
A brief introduction to the three major songworm cultures in China

author:Fu Lu Yuan

Song insects refer to a class of insects that can sing and make sounds, and the three traditional songbirds in China are cicadas, crickets and crickets (grasshoppers). Insect calls are not produced by the vibration of the mouth through the vocal cords. Instead, it occurs through the vibration of an organ of the body or friction between organs.

Hymenoptera bees, dipterans are buzzing due to the vibration of their wings as they fly. Homoptera cicadas make sounds by vibration of the eardrum that grows in the abdomen. Orthoptera songbirds almost exclusively sound by friction between organs, locust songworms mostly sound from the friction of their hind legs with their forewings, and crickets or crickets make sounds from the friction of their front and back wings.

A brief introduction to the three major songworm cultures in China

In the Book of Poetry, a collection of ancient Chinese poetry, the three major songbirds are described, and in the "Shuofeng July", it is recorded that "May Cicadas" are recorded, that is, the cicadas begin to chirp in the fifth month of the lunar calendar. "May Crickets, June ShaJi Zhenyu, July in the wild, August in the Yu, September in the household, October crickets, under my bed." That is to say, in May the crickets bounce their legs, in June the weavers flapp their wings, in July the crickets are in the fields, in August they come under the eaves, in September the crickets enter the doorway, and in October they burrow under my bed. The Daya 蕩 divides the cicadas into the cockroaches of the large cicadas (grasshoppers) and the moths of the small cicadas (蟪蛄), "like ticks like clams". The Book of Verses also includes the Crickets and the Crickets.

Cicadas are mainly divided into two kinds, the larger cicadas, ancient called ticks, alias singing cicadas, singing cicadas, autumn cicadas, zhiyi, etc., the male insect body is long and wide, 4,4-4,8 cm long. The male's abdomen has a pronouncer and can make a continuous sharp sound. The smaller cicadas are called cockroaches, and the ancient name is also called mantis, also known as Zhi. The body is 2,5 cm long, yellow-green, with black stripes and dark spots on the wings. From morning to night, the sound is made of "whoosh" sounds, which are not as loud and loud as grasshoppers. Relatively fragile. It can be divided into yellow cockroaches and green cockroaches.

Cicadas are the first songbird in China, and the ancient literati have described cicadas very much, and there is a story of "Rickets Inheriting The Worms" in Zhuangzi Dasheng, which tells the story of a hunchbacked old man who is highly skilled in cicada catching skills. "Wu Yue Chunqiu" has "praying mantis catching cicadas, aiming to be advantageous." I don't know the record of the yellow finch pecking at the back". It is also the object of many poetry descriptions. For example, in the poem "Into Ruoye Creek" of the Liang Dynasty of the Southern Dynasty, "The cicadas are noisy and the forest is quiet, and the birdsong mountains are more quiet." Three famous Tang Dynasty poems include Yu Shinan's "Cicada", Luo Binwang's "Cicada in Prison" and Li Shangyin's "Cicada". In addition, Wang Wei's "Lianchuan Idle Residence Gift Pei XiuCaidi" in "relying on the firewood outside the door, listening to the twilight cicadas in the wind", and the Song Dynasty Liu Yongzi "Raining Bells" in the "cold cicadas and miserable cuts" are all famous sentences throughout the ages.

A brief introduction to the three major songworm cultures in China

Cricket insects, including large oil gourds, medium fighting crickets and smaller frogs, mostly live in dark, damp places. Oil gourd is also known as knotted yellow, oil pot Lu. Body length 20-30 mm. Because the whole body is shiny and shiny, as if it has just been fished out of the oil bottle, and the sound is like the sound of oil pouring out of the gourd, and because its adults like to eat various oil plants, such as peanuts, soybeans, sesame seeds, etc., it has the name of "oil gourd".

Fighting crickets are commonly known as crickets, promote weaving, male insects are 13-16 mm long, habits are aggressive, two males can fight, the Ming Dynasty Xuande years since the fighting crickets are very prosperous, Pu Songling's "Liaozhai Zhiyi" has a good description of this. Fighting crickets, it has a broad sound, symmetrical syllables, a slightly pale sound, and can continue to chirp continuously.

Flies, shaped like crickets, are much smaller. Prefers to live among bushes, grasses, bamboo bushes, reed bushes and green hedges. Usually chirps in the southern summer. Such as the golden cricket, also known as the chirp, golden clam, the maggot, belongs to the cricket family small song insects, usually summer nocturnal activities, because its body is shining as gold, the sound of the song is crisp, like the sound of metal bells, so it is also known as "golden bells". There are many types of clams, including large and small yellowflies, golden frogs, inkflies, antflies, horseflies, bambooflies, skyflies, green grasshoppers, flowerflies and so on.

National hero Yue Fei's words "Little Heavy Mountain" have "last night's cold silence can't stop singing", where cold chirping refers to crickets in late autumn. It mainly refers to the nocturnal chirping of fighting crickets and oil gourds.

A brief introduction to the three major songworm cultures in China

The grasshopper, known in the north as the grasshopper, is the larger of the songbirds, with a body length of 40 mm, grass-green, and generally eats other small animals and crops. According to the sound of subdivision of grasshoppers, there are elegant grasshoppers, dark brown grasshoppers, drum-winged grasshoppers, spot-winged grasshoppers, Yueming grasshoppers and so on. Grasshoppers are round and fat type, textile girls, also known as weft, for long and thin type, commonly found in crop fields, melon shed bean racks, grass reeds, quiet during the day, dusk began to sing. Inner Mongolia and northeast China have the Mongolian spiny neck mantis, commonly known as the mountain donkey, large in size, 3-8 cm long, fierce temperament, both sexes have pronunciation devices. Constantly vibrating the cornea of the neck to dissipate heat for the body, the sound of vibration is heard tens of meters away, which is the origin of the name of the mountain donkey.

Li Bai, "Sauvignon Blanc" poem has "Sauvignon Blanc, in Chang'an, luowei autumn cry golden well, slight frost miserable color cold." "Here is written about the situation of the weaver lady crying at the well railing on the autumn night.

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