
How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

author:Micro tour of Gansu

The ancients wrote about Gansu, which has a desert smoke and a long river sunset, not only has a unique natural style, but even the food is also very distinctive.

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Picture: "Flavor Origin , Gansu"

On the table of the Gansu people, meat is always the protagonist.

In addition to beef and mutton, there are chicken, duck, fish and pigs,

All kinds of living and fragrant meat,

From beginning to end, from flesh to bone, from internal organs to bone marrow,

Steaming, boiling, frying, frying, sautéing, shabu- shabu, roasting, stewing, braising, brine, braising...

All year round, you can't finish eating with different tricks.

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

The enthusiasm of Gansu people for exploring meat cuisine can never be underestimated. They can cook as delicate and delicate as Southern cuisine, or they can make it simple and rugged.

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

The food here is rich in flavor and variety, and it is often the delicious food carried by the cool chivalrous guests in martial arts movies.


Lanzhou rotten meat

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Lanzhou bad meat is a characteristic traditional dish, fat but not greasy, bright red as fire, the more chewed the more fragrant, the more chewy the more delicious. Steamed rotten meat, the color is very festive, a piece of meat with a glass of wine, or sandwiched in the lotus leaf bun, is the old Lanzhou mouth of the New Year's taste.


Sweet and sour sand

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

"Sandwich meat" is made of pork fat meat, bean paste, sugar, egg white, rose sugar, starch, lard, etc. after several processes, eating crispy outside and tender inside, the meat is soft, sweet and delicious, mouth-watering.


Braised elbows

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Pork knuckles have thick skin, tendons, heavy gum, lean meat, often cooked with skin, fat but not greasy, is one of the must-eat delicacies for Gansu people every New Year's Festival.


Stew balls

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

"Balls" is also called yuanzi, north and south food, variety, is made of pigs, beef, mutton, salty and fresh taste, simple method, rich nutrition, one of the essential foods for the New Year.


Plum vegetables buckle meat

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Plum vegetables buckle meat this dish after a number of processes, most of the fat oil of the meat has been dissolved, coupled with plum vegetables to help absorb oil, the meat is soft and rotten, fat but not greasy, plum vegetables rich and fragrant, drizzled with viscous and delicious sauce, every bite is intoxicating.


Steamed crispy meat

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Steamed to soft meat, yellow color, salty and slightly spicy, fat but not greasy, tender but not emulsified, five-spiced, is one of the indispensable delicacies on the dinner table of Lanzhou people. The crispy meat is first fried at high temperatures, and the crispy shell is wrapped in tender pork, which is attractive in color. After this process, it is steamed again, retaining the attractive color, and adding a soft glutinous.


Jingning roast chicken

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Jingning roast chicken chicken body fat, tender and delicious, meat flavor thick, refreshing and not greasy, well-known in Gansu, Shaanxi, Ning and other regions. The ingredients are pepper, cloves, cinnamon, tangerine peel, ginger, peppercorns, grass fruits, white root, fennel and a small amount of wine, green onion, monosodium glutamate, etc. Whenever the chicken is cooked, the lid of the pot is opened, and the aroma is fragrant, which makes people salivate.


Steamed chicken

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Pingliang steamed chicken is famous for its production in Libao, Gaoping Town and Lingtai County in Jingchuan County. Steamed chicken is a delicious home-cooked dish that preserves the original taste of ingredients to the greatest extent through the steaming process. Steamed and cooled chicken, the meat is rotten and fragrant, and it is eaten with dipping sauce and has a mellow aroma.


Flat cold red beef

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Pingliang red beef color bright red, fat milky white, meat delicate and firm, fat deposition rich, uniform, mellow and rich flavor, tender and juicy taste, suitable for high-end Western, Chinese cooking. It has the effect of tonifying the qi, nourishing the spleen and nourishing the stomach, and strengthening the muscles and bones.


Tianshui chowder

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

The key to the Tianshui chowder is the splint meat. Egg whites, egg yolks stir well, spread into pancakes, fine beef minced, add salt, flour noodles, peppercorns and mix well, sandwiched between the two layers of pancakes flattened, basket steamed and cut into strips, poured chicken soup, sprinkled with green onions, and then put on meatballs, fungus, etc., while eating and drinking, dinner will be solved, not greasy, delicious.


Tianshui loin

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Tianshui tenderloin, using beef, beef cut into small pieces, with flour noodles, egg white stirred evenly, fried in vegetable oil, with fungus, magnolia slices, pepper shreds, poured with hooked soup, looks clear color, taste crisp and delicious, soft on the outside and crispy on the inside.


