
As a parent, take care of your child with more patience to prevent sad things from happening new

author:Red Lotus Teenagers talk about education

A one-year-old boy accompanied his mother to buy cakes at the cake shop, a mentally disturbed woman, taking advantage of her mother's lack of attention, took the child away, carried it to the roof, directly threw the child from the top floor, the child rescue was ineffective, directly died. No matter which parent this kind of thing happens to, it will be like a knife and a pain. When we see this kind of news, we are terrified, every word is pierced into our hearts, and this is still someone else's child, we have not experienced it firsthand, if it happens to ourselves, it is like the sky is falling.

In general, the root cause of such accidents is the poor supervision of parents. The mother needs to be pregnant for ten months to give birth to her lovely baby, which is the starting point for the happiness of the whole family. Therefore, this happiness must not be erased by one's own hands, and the beginning of happiness becomes the end of happiness. As a parent, you must take good care of your children to prevent accidents.

As a parent, take care of your child with more patience to prevent sad things from happening new

Children are born with curiosity about anything, lively and active, and their safety awareness and self-control ability are not yet mature, so all kinds of accidents and dangers are easy to happen to them. So as parents, first of all, we must be clear about what is accidental injury? Accidental injury refers to the event of bodily injury caused by accident, and accidental injury refers to an external, sudden, unintentional, non-disease objective event that causes bodily injury.

So what are the common accidental injuries in life? In these situations, as parents, how should we do it? Let's take a few examples: First, drowning. Before each summer vacation, the school will issue a notice about the prevention of drowning, but every year there are still sad tragedies. Regarding drowning, as a parent, you must tell your child in advance that you should go to the swimming pool to play in the swimming pool accompanied by your parents, and do not go to ponds, inlets and other places to play at will. If there is a sudden accident, parents should not blindly jump into the water to save their children, and there is often news that not only did not save the child, but also took a life. Parents should also master the most basic method of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, which is commonly known as artificial respiration, so that in an emergency situation, it may also save their own children or others' lives.

2. Skin trauma. It should be noted here that there are many types of skin trauma, including mosquito bites, sharp objects scratched, and burned by high temperatures. If you are bitten by some ordinary mosquitoes, then you need to apply some anti-inflammatory drugs to the child, generally redness, swelling, itching will recede, when taking children, you should also try to avoid some grasses and woods with more mosquitoes. Scratched by sharp objects, to be disinfected with alcohol in time, and smeared with iodine, and then with Band-Aid and other wound treatment, as a parent, you should put some of the more sharp, similar to knives, scissors and other things in the home in time to be stored well, put in the child's difficult to touch the place. If your child is accidentally burned, you should rinse immediately with cool water to cool down the burned part, apply some medicine after cooling down, and try not to bandage it temporarily. If the condition is more severe, you should be sent to the doctor immediately.

As a parent, take care of your child with more patience to prevent sad things from happening new

3. Electric shock. If the child has an accident such as electric shock, the general problem will be more serious, and it should be sent to the doctor immediately to avoid more serious wound infection. As a parent, to pay attention to the education of safe electricity, parents must have the patience to educate their children, you can show children more cartoons of electricity safety education, so that you can not only arouse the interest of children, but also let children learn real knowledge. Parents should also always check whether the electrical equipment at home is safe to avoid safety hazards.

As a parent, take care of your child with more patience to prevent sad things from happening new

Fourth, food poisoning, stuck throat. Children have curiosity from a young age, but also more gluttonous, no matter what they encounter, they like to put it in their mouths, so that sometimes it will lead to stuck throat or eating indiscriminately leading to food poisoning, in this case, generally also need to seek medical treatment in time. In this case, as a parent, you must tell your child not to eat indiscriminately. Give children a good habit of eating and concentrating, which can reduce the occurrence of danger, parents should also pay attention to the child when eating, once there is cough, breathing difficulties and other symptoms, it must be solved immediately. Parents can also learn Heimlich First Aid, which is often used for acute airway foreign body blockages.

As a parent, take care of your child with more patience to prevent sad things from happening new

As parents, there is no absolute correctness in our care of children, and the precautions can never be paid attention to, so we can only be careful and careful. Accidents are uncontrollable, and the occurrence of accidents is usually particularly short, do not give you time to react, which is more necessary for us as parents to carefully take care of children and prevent them in advance.

I hope that as parents, we must take care of our children with care, think of some precautions in advance, and use our patience to care for them to prevent some sad accidents from happening to our children.

As a parent, take care of your child with more patience to prevent sad things from happening new