
Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

author:Lu Keyu

Ingredients: 500 grams of lean beef Seasoning: peppercorns, chili oil, dried chili peppers, salad oil, green onions, ginger slices, salt, soy sauce, sugar, white sesame seeds, fresh soup, cooking wine.

Production process:

1. Remove the stems and seeds from the dried peppers, cut them into sections, rinse the white sesame seeds with water, stir-fry and set aside.

2. Wash the beef, cut into two large pieces, put it in a large bowl, add shallots, ginger slices, salt, cooking wine and marinate.

3. Place the steamer on high heat, add water to the boil, put the beef in the steamer basket and steam it, take it out to cool and cut into strips.

4. Put the wok on the fire, add the salad oil and cook until it is 50% hot, add the beef strips and fry the water dry, pour in the fine leaky oil.

5. Put the wok on the fire, add the oil to heat, add the peppercorns to fry and charr, then add the dried pepper segments to fry into purple-black, add the green onion, ginger slices and stir-fry, add the fresh soup, soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, beef strips, switch to medium heat until the soup is exhausted, pour in the chili oil, sprinkle sesame seeds, pick the peppers, green onions, ginger when eating, and then serve when it is cool.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: beef fillet 250 g, fresh ginger 100 g, big red pepper 50 g Seasoning: dry starch, egg white, salt, pepper, cooking wine, soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, pine meat powder, green onion, salad oil.

1. Cut the fresh ginger into thin slices, remove the stems and seeds of the big red pepper, cut into thin slices, put the two into the basin together, add fine salt, sugar and mix well, set aside.

2. Oxweet with water to rinse the blood water, squeeze dry water, cut into thin slices, put into the basin, add egg white, salt, pepper, cooking wine, pine meat powder, dry starch and salad oil to mix the code taste, shake the beef fillet slices into a pot of boiling water, rinse until the meat slices change color and break off, immediately fish into the cold boiling water, drain the water and set aside.

3. Take a small bowl, add soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, sugar and sesame oil and mix well to form a sauce.

4. Mix the ginger slices and the big red pepper slices into the bottom of the plate, put the beef fillet slices on top, drizzle the mixed sauce on the beef fillet, sprinkle with green onions and serve.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: 1000 grams of beef brisket, seasoning: watercress paste, soy sauce 30 grams, refined salt 25 grams, ginger, fine chili noodles, brown sugar two pieces, green onion, rapeseed oil 20 grams each, cooking wine 15 grams, peppercorns 5 grams, star anise, grass fruits, fragrant leaves, cinnamon, mountain parsley 2 grams each.

1. Cut the beef brisket into pieces, rinse off the blood, put it into boiling water, fish out the washed blood foam, chop the bean paste finely, and crush the ginger.

2. Heat the seed oil to 70%, add shallots, ginger and spices, stir-fry the beef until slightly yellow, then add the bean paste, fine chili noodles and fry the red oil, and finally add the appropriate amount of water, add soy sauce and salt to taste, put the pressure cooker and pressure for 40 minutes.

3. When eating, pick up the spices, green onions, and ginger.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: beef tendon 1000 g Seasoning: soy sauce, salt, sugar, cooking wine, green onion, ginger slices, cinnamon, star anise, red yeast rice juice.

Production process;

1. Wash the beef tendon, cut into large pieces, poke a small hole in the meat with the root of a knife, sprinkle with salt, rub it repeatedly until the salt dissolves, let it stand for three hours, so that the meat has a hard and fragrant taste, rinse it with water, put it into a pot of boiling water, wash off the foam and set aside.

2. Put the beef into the pot, add cinnamon, star anise, green onion, ginger slices, cooking wine, sugar, soy sauce and red yeast rice juice, burn over high heat until the beef is red yeast rice color, add water to submerge the beef, add salt, boil and then use low heat to simmer, until the beef is cooked, take it out and cool, cut into thin slices and plate it.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: beef tenderloin 250 g, celery 100 g, garlic sprouts 100 g, green onion 100 g Seasoning: soup, vegetable oil, dried chili pepper, peppercorns, ginger, salt, bean paste, cooking wine, soy sauce, water starch, MSG.

1. Cut the beef tenderloin into thin slices, cut the celery, garlic sprouts and green onion into sections, chop the bean paste finely, and cut the dried chili peppers into sections.

2. Put the wok on the high heat, add oil and heat it, add dried chili peppers and peppers to fry until they are dark yellow, pour it on the board and chop it with a knife, add watercress sauce and ginger minced in the oil pot until it is colored, add fresh soup, put salt, soy sauce and cooking wine to boil, cook celery, garlic seedlings and green onions until they are broken, fish out the vegetables, and put them in the soup bowl at the bottom.

