
"Good Words" premiered, starring Cheng Xiaoluo Yunxi, with a fast pace and a strong story

author:Ma Qingyun

On the evening of November 30, the TV series "Good Words and Freehand" was launched on the genuine video platform and opened the premiere mode. The TV series is based on a web novel. So I didn't expect anything from this play. However, judging from the plot content that has been played so far, "Good Words" should be praised. As a commercial drama, its narrative rhythm is fast, the story is relatively good, and the male and female protagonists are both online. It is not an exaggeration to call it a knowledgeable commercial drama.

"Good Words" premiered, starring Cheng Xiaoluo Yunxi, with a fast pace and a strong story

First of all, "Good Words" has a story, and there are constant conflicts, which is different from ordinary romance dramas. Many TV dramas starring young stars often emphasize romance and sweetness, while ignoring the story of the TV series itself. In this "Good Words and Freehand", there is no problem with some network dramas, and in terms of storytelling, it is very good. In this TV series, the contradictions and conflicts given can be described as one after another.

"Good Words" premiered, starring Cheng Xiaoluo Yunxi, with a fast pace and a strong story

Of course, the main story of the whole TV series, "just a story", has nothing to say about. Commercial cool dramas are prone to this and do not follow the principles of reality. It is precisely because of this non-compliance that it can have more space and arbitrariness in the creation of bridge segments. This kind of arbitrariness can also bring more "cool stories". For example, the female protagonist wants to interview into the male protagonist's company and become his assistant, directly using a secret way to get her wish. This is the typical "cool story", not the real story.

Moreover, it is particularly worth affirming that in this TV series, the male and female protagonists are with strong desire. That is, what we talk about in the creation of the script, the motivation of the character's behavior. This is the most important reason for the strong story. Only when the male and female protagonists let the audience see a very strong behavioral motivation can they act on the plot expectations of the fans. The stronger the motivation of the character's behavior, the better the various conflict scenes that arise. Many of the male and female protagonists of online dramas have no desire and no demand, which is not good. This "Good Words" is very knowledgeable, and the characters' desires and motivations are presented clearly enough, and the opening is clear.

"Good Words" premiered, starring Cheng Xiaoluo Yunxi, with a fast pace and a strong story

In addition, the fast-paced narrative of this TV series also has the reason for the director's shots and live scheduling. A scene, let the male and female protagonists stand and shoot, sit and shoot, walk around and shoot, do other things to shoot, the effect is different. Standing and sitting, of course, it is easy to shoot, the camera setting is also simple, and the actor's performance of the lines is much less difficult. However, this state of "not moving" is easy to make the whole TV series very dull. In contrast, this "Good Words and Freehand", on-site scheduling and camera positioning are worth learning from many young directors.

You may wish to pay attention to a few scenes. For example, the male and female protagonists "meet" in the bar, and then encounter the "harassment" of women, men chase and so on. Throughout this scene, the moving line is very clear, each character is not static, and there are in and out. In particular, in one shot, many character relationships are created, and conflicts between characters and characters are created. The final effect is that the whole scene is a dynamic picture, and all the characters are moving and conflicting. This kind of position design is even found in many cinema movies.

"Good Words" premiered, starring Cheng Xiaoluo Yunxi, with a fast pace and a strong story

Even the scene where the heroine meets the male lawyer. The general director shoots, let the two people stand or sit, and finish the lines, and it is enough. Because this scene is not important, and there is no sense of conflict. However, in "Good Words", the heroine and the male lawyer are both in and out. The heroine enters, first see the male lawyer deal with his own workplace justice family thanks, the family out, the female lead, the man and woman meet to talk, and then open a dynamic position mode, men and women go upstairs together, the camera begins to follow, chase, super, etc., stop, the male protagonist clicked on the female protagonist, the female protagonist suddenly realized, to achieve the exit.

This scene is not just a design that can be achieved in the script. More, it is the director's current on-site requirements for the dynamic of the lens. This is due to the director's own creative level. The knowledgeable director can design the movement line of each scene, so that the whole scene is very dynamic. In doing so, a sense of thrill in the rhythm of the shot is finally achieved. Half of the reason why "Good Words and Freehand" is good is that the director's lens is well designed.

"Good Words" premiered, starring Cheng Xiaoluo Yunxi, with a fast pace and a strong story

In terms of male and female protagonists, the acting skills are also passed. The male protagonist, Luo Yunxi, is stable and stable, and for this script, it is okay to have such a performance. In terms of the female protagonist Cheng Xiao, it can be described as "really good". At the script level, the design of this role has a sense of surprise, especially the first-time cross-dress show, which is easy to stimulate the audience's interest in chasing the drama. Cheng Xiao also grasped these points of view of the role very well. The two high-IQ characters walk together, through the expression of acting skills, or can form a sense of CP that young audiences say.

Based on the above, I think that "Good Words" belongs to a more knowledgeable commercial drama. Say it's excellent, and that's it. It is fair to say that it looks good. (Text/Ma Qingyun)

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