
What do you want life to teach you?

author:West Bank

I often wonder, we have been in life, day by day, year by year, are we waking up in life, or are we overwhelmed by life? If I can have the ability to predict the future, if I can know my future confusion in advance, if I can give me a hint of my current life, if I can suddenly wake up to what kind of life I have wanted to live...

What do you want life to teach you?

【A lifetime, a year, a painting, a sentence】

In "How Have You Ever Thought about Life", life is highly condensed, only: a sentence, a painting into a year, and then to the age of 100 years of life! The book will be finished in about 10 minutes or so when it is read. The highly condensed life made me deeply feel the passage of time!

What do you want life to teach you?

At the age of 1, you smile for the first time in your life and feel the smiles of others.

19 years old, it's just that you hate yourself sometimes. Can a person change themselves?

At 22, when you want to achieve a certain goal, think about every small step you want to take.

At the age of 31, the contrast of different states can make people feel happy.

35 years old, but maybe you are still childlike.

At the age of 36, the wish has been fulfilled. But reality is far from what you think.

At 43, you learn to live for yourself.

At 50 years old, there are two forces in life that bind us. One small, tender hand is trying to break free of your pull, and the other old hand needs your support.

53 years old,...... Never mind. You've learned to cherish the little beauty in life.

At 70, you know very little about yourself. You will find that only when you actually do it will you understand whether you like it or not.

At the age of 80, at this moment you feel that your life is limited, so you cherish every minute and second of the present even more.

At 98, you feel like a child, just as you once were.

At 100 years old, has life ever taught you anything?

In the face of the past that you can't hold, the unknown that you can't grasp, instead of lamenting the passage of time, it is better to cherish the present, because the present is a lifetime!

What do you want life to teach you?

[A word, a thing, a decision, a lifetime]

At the age of 0 to 100, our first smile, understanding the world, falling in love (building intimate relationships), having our own children, people to middle age two forces of entanglement, memories, focusing on ourselves, fear of death, open-mindedness. Whether it is adversity or good times, we have come day by day.

You will find that all things are acted upon little by little by ourselves, and this action, this decision, this thing, even a certain sentence we say, slowly constitutes our daily day, every month, every year, every life. Live your life as you want!

As the 68-year-old said: Maybe you'll focus on your garden. Pay attention to yourself and run your own life well!

What do you want life to teach you?

【Moment, Moment, Action, Life】

Every moment of the moment, if you want to change, act, it will develop in a good direction, that is, your life. Don't look back after 100 and ask what life has taught you?

As the saying goes when you were 81: What if your age is not measured by the years that have passed, but by the time you have enjoyed?

What do you want life to teach you?

【My Action】

1, pick up their own text creation, the headlines continue to change

2. Get up early to punch in, start reading, and arm your mind

3. List your own schedule, balance your family and your own time, take care of your family, take care of your children, and give yourself time to be alone and learn new knowledge

4, change the role, especially the role of the mother, when counseling and companionship, put down their work, to achieve efficient accompaniment

5, more communication between husband and wife, more understanding in the process of family getting along, praise each other, promote family harmony, not all say: the problems reflected in the child are the shadows of the parents.

6. Care about three meals a day and treat them with care. Because the most beautiful fireworks in the world is health, is a warm moment, and is an environment for comfortable communication.

What do you want life to teach you?

What if I really say that life has taught me? I think that despite the psychological suffering, I still find the sunshine everywhere. As the saying goes: Life gives me honey, and I enjoy honey. Life tested me, and I put on my armor. And I began to re-examine myself, what kind of life am I going to live? Start to pay attention to the small things in life, start to like to try boldly, focus on their "garden", start to collect small blessings in life, start to think in a different position, can be alone without loneliness, can communicate without going with the flow. The years are gentle and the heart is firm!

May my words inspire you a little and bring you warmth!