3. Mix the beef slices with cooking wine, salt and water starch, shake and scatter into a pot of boiling water, cook for about 5 minutes, then add MSG, scoop them into a bowl, and sprinkle finely chopped dried peppers and peppercorns on the noodles.

4. Heat 50g of vegetable oil in a net pot and drizzle on the sliced meat.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: 250 grams of cowboy bone, 200 grams of small begonia vegetables, appropriate amount of onion Seasoning: pepper, salt, flour, red wine, sugar, soup, butter.

Production process:

1. Marinate the cowboy bones in powder, red wine and salt for 1 hour, peel off the outer skin of the onion, wash, slice, wash the tang cabbage, put in boiling water with a little salt, drain and cut the red pepper into small pieces.

2. Heat the butter in a saucepan, sauté the cowboy bones until fragrant, pour in the red wine, add the sugar and simmer for 10 minutes until the juice is collected.

3. Then use butter to cook, sauté peppercorns, red peppercorns, add onion slices, cowboy bones and stir-fry, pour into the broth, add salt to boil, add small tang vegetables to boil again, put into the sand pot.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: Beef 200 g, Sichuan kimchi 100 g, egg 1 Seasoning: 5 g soy sauce, 2 g salt, 3 g monosodium glutamate, 3 g sugar, 10 g cooking wine, wet starch 20 g, pickled chili pepper 10 g, salad oil 500 g, green onion, ginger, garlic slices 5 g each.

1. Wash and cut the beef into strips, add egg liquid, starch, salt, soy sauce, cooking wine, sizing and marinating, cut the kimchi strips and set aside.

2. Heat the wok, add oil and cook until it is 50% hot, and the beef strips are smoothly cooked and fished out.

3. Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add the pickled chili pepper, green onion slices, ginger slices, garlic slices and stir-fry, add beef and Sichuan kimchi and stir-fry, cook into the cooking wine, add soy sauce, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate and stir-fry well, use wet starch to contour, out of the pot and plate.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: 400 grams of beef Seasoning: Sichuan marinade 2500 grams, chili oil 500 grams, cooked sesame seeds 10 grams

1. Wash and cut the beef into pieces, put it in the brine and marinate it, remove it to cool and tear it into thin wires.

2. Heat the pan, add chili oil and cook until it is 60% hot, then fry the marinated beef shreds into a golden brown, cool the oil, put it on a plate, and sprinkle sesame seeds.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: 500 grams of net beef Seasoning: salt, peppercorns, sugar, allspice powder, sesame oil each appropriate amount.

1. Remove the puffy skin and dirt from the beef slices, cut them into pieces after trimming, and cut each piece into square and uniform thin strips with a straight knife, without cutting, so that they are connected together, shaped like a small hanging firecracker.

2. Stir-fry the fine salt, chop the peppercorns, add the hot salt and mix well with sugar and allspice, and then mix well with the beef, and then mix well with the beef, and then shape the beef after the salting is exhausted, put it in a dustpan to dry (14 hours in summer, 4 days in winter.

3. Put the dried beef on the wire rack, put it on the stove with charcoal for about 1 hour, then basket and steam it over high heat, take it out and let it cool, brush a little sesame oil when eating, the taste is better.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Ingredients: 1000 grams of beef, mushrooms, mushrooms, chicken thigh mushrooms, anchovies, porcini mushrooms, rapeseed, wide flour 200 grams each Seasoning: 10 grams each of green onion, ginger pieces, star anise, 5 grams of cinnamon, salt, monosodium glutamate, chicken essence, pepper 2 tsp each, fresh soup 300 grams, clear oil 100 grams

1. Wash the beef, cut into pieces, wash the mushrooms, grass mushrooms, chicken thigh mushrooms separately, cut in half, wash the anchovies and porcini mushrooms, blanch them in boiling water for 5 minutes, drain the water, remove the old leaves from the rapeseed, wash them, and soak the wide powder in warm water for later.

2. Heat the sand pot, add clear oil to heat, first add shallots, ginger pieces, star anise, cinnamon and sauté, then add fresh soup, add beef, fungi, add pepper to the pot for about 2 hours, after the beef is cooked, fish out the slices, then add salt, chicken essence, MONOS to cook for 10 minutes, then add rape, wide powder and simmer slightly to serve.

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach

Conclusion: That's all there are ten different flavors of beef, we'll see you next time!

Ten different flavors of beef are prepared, each with a simple approach