
Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

author:International football cold snow

Inter is about to battle Rome. Battle Mourinho.

Not long ago, Inter also met another old manager: Spalletti.

Spalletti provoked The Millikin and called on the fans to welcome him with applause that "Inter should be grateful to me", but there was no enthusiastic response. Mourinho chose to cancel the press conference before the National Milan, unwilling to say more, the approach is completely different from the Shuai, but the entire Inter circle is fanatical because of him.

Inter social networking site accounts, celebrities and fans mostly use a word to describe the difference between the two matches. Spalletti is defined as "nemico" (enemy), and Mourinho is only "avversario" (opponent).

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

Luigi Garlando, a divinity commentator at The Milan Sports, introduced a past story from 2019.

Inter sacked Spalletti at the time to invite a championship coach, and Mourinho was very interested in the job.

Many people recommended mourinho to Zhang Kangyang to return, including not only agents like Mendes, but also inter historical feats such as Materazzi and Moratti, but Inter finally chose Conte, which made Mourinho very hurt.

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

At that time, the reasons why Inter made such a decision were described.

The two most important reasons are because of the ideas of Zhang Kangyang and Marotta.

Zhang Kangyang represents Suning's appeal, hoping that Inter's new success will be branded with itself, rather than "the afterglow of Moratti". Please come to Mourinho, success is naturally good, but if you can't succeed, you will also bear the insult of "destroying the good memory of history", and it is inevitable that you will be jealous.

Marotta prefers to choose a coach who can cooperate with him, and he does not have enough confidence in whether he can work with Mourinho, who has a strong personality.

All in all this is a purely technical option and there is not much insider knowledge.

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

However, this matter has always been concocted by the Italian media as some "conspiracy theories".

Some reporters pointed out that Inter's failure to choose Mourinho is just "afraid of things".

When Mourinho was coaching Inter, he attacked the official power, ridiculed journalists, and incriminated too many big men as "public enemies of Serie A", who always wanted to fight back against Mourinho.

Now the various penalties suffered by Mourinho and Roma in Serie A can be regarded as the "reckoning" of the grievances of that year.

Some people believe that the reason why Inter milan did not choose Mourinho in 2019 is to fear this kind of "retaliation".

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

Others pointed out that Inter did not choose Mourinho because the team thought "he was outdated".

Some coaches, after leaving Inter, have improved, better reputation and greater achievements, such as Gasperini, Pioli, Mancini and so on.

After Mourinho left Inter, he could not find a new Moratti, a new Zanetti, Milito, Snyder, so he failed to replicate the success of the treble again.

Those journalists who were pointed at the nose when Mo shuai coached Inter are now waving the pen in their hands, desperately attacking Mourinho for being "outdated", "old and demented", "eliminated by history", and pointing out that this is the reason why Inter refused to enter the palace.

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

There is too much malicious speculation like this, and "why Inter milan did not choose Mourinho in 2019" is destined to be extremely controversial.

Some pots, Inter can only carry on their backs.

Therefore, this time Inter fiercely battled Mourinho, Mourinho's heart, there will be a bit of "just name" and "revenge" emotions, the spearhead is pointed at the current Inter decision-making level.

The common sense of man is understandable.

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

But when it comes to Mourinho again, what kind of emotions will Inter carry?

For the current coaches and players, this is just an ordinary battle, and they know only a limited amount of mourinho, and they don't talk about too many personal relationships. Apart from respect, there are no particularly complicated emotions.

Inzaghi Jr. said before the game: "Back to the Olympic Stadium in Rome? No, it's no longer my derby, I'm now 100% immersed in coaching Inter... It was a special game for Jose Mourinho. ”

In the eyes of the Inter general, it is just an ordinary game. Naturally, there is no such thing as "the enemy is at present" or "you live and die".

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

In Inter circles, there are more people who really understand Mourinho.

Materazzi said: "Mourinho is still as magical as ever".

Ogliari said: "Mourinho is still the 'flying fox'. ”

Zanetti, Cesar, Di Marco, Belgomi... Similar views are being expressed over and over again.

"Mourinho is now Roma's coach, but looking at the Red Wolves' four-point trail in the Champions League standings, many people in roma are still worried about his talent and ability. On the weekend field, the people who love and believe in Mourinho more are actually their opponents. ”

Mourinho is not inter's enemy A word reveals that madmen are different from Spalletti

In any case, inter's 113-year peak season, created by Mourinho, will forever go down in history.

Even if they don't have the opportunity to hold hands twice, even if they become the opposite on the pitch, Inter will never regard Mourinho as a life-and-death enemy.

The North Stand made it clear: "Simeone (Inzaghi) is doing well at the moment and the team is on the right path. But Jose (Mourinho) always holds a special place in our hearts and Inter will be forever grateful to him. He is an opponent, not an enemy."