
Russian Foreign Ministry: The United States and its allies are not self-proclaimed "beacons" of democracy

author:China News Network

MOSCOW, 1 Dec (China News Service) -- In response to the so-called "democracy summit" to be held by the United States, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on 1 December saying that the United States and its allies are not self-proclaimed "beacons" of democracy, and their relevant remarks are not only completely inconsistent with reality, but also hypocritical to the extreme.

The United States and its allies claim to be leaders in democracy and human rights, yet their track record and reputation for safeguarding their domestic and international democracy and human rights are far from the same. "The United States and its allies are not, and should not be, self-proclaimed 'beacons' of democracy because these countries themselves have long-standing problems with freedom of expression, electoral systems, corruption, and human rights."

The statement pointed out that Washington's so-called "democratic" rhetoric is not only completely out of touch with reality, but also extremely hypocritical. The Russian Foreign Ministry urges Western countries to first resolve their own outstanding problems before "exporting democracy" and to bridge the growing moral and value divisions in their societies. The United States and its allies claim to be on the "just" side ideologically and morally, but have acted aggressively in the world under the guise of "advancing democracy" and have carried out more than a dozen military interventions and regime subversions in several countries over the past 30 years. Its provocative acts in the military and political fields are serious violations of international law and cause great confusion and destruction.

The statement urged the countries concerned not to use the theme of "democracy" and not to draw lines with ideological people, but to return to abiding by international law and recognizing in practice the principle of the sovereign equality of States as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations. At a time when humanity is battling the COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath, it is more than ever necessary for all States to strengthen their cooperation based on respect for the principles of the Charter of the United Nations. (End)

Source: China News Network

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