Longxi bacon

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

A dish of bacon ham from Longxi is a treasure trove of the northwest. Longxi's bacon and ham are often marinated together, bringing together the customs of Dingxi: the meat should be used from the fern pig running in the mountains of Minxian County, the salt should be used from Zhangxian green salt, and then the yellow river live water should be taken, with the local secret recipe of Longxi, there is a unique Longxi ham in the north, and the fat and tasty Longxi bacon. Bacon and ham, the most suitable for sandwich steamed buns to eat, white and fat steamed buns, bacon is as bright as red xia, just like the thick soil in the northwest, Dingxi people live a hot life.


Roast lamb

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Roast lamb is the "belief" of Lanzhou people's nightlife, and the density of Lanzhou barbecue stalls is no less than that of beef noodle restaurants, and the taste is also different. A lot of barbecue, the Yellow River beer with foam rolling, and three or five friends sitting around a table are also very lively. The spice of cumin and the caramelized aroma of lamb charcoal are fully integrated in the flames that are aroused, and when the heat is just right, the roasted lamb is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, fat and thin, and it is always not addictive.

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!
How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

In Jiayuguan and Dunhuang in the Hexi Corridor area, roast lamb is also one of the indispensable delicacies for people there. The roast lamb in Jiayuguan is often jokingly said that in addition to the wool is not roasted, it can be eaten to any part of the sheep. Jiayuguan roast meat is made of fresh lamb cut into small pieces, which is exquisite and delicious to eat.

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Meat skewers made of iron are woven up and down the fiery red charcoal fire, and are constantly accompanied by various spices such as cumin, chili noodles, and pretzels by the grilling chef, while humming in the charcoal fire and emitting a seductive aroma with the rising fireworks. Pork belly, lamb belly, lamb chops, lamb trotters, lamb tendons keep going down... One string, two strings, one hand, two... If you're lucky, you'll be able to eat a very small amount of roast lamb skin that you've acquired by luck.

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

In Dunhuang, roast lamb is no longer skewered with iron, but replaced by branches of red willow that grow on the Gobi Desert, and when plants and meat meet, it makes another gastronomic encounter.


Sheep's head, haggis

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

In the eyes of many people, haggis is probably not elegant, but for Lanzhou people, sheep's head and haggis are indispensable fireworks in life. Therefore, the haggis sellers are usually on the side of the road, around the corner, or in the alleys of the street night market, two low tables, a few benches, the owner burns a large pot on the side, boils a pot of soup, and when diners come, they cut a bowl of haggis, pour some soup, add parsley, etc. Nibbling on sheep's heads and eating haggis is a way for most Lanzhou people to eat supper to relieve their hunger.


Jingyuan lamb

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Jingyuan County belongs to the Yellow River impact basin, the territory of the cool climate, growing chai hu, ephedra, mother, dandelion, orange stem and other dozens of herbs, mountain water babbling, mineral enrichment, lamb daily food herbs, night drinking mineral springs, the achievement of meat tender, delicious taste of Jingyuan lamb meat. Its unique beach sheep breed, unique growth environment, coupled with unique processing methods, make jingyuan lamb meat fresh flavor and medicinal food tonic value appear unique and outstanding.


Huanxian clear soup lamb

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Photography / Li Li

Qingyang Huanxian lamb eating method is mainly stewed and steamed, the lamb is cut into small pieces, soaked and washed, stir-fried with sesame oil or rapeseed oil and dried chili peppers, and then add ginger, pepper, pepper, salt stew, out of the pot sprinkled with coriander, chopped shallots, is Qingyang people's favorite clear soup lamb.


Grab the lamb by hand

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Linxia is located at the junction of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Loess Plateau, with deep mountains and ravines, drought and little rain, but it has raised fat and tender Dongxiang sheep. This kind of captive sheep, in the words of the locals, has a "golden fat-to-lean ratio", the meat is tender, the taste is mellow, and when boiled in water, it is a plate of hand-caught lamb. When eating by hand, dipped in pretzel salt, chili oil and vinegar, and then on the newly peeled garlic cloves, a bite of meat, a bite of garlic, the meat is tender and soft, fragrant and delicious, no smell, suck a little belly, can be called the best in meat.


Food and drink

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Put the lamb in the lamb tripe, add the spices, and stuff the hot stone into the lamb tripe seal. Under the action of multiple stones, the internal temperature of the lamb tripe can reach more than 200 degrees Celsius, like a pressure cooker, the lamb that touches the stone is full of burnt aroma, soft and rotten and delicious, which is the mouth-watering and amazing Taoist food combination.

How much Gansu people love to eat meat!

Food is a manifestation of folk wisdom,

It's made locally,

It is usually possible to highlight the local material and social life.

Every kind of cuisine

It's all a local culture.

A strong nostalgia!

Text 丨Weiyou Gansu Editorial Department