
Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

Recently there are a lot of oranges at home, last night on a whim, I used orange juice to make cupcakes, baking, full of orange fragrance, when baked, I can't help but eat two, soft and sweet, if it is not too late, I am afraid to eat several.

By Hxj0102

Low gluten flour 60 g

5 eggs (about 280 g)

Caster sugar 34 g

Orange juice 60 g

Corn oil 40 g

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

1. Prepare the ingredients first

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

2: Cut the orange in half, squeeze out the orange juice, mix well with the corn oil, about 1 minute, you can't see the oil star, sift in low gluten flour, z-shaped and stir well

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

3: Separate the egg whites and yolks

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

4, mix the egg yolk and batter well, into a thick state, that is, lift the egg beater, slowly drip can be

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

5: Add a few drops of white vinegar and a little salt to the egg whites, beat with an egg beater until a large bubble appears, add half of the sugar

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

6: Beat at high speed until small bubbles, add the remaining sugar when the protein is very viscous, and send it at high speed again

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

7, there is a straight and straight small curved hook is good

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

8: Take 1/3 of the meringue and egg paste and mix well, stir at 2 o'clock, mix well and then pour the egg paste into the remaining mermaid and mix well

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

9, put into the paper cup, shake it, shake off the small bubbles

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

10: Put in the preheated oven in advance, heat up and down for 130 degrees for 30 minutes, then 150 degrees for about 30 minutes

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

11, after the oven from a high place shake, turn the cup over to cool down

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

12. Branded with Hellokitty

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

13, break open to see, the tissue is super delicate, bite a soft, mouth full of orange aroma, a bite to eat one

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

14. Finished product drawing

Orange fragrance wafts all over the house, one bite at a time - orange juice cupcakes

15, the remaining orange peel is not wasted, made candied orange peel

Baking time and temperature vary with your oven. You can also use milk instead of orange juice, and the sugar becomes about 50

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