
Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Encourage the exploration of new models of science and technology credit services

Source: CCTV news client

In order to implement the major decisions and deployments of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on adhering to the self-reliance and self-improvement of science and technology as the support of the national development strategy, deeply implement the innovation-driven development strategy, improve the financial system that supports scientific and technological innovation, and promote the improvement of the quality and efficiency of financial services of science and technology enterprises in the banking and insurance industry, the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission recently issued the "Guiding Opinions on supporting high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and self-reliance in the banking and insurance industry", requiring banking and insurance institutions to conscientiously implement it in light of reality.

The "Guiding Opinions" emphasize that it is necessary to comprehensively promote the complementarity of direct financing and indirect financing, make joint efforts between policy-oriented finance and commercial finance, fully consider the advantages and characteristics of banks, insurance and non-bank financial institutions, and mobilize the enthusiasm of scientific and technological financial services. It is necessary to improve the scientific and technological financial service system, give play to the role of developmental and policy-oriented finance, promote the quality and efficiency of commercial banks' scientific and technological financial services, strengthen the guarantee of scientific and technological insurance, and give play to the unique advantages of non-bank financial institutions. It is necessary to explore new models of science and technology credit services and encourage the use of more flexible interest rate pricing and interest repayment methods. Actively support direct financing of technology enterprises. Under the premise of legal compliance, risk controllability and commercial voluntariness, support the subsidiaries of commercial banks with investment functions, insurance institutions, trust companies and other venture capital funds, government industrial investment funds, etc., and provide equity financing for the development of science and technology enterprises. It is necessary to strengthen scientific and technological insurance services, support the first (set) major technical equipment insurance pilot and the first batch of new material application insurance pilots, and explore the opening of the first version of software insurance in qualified areas. It is necessary to strengthen the innovation and entrepreneurship services for scientific and technological talents, develop characteristic financial products for key groups, and better meet the financial needs of innovation and entrepreneurship.

The "Guiding Opinions" make it clear that banking and insurance institutions should improve the system of professional institutions, improve the professional service capabilities, improve the special risk management system, improve the special assessment mechanism, and cultivate a team of professional talents.

(CCTV reporters Wang Lei and Wang Xuan)