
Go again to love the evening pavilion

author:Wise Man Li Min

Far up the cold mountain stone path slope,

There is a family in Baiyunsheng,

Parking love Maplewood night,

Frost leaves are red in February flowers.

I like the Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu's "Mountain Journey" the most, not only because of the beautiful words, rhymes and moods of the poems, but also because she is a lucky symbol in my life.

I was an art student admitted to college in the early 1980s, and I remember that when I took the college entrance examination that year, the color topic was to paint a landscape painting with the title of Tang Poetry "Mountain Walk", and most of the candidates at that time were confused and had no way to start. Although color landscape painting is not my strong point, thanks to my daily study under the Yuelu Mountains, every day I am immersed in the scene and hear and see, so that I can especially feel the artistic conception of this Tang poem, and a picture of late autumn immediately appears in my mind. I use warm tones of golden red to set off the late autumn picture, using the watercolor freehand technique to properly represent the cold mountains, winding paths, white clouds, and maple forests in the background of the picture, and the main body of the picture, the AiWan Pavilion, is carefully portrayed in the way of decorative painting, so that the Aiwan Pavilion appears ancient and fragrant in the autumn scenery of the mountain light and cloud shadow of "frost leaves red in February flowers". The invigilator could not hide his excitement after seeing it, and immediately recorded my name and examination number, and it was no accident that my color won a high score, making me stand out among many candidates and achieve my college dream. Since then, Aiwanting has become a blessed place that has changed my life.

Love Evening Pavilion, formerly known as Autumn Leaf Pavilion. Founded in the 57th year of the Qianlong Dynasty (1792), it was founded by Luo Dian, the chief of the Yuelu Academy in the Qing Dynasty, and later by Bi Yuan, the governor of Huguang, according to the Tang poem "Mountain Trip", "Parking and sitting in the love of the maple forest at night, frost leaves red in February flowers", renamed the Aiwan Pavilion.

Located on the west bank of the Xiang River in Changsha City, Hunan Province, aiwan Pavilion covers an area of 50 square meters, with a foundation length of 6.23 meters, a platform height of 0.4 meters, and a height of 12 meters. Aiwan Pavilion is simple and elegant, sitting west to east, surrounded by mountains on three sides, there are two pools of emerald green in front of the pavilion, the pavilion is reflected in the clear blue water, the breeze strikes, ripples, leaving a pool of gorgeous fragments, this scene is very dynamic and poetic; the ground behind the pavilion is flat, suitable for tourists to walk, the pavilion is very harmonious with the surrounding environment, and the overall architectural style of the Pavilion pavilion is retained. The pavilion is supported by eight columns inside and outside, divided into two layers, the inner gold pillar is full of wooden lacquer, the outer eaves column is four, processed from the whole square granite; the pavilion roof is covered with four heavy eaves, the treasure roof is held, the four wing corners are far and high, covered with green glazed green tiles, the corners are hooked and the horns are tilted, and the prime minister looks; the lotus flowers in the pavilion are painted with algae wells, and the wooden window ledges with the character "swastika" on all sides; the pavilion on the east and west sides of the pavilion on the upper and western sides of the pavilion hangs a plaque with a red background gilded horizontal book "Love Evening Pavilion", which is a handwriting written by Former Hunan University President Li Da, who specially wrote to Mao Zedong to write, and the hair body is rigid and soft. There is a wooden horizontal plaque on the west side of the pavilion, and the straight book yin engraves 17 columns of Mao Zedong's handwriting "Qinyuan Chun And Changsha" in its entirety, and the font is strong and ethereal, majestic and free, and it shines with the ancient pavilion; during the years of Guangxu and Xuantong, Cheng Songwan, superintendent of Hunan Higher Education School, carved Zhang Nanxuan and QianNanyuan Youshan Seven Laws poems on the stone in the pavilion, with the inscription "Ernan Poetry Carving", which added a little bit of bookish deposition to the Aiwan Pavilion.

Aiwan Pavilion has a long historical origin and thick cultural heritage is the place where Chinese and foreign tourists come to Changsha to punch in, and like many Changsha citizens, I often have three or two friends to hike and ascend Yuelu Mountain during the holidays, and at this time I must go to the Aiwan Pavilion with the laughter of tourists and the children's playful sitting, chatting and enjoying the scenery. Of the year, the most intoxicating thing is the Love Evening Pavilion in late autumn, which is really beautiful, very elegant, and very poetic. Such elegant blue tile red eaves, such quaint carved beams and paintings, such dense bamboo and wood mountain stones, such vivid streams and streams, such gentle deep forest paths, such peculiar towering ancient cypresses, such a beautiful broad-leaved maple forest, let people wander among them without thinking of returning. With blue skies, white clouds, fiery red maple leaves, emerald pine forests, it is simply a colorful fairy tale world, and even the streams that flow through the Breeze Gorge are also full of beauty. After turning back to the pavilion in front of the pavilion, there are several cross-knotted couplets carved on the pavilion pillars on both sides, as if the atmosphere of books spanning a thousand years is coming, walking in the Aiwan Pavilion, the thick smell of books that permeates the air may be from the famous Yuelu Academy accompanied by the bells of the Yuelu Ancient Temple.

