
Guyuan, Hebei: How much do you know about historical figures related to the legend of the dressing house

author:Guyuan Cultural Tourism
Guyuan, Hebei: How much do you know about historical figures related to the legend of the dressing house

Although the dresser building standing alone on the vast grassland of Inner Mongolia seems to be a bit of a shadow, it is because of its uniqueness and the wonderful legend it once had, which makes people nostalgic for the past.

  Empress Xiao

Guyuan, Hebei: How much do you know about historical figures related to the legend of the dressing house

For hundreds of years, the local people of Guyuan have a legend that this ancient building with a unique shape is an embroidery building dressed by Empress Xiao of the Liao Dynasty, so it is called "dressing building". There are many Empress Xiao who have been recorded in the history of Liao, but who is this?

Guyuan, Hebei: How much do you know about historical figures related to the legend of the dressing house

According to records, Guyuan belongs to Fengsheng Prefecture in Xijing Province, which is the summer retreat of the Liao royal family, "Liao takes Kurama as its home, and the concubines are often longer than shooting, and the army travels to hunt in the field, and it is not unobtrusive." Empress Xiao had left their figures in the vast grasslands. The Empress Xiao, who was known as Empress Xiao, lived in 953 AD - 1009 AD, and was the empress of Emperor Jingzong of Liao. When Emperor Jingzong of Liao died of illness in 982, the 29-year-old Xiao Yu was honored as Empress Dowager Cheng, and began to assist her young son Yelü Longxu in ruling the country for 27 years. The History of Liao said that she "ruled the way wisely, and obeyed the good." Xi knows the military and government, and commands the three armies", is a ruler who has the world in mind. In the years when she was in charge of the Liao state, she wrote a brilliant page for the history of the Liao state. Since she had to go to the Guyuan area every summer to cool off, the dressing room was associated with this great woman who could be called a politician and a military expert.

Guyuan, Hebei: How much do you know about historical figures related to the legend of the dressing house


  Quarikis was a legendary figure. He was the fourth generation leader of the Wanggu clan, with a strong personality, both culture and martial arts, and was a rare handsome talent in the Yuan Dynasty who had both culture and martial arts. In 1297 AD, Quarigis won a great victory with 1,000 elite troops and did not fight tens of thousands of troops, and from then on, he was powerful and powerful. Kublai Khan, the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, ordered a reward of 3 catties of gold and 1500 catties of silver. After Emperor Chengzong Timur succeeded to the throne, he made Kuoligis the King of Gaotang. Soon a rebellion broke out in Xinjiang, and Quarigis was ordered to quell the rebellion. In the autumn of 1298, Kouligisi defeated the enemy army in the Battle of the Enemy, did not fall into the danger of being behind the enemy, was captured, and was killed in the southeast of present-day Bole City, Xinjiang. 12 years after kuoligis's death, his son Shu'an inherited the throne of the Wanggu tribe and asked Emperor Wuzong to go to Xinjiang to welcome his father's body back to his hometown for burial, and Emperor Wuzong granted his request. According to the history books, when Shu'an found the body of his father Quarikis, he found that "the dead body was like life", so he transported it back to his hometown for burial.

Guyuan, Hebei: How much do you know about historical figures related to the legend of the dressing house

 The Lost princess of Kuda and the lost princess of love

  According to historical records, Quarikis successively married two Yuan Dynasty princesses: one was the Lost Princess of Kuda, and the other was the Princess of Aiya Lost. Kuda's Lost Princess died within a few years of marrying Quarikis, in her 20s. Later, Khorigis married Princess Aiya. According to expert speculation, the first lady, Kuda's loss, died before Kuligisi, and when Kurigisi's body was transported back to Guyuan from Xinjiang, Kuda's lost body was reburied with him. Therefore, the middle chamber of the Yuan Tomb of the Dresser Building and the wooden rafters of the East Chamber are connected, which proves that the two people were buried at the same time. The woman in the West Room may be another lady, Ai Yali, because she died more than 40 years later than Quarigis, so her coffin style is completely different from the previous two.