Part 3]

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