
Although the autumn wind sends a beautiful lady, leave when you are not careful

author:Three lines of ancient poetry

Sketch the figure of Qing Qing,

Ink lightly depicts the heart.

The pen edge changes words desolate,

Paint a glimpse of the past.

Although the autumn wind sends a beautiful lady, leave when you are not careful

After the autumn breeze of the earth sends a beautiful scenery, the Fenshui Temple in front of the feeding of the beautiful people.

Berau is all wings for others, and Liu Yan is flying around the play.

You Yang Shang Li Cheng Men Xue, An Wu Shi Wei even abandoned it.

He wanted to honor ji gongming with ji gongming to welcome the throne to his wife.

Broken shoes three times to pound my mind, rotten branches should abandon anger and anger.

Although the autumn wind sends a beautiful lady, leave when you are not careful.

Thousands of neon is more extensive, why bend the knee in front of the temple.

Although the autumn wind sends a beautiful lady, leave when you are not careful

The remnants of the night have been eaten a few times,

Whispering calls for dementia.

A gaunt smile in his eyes,

A touch of sadness is coming up.

Although the autumn wind sends a beautiful lady, leave when you are not careful

The glitz has gone to dusk, but the green plum has turned into a light cloud.

Last night who knew the wind made the chrysanthemum, this morning will write rain sewing skirt.

More pity under the pearl language, is the front of the masquerade pattern.

Holding the pillar in this life will not regret it, and in the next year, I will smell it in my dreams again.

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