
The 11th China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week was held online with the participation of 200 institutions from China and Italy


The reporter learned from the Ministry of Science and Technology that the 11th China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week was held from December 1 to 3 in Beijing, China, Rome and Naples in An "online and offline combination".

The 3-day Innovation Cooperation Week, with the theme of "Joint Research and Innovation, Better Impact the Future", was held in the two countries with the theme of "Online Mode", including ministerial meetings, opening ceremonies and project signing ceremonies, parallel forums in key cooperation areas, one-on-one matchmaking meetings of China-Italy science and technology innovation projects, etc., attracting more than 500 representatives from 200 institutions in China and Italy to register and participate. The Chinese and Italian participants conducted in-depth exchanges and discussions in key areas such as high-energy and astro-particle physics, advanced materials, intelligent manufacturing, green energy and smart grid (containing carbon neutrality).

The 11th China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week was held online with the participation of 200 institutions from China and Italy

The scene of the 11th China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week. (Courtesy of the Ministry of Science and Technology)

Wang Zhigang, Minister of Science and Technology, said that openness and cooperation are the inevitable requirements for all countries in the world to grasp a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change. In recent years, under the background of the deepening friendship between China and Italy, China-Italy scientific and technological innovation cooperation has achieved pragmatic results and vitality, and the China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week is deeply loved by researchers from the two countries. Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, the scientific and technological communities of the two countries have supported each other and exchanged and shared anti-epidemic experience, reflecting the valuable spirit of overcoming difficulties together. Holding the China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week in this context will play an important role in strengthening the belief in cooperation and expanding dialogue and exchanges between the two sides. In the next step, China and Italy should actively promote the green transformation, jointly build the "Belt and Road", dock clusters and parks, broaden the global vision, promote China-Italy scientific and technological cooperation to sail far and wide, and work together to contribute to post-epidemic recovery, high-quality economic and social development, and jointly respond to the challenges of all mankind.

The China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week is an important platform for scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between the two governments, and has been held for ten sessions. The 11th China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Week is hosted by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, the Italian University and The Ministry of Scientific Research, and hosted by the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission, the Zhongguancun Science and Technology Park Management Committee, and the Italian Science City.

Since it was first held in 2010, the first ten China-Italy Innovation Cooperation Weeks have attracted more than 8,400 delegates from China and Italy, carried out more than 6,100 technical docking projects, and set up sub-venues in 8 cities in the two countries, becoming an important platform for promoting Sino-Italian scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation and promoting the flow of innovation resources. (Reporter Hu Zhe)