
What is bile reflux gastritis? Chinese medicine teaches you how to stay away from stomach problems

author:Chief Physician of the Department of Hepatobiliary Medicine, Li Yunrui

Bile reflux gastritis is the bile that should have been discharged from the ampulum of the twelve intestines to the small intestine, but it was reversed into the stomach, resulting in chronic lesions of the gastric mucosa such as inflammation, erosion or bleeding of the gastric mucosa, and a feeling of abdominal fullness, belching, and burning. The gastroscope can see bile mucus inside the stomach and on the stomach wall.

At present, Western medicine treats bile reflux gastritis to promote gastric motility, protect the gastric mucosa, inhibit acid stomach, and is more prone to recurrence. Chinese medicine classifies bile reflux gastritis as "stomach pain", "fullness", "bile itching", and "vomiting bile". The causes are external evils, eating disorders, emotional disorders, overwork and weakness of the spleen and stomach, and the disease is located in the stomach and gallbladder, which is related to the liver and spleen.

The main treatment is liver thinning and stomach reversal, liver main drainage, to the strip as the order. If the liver qi is peaceful, it will not reverse the stomach qi, and the bile can smoothly reach the small intestine.

What is bile reflux gastritis? Chinese medicine teaches you how to stay away from stomach problems

Figure | Source Sohu by Heart Scissors

However, the manifestations of biliary reflux gastritis include hepatic and gastric disharmony, spleen and stomach dampness and heat, spleen and stomach weakness, insufficient stomach yin and gastric obstruction, which are subdivided in these types. Therefore, the specific medication is still to go to the outpatient clinic to find a Chinese medicine expert to dialectical treatment.

If your daily symptoms are mild, you don't want to take medicine, or you want to speed up your recovery, you can try Gua Sha. It can scrape the spleen and stomach meridian, hepatobiliary meridian, Ren pulse, pericardial meridian to thin the liver and choleretic. Gua Sha can dredge the meridians, as long as the meridians and acupuncture points are smooth, the bad symptoms can be improved.

Usually, you should also develop good eating habits. First, the diet should be light and not stimulate the stomach; second, we must insist on eating less and more meals, quantitative diet, reduce the burden on the stomach; third, the diet should be easy to digest, help the stomach digestion and absorption; fourth, do not exercise immediately after meals, let the body relax, and the stomach has a good working environment.

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