
I love therefore I am, and I can't shake the dust off the sky

author:Born like a light summer flower
I love therefore I am, and I can't shake the dust off the sky

Love Love Love - Fang Datong

Love will still look forward to it, or feel lonely and too failed

I love so I am

People who find love certainly won't hide

Can someone who is lonely stand up?

I'm here to accompany you helplessly

I have read the waiting of people in the novel, and I am more accustomed to waiting

I love therefore I am, and I can't shake the dust off the sky

Can't afford a brand with street pockets

You smother me silly enough to love

Will the whole era be only one confession?

Who doesn't love doesn't exist

Unclear and not white, not good or evil, all for the sake of love and love

One day I couldn't find love when I opened the sea of words

Flowers do not open trees undefeated or more cheerful

Love will still look forward to

I love therefore I am, and I can't shake the dust off the sky

The future - Fang Datong

Looking up at the moonlight doesn't sweat

If you look at the ground without the moon, you won't miss your hometown

Lying empty next to you will get used to it

The light in the room was soft but very warm

If you think about it from another angle, there is hope

If you can't think of it, go dodge

Don't think too much about it

It's not a big deal, it's not a big deal

The ending has not yet been broadcast on television

The plot still needs you to figure it out

Don't miss it

No hope is because you don't have love

Without hope, there is no existence

I understand with love

I love therefore I am, and I can't shake the dust off the sky

Three-person tour - Fang Datong

At least some of us can be happy

That's enough

There are some words I choose to keep silent

Don't tell the truth and hide my loneliness

Your emotions still hold me

We know the things that hide in the corners of your heart

Even if your love belongs to him

Even if you have your hand, he still holds it

Even if you're tired, I'll be here

One person stares at two guilty three people swim

Quietly far away, maybe reluctantly

Silently and quietly, it may be worth it

• end •

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  • I love so I am

    I never regret what I have done, rightly or wrongly, after all, it is my own step by step. Surviving is wrong, can't hold back tomorrow and the future, salute yourself! I was the best

    I love so I am
