
Xie Nan has a Wangfu phase, not metaphysics and luck, but a kind of ability, in fact, more prosperous is himself

author:Aesthetic beauty

The Chosin Lake box office surpassed Wolf Warrior 2 and became the box office champion in Chinese film history. Not only witness the moment when Wu Jing surpassed Wu Jing, but also witness the moment when Wu Jing congratulated Wu Jing. Wu Jing's success is inseparable from his wife Xie Nan, some people say that Xie Nan has a Wangfu xiang, the director believes that Wangfu is not metaphysics, not a kind of luck, not just by looking at Wangfu, but a kind of ability, in fact, she is more prosperous is herself.

She has always been a very enterprising woman, so that on the first date with Wu Jing, the dinner table was talking about work, and even made Wu Jing think that she was really just a big woman who worked hard and did not have the courage to pursue.

Xie Nan has a Wangfu phase, not metaphysics and luck, but a kind of ability, in fact, more prosperous is himself

Later, she made a splash in the hosting world, also appeared on records, acted in movies, and when asked why she worked so hard, she said:

Because I hope that one day, when I find that person, I can say very frankly that I am with him because I love him. Not because he is who he is, not because he has anything, because I can give myself everything.

Xie Nan has a Wangfu phase, not metaphysics and luck, but a kind of ability, in fact, more prosperous is himself

When Wu Jing filmed "Wolf Warrior" to take the house as collateral, he was a little hesitant and said to Xie Nan: In case of loss, it may be ruined. Xie Nan replied to him: "You go to shoot, I still have a small house, back to the previous hard days, I will raise you." This is probably the tolerance and security that Xie Nan can give Wu Jing. Similarly, Ang Lee has told his wife, Lin Jiahui, that he has not made much progress in six years of filmmaking. When Ang Lee didn't have enough confidence to give up, his wife asked him to do what he wanted to do, to do what he was good at, so that Ang Lee could achieve it today. Every woman, Wanfu, first of all, knows each other's dreams. She never tied her lover to herself, but instead inspired him to do what she wanted to do. Xie Nan's domineering answer gave Wu Jing unlimited motivation and courage, making him more able to do what he wanted without hesitation. This unconditional support will allow people to work hard for the rest of their lives to fulfill their inner desires.

As a result, in many interviews or press conferences, Wu Jing can be seen expressing love and gratitude to Xie Nan. After the two were together, Wu Jing accidentally saw Xie Nan's long hair style, and he said: Wife, I want to chase you again. At the press conference, he said: I am particularly grateful to my wife, especially during her pregnancy, she is such a woman with a big belly, a person who bears everything, I am particularly grateful to her.

Xie Nan has a Wangfu phase, not metaphysics and luck, but a kind of ability, in fact, more prosperous is himself

We only see Xie Nan "Wangfu", but we don't see that she herself has been "Wang" for many years. A word of "Wangfu" almost erased her efforts and achievements over the years. It is not so much that Xie Nan "wang" Wu Jing, but rather That Xie Nan has achieved Wu Jing.

Marriage is a long exchange of values, and only after a person has achieved self-worth and knows how to achieve greater self-worth will they have the best marriage. Just like Xie Nan, before loving others, self-sufficiency can give each other wisdom love after loving people.

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