
The Russian side issued a statement reprimanding the United States for engaging in a "democracy summit": a bunch of domestic problems that are self-styled "beacons of democracy"

On the occasion of the so-called "democracy summit" between the United States and its allies, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued a statement on the 1st, urging Washington to solve its own problems first and overcome the deepening polarization of American society in terms of morality and values.

In a statement, the Russian Foreign Ministry pointed out that the democratization remarks from Washington are not only out of touch with reality, but also completely hypocritical. The Russian side urges the US side to first resolve their domestic problems and work to overcome the deepening differences at home. The Russian Foreign Ministry stressed that Washington and its allies "claim to be the 'beacon' of democracy and their self-proclaimed status is ineffective because of their own long-standing problems with freedom of expression, election management, punishment of corruption and human rights protections." The statement also noted that social networks controlled by the United States are widely used for disinformation, false propaganda and the manipulation of public opinion, especially "large-scale electronic surveillance carried out by intelligence agencies has become the norm in daily life in Western countries." The statement also criticized the U.S., while braving itself as a "global democratic leader," "has been leading the world in the number of prisoners (more than 2 million) for years" and "continues to be silent about torture."

At the same time, the statement also pointed out that the situation in some EU countries is "not much better". "Brussels has consistently ignored the legitimate rights and interests of ethnic Russians and Russian-speaking residents in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Moldova," the statement said. It turned a blind eye to the fallacies of young Europeans in political history, and some followers of Nazi war criminals were instead called national heroes." The statement concluded by stressing that "the United States and a small number of its allies claim to be on the right side of ideology and morality, taking aggressive actions on the world stage in the name of 'promoting democracy,' and essentially weakening confidence in themselves." (Overseas Network Hou Xingchuan)

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