
The "selected" Netherlands passed the friendly Taiwan resolution, Japan publicly seized the island, and the ROK introduced the declaration of the end of war on the Korean Peninsula to the Chinese side

author:Defense Times vanguard

Things change a lot, and there's always one thing you pay attention to! On December 2, these three international current events deserve attention.

On November 30, the Dutch House of Representatives passed two resolutions on friendly Taiwan, namely "the Dutch government does not accept China's one-sided change in the status quo of the Taiwan Strait" and "the Netherlands urges the EU to support Lithuania's resolution on strengthening relations with Taiwan." Previously, the Dutch House of Representatives had passed a resolution requiring the Dutch government to support Taiwan's accession to Interpol.

It seems that the Netherlands is also going to learn from Li Taoyuan to challenge the "one China" policy. On the other hand, the Fact that the Netherlands, thousands of miles away, is so concerned about the Taiwan Strait is not unrelated to the up-and-down jump of the Taiwan authorities.

The "selected" Netherlands passed the friendly Taiwan resolution, Japan publicly seized the island, and the ROK introduced the declaration of the end of war on the Korean Peninsula to the Chinese side

It is reported that "the Netherlands does not accept China's one-sided motion to change the status quo in the Taiwan Strait" was proposed by Dai Roen, chairman of the Foreign Trade Committee of the Dutch House of Representatives, who also looks forward to leading other European countries to follow up and support Taiwan.

As for the "motion to urge the EU to support Lithuania to strengthen its relations with Taiwan", it was jointly signed by Breckmann and two deputies from Mudd. Breckmann and Mudd also called on the Dutch government to urge the EU to take a unified stand in support of Lithuania.

In August this year, wu Chao-sup, a die-hard "Taiwan independence" element and head of Taiwan's foreign affairs department, vigorously shouted the idea of "Taiwan independence" in an interview with the Dutch media, and he also tried to pull the Netherlands into the water, saying that in the face of the "threat" of Chinese mainland, Taiwan has also actively strengthened cooperation with "countries with similar ideas, including the Netherlands."

The Netherlands, on the other hand, believes that this is related to the "false demonstration" effect of Lithuania. On the other hand, not long ago, Wu Zhao xie visited Slovakia and the Czech Republic, believing that the Dutch resolutions were all related to this. And we believe that Taiwan has spent a lot of money.

In recent years, Japan has continuously strengthened the defense of the Southwest Islands. It goes without saying that it is mainly to prevent China from recovering the Diaoyu Islands.

On November 25, the Amphibious Maneuver Regiment unveiled the contents of the amphibious combat exercise to the media at Tanegashima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture, the biggest theme of which was to confirm the SDF's ability to cooperate with the land and sea.

The day's training was based on the assumption of "retaking the occupied outlying islands". The landing crew advanced toward the coast with nine AAV7 amphibious assault vehicles, and when the vehicles exited the hovercraft, the public presentation to the media ended. Before the island was captured, Japanese air and naval aircraft and ships attacked the enemy.

The "selected" Netherlands passed the friendly Taiwan resolution, Japan publicly seized the island, and the ROK introduced the declaration of the end of war on the Korean Peninsula to the Chinese side

The Japanese "Marine And Land Maneuver Regiment" was founded in March 2018 and its main mission is to protect the southwest islands. He has trained jointly with the U.S. Marine Corps several times and has mastered the experience of amphibious warfare.

After the training, Takashi Hirata, head of the "Land and Water Mobile Regiment," stressed to reporters: "We must truly grasp the ability to defend the country and have the deterrent ability to guard against those who plot against misdeeds." ”

The "selected" Netherlands passed the friendly Taiwan resolution, Japan publicly seized the island, and the ROK introduced the declaration of the end of war on the Korean Peninsula to the Chinese side

This time, Japan publicly displayed the island seizure exercise to the media in order to show the outside world the ability to control the island and seize the island, but who is the person who is plotting against the evil? We believe that yours is yours in the end, not yours, and you can't protect it, and robbing it is even worse.

Over the years, although the two Koreas signed an armistice agreement, the Korean War did not end.

On December 2, senior Chinese and South Korean officials met in Tianjin, and South Korean media said that the south Korean national security office director Xu Xuan would mainly "brief the Chinese side on the progress of the declaration on the end of the korean peninsula."

The current government of the Republic of Korea attaches great importance to the "settlement of the issue of the declaration of the end of war on the Korean Peninsula." And President Moon Jae-in wants to make it a political legacy.

In the past two years, South Korea has repeatedly called on countries in public international forums to support the declaration of the end of war on the Korean Peninsula. China is an important party in Peninsula affairs and a party to the Korean Armistice Agreement, and the relevant parties have maintained communication and consultations with The Chinese side on matters such as promoting peace talks on the Peninsula and issuing a declaration on the end of the war.

South Korea hopes that the end-of-war declaration will lead North Korea back to the track of dialogue and hope that the declaration will eliminate north Korea's distrust of South Korea.

The "selected" Netherlands passed the friendly Taiwan resolution, Japan publicly seized the island, and the ROK introduced the declaration of the end of war on the Korean Peninsula to the Chinese side

South Korea has clarified south Korea's position on the issue of the end-of-war declaration to the United States, but the two sides are divided on the denuclearization.

Some analysts said that if China joins in signing the "Declaration of the End of War," it can help the United States play a role in supervising North Korea, and China can also assume part of the responsibility on the Peninsula issue. (Inoue Frog)

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