Not only is the Aiwan Pavilion charming, it is also a revolutionary event resort with important commemorative significance. Pacing in the pavilion, touching the pavilion pillars, looking at the distance, as if you can touch the past history at any time, in the years of burning passion, the young Mao Zedong studied, exercised, and lived here. When Mao Zedong was studying at the Hunan First Normal School in his youth, he attached great importance to physical exercise, and his physical exercise was carried out with the purpose of exercising his physique and sharpening his will, so he could persevere. Mao Zedong has a wide range of physical exercise programs, climbing mountains, sleeping rough, wind bathing, rain bathing are all common exercise methods he uses. One summer night in 1917, with a fierce storm, lightning and thunder, Mao Zedong was alone, against the strong wind, braving the rain to climb to the top of Yuelu Mountain, and then ran down from the top of the mountain to Cai Hesen's house. Cai and Sen's mother asked him what was going on? He said: "I am here to appreciate the sentiment of the phrase 'Na Yu Da Lu, fierce wind and thunder and rain and fanfare' written in the Book of Books, and to exercise my courage. ”

Sleeping open was an important form of social activity and physical exercise for the young Mao Zedong. Mao Zedong often traveled with Luo Xuezhan, Zhang Kundi, and others to the Xiangjiang River and later to Yuelu Academy, where they gathered with Cai Hesen under the Aiwan Pavilion, where they discussed state affairs with lofty ideals and ambitions of saving the country and the people and rejuvenating China, studied the current situation, sought the truth, studied books, pointed out the country, and stimulated the writing. Yuelu Mountain and Aiwan Pavilion became a place where these revolutionary ancestors often slept in the open, and when night fell and the tourists dispersed, they gathered at the Aiwan Pavilion to talk loudly and express their opinions, and the fierce discussion did not end until late at night, and then they each found a place to sleep, and they deliberately separated themselves from each other by a considerable distance, so that when they were bedridden until dawn, this kind of activity, even in the frost season, they were still insisting. Mao Zedong once recalled: "This was probably very helpful for strengthening my physique." Later, I traveled back and forth in South China many times, from Jiangxi to the northwest, and I especially needed to have such a physique. ”

With his keen radical thinking, noble moral feelings, extraordinary courage, positive enterprising spirit and superior intelligence, Mao Zedong became a leader recognized by the teachers and students of the first division and the whole school as a leader in both character and learning, and a particularly cohesive student social activist. At the same time, through his study and training here, Mao Zedong was able to lead the Communists to overcome countless difficulties and hardships to build a solid foundation for the establishment of a new China.

The Love Evening Pavilion is not a cold building, it is a pavilion with temperature and love, she not only remembers the vicissitudes of history, but also witnesses countless beautiful loves. In 1920, Mao Zedong and Yang Kaihui often came to the Aiwan Pavilion together to play, talking about ideals, pursuits, and life in the beautiful scenery of Qingfeng Gorge, of course, there were also flowers before the moon, mountains and sea vows, two hearts with common ideals and worries about the country and the people collided to illuminate the love sparks that illuminated the cold night. Ai Wanting witnessed this great love, and in that bloody and stormy era, Yang Kaihui, the beloved wife whom Mao Zedong called "Proud Yang", did not betray her commitment to her husband and her steadfastness in love until her death.

Through more than 200 years of time and space, aiwan pavilion is a famous mountain resort with Zhong Lingyu show and humanities gathering, and it is also a revolutionary memorial site full of red memories, although after years of polishing, thunder and lightning erosion, Aiwan Pavilion still stands tall. Although the sounds of those inscriptions and poems have gone away, and the smoke of war has dissipated, the cold mountains, white clouds, stone paths, people's homes, flying waterfalls, and red maples that the ancients chanted and expressed are still there, and the valley wilderness here is still colorful and beautiful. The hurried passers-by who came here today may just enjoy this beautiful view, but I have gathered a lot of reverence and admiration. Although those ancestors who prospered for the country and the nation have gone far, I know that their thoughts and souls have always been above the Aiwan Pavilion, above the white clouds, in the mountains and forests, in the winding paths, on the banks of the streams, and they have been silently watching us and quietly following the development of the country. When they saw that on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, which they had endured so much hardship, the Chinese nation had developed so strongly in the forest of the nations of the world, and people lived in peace and happiness, they were also relieved and smiling above the nine days.