
Liu Bowen's "Yu Ion" amnesty

author:The avenue of the world to Jane


Yu Ion said: "Punishment, the threat of the order is also [criminal law, is a majestic decree], its law as far as killing [criminal law up to the death penalty], and the way of living people exists [but there is a reason for people to survive, this article means: the death penalty can deter people from committing crimes, so as to avoid death]. Forgiveness, the edict of virtue [forgiveness, is a decree of mercy], its intention is to care about life, and the way of killing is to exist [this article means: forgiveness of certain sins, will cause some people to have the mentality of luck to engage in certain crimes, but instead be condemned to be killed].

The Book says: 'The sentence is not sentenced. [The purpose of the criminal law is to expect that no one has violated the criminal law], and it is also known that: "Shěnɡ) disaster [caused by unintentional negligence] sì) pardon [pardon], the heart of this previous king also. 'Therefore, when the criminal law is formulated, it is expected to make the people afraid, and the punishment must be carried out, and the people know that the offender will die, then the dead will be few [Therefore, the criminal law is formulated in the expectation of making the people afraid, the criminal law must be enforced, and the people know that if they violate it, they will die, then there will be very few people who violate the criminal law and die."] The forgivener [the one who forgives the offender] so the (jīn) [sympathy] the foolish [the stupid person, in this case the one who commits the crime], the yòu [forgives] the transgression [fault and error]. Knowing guilt does not shy away from [preventing], and zhé (immediately, on] the original [forgiveness] is to enlighten the heart of luck and teach people to commit crimes also [forgive the offender's people sympathize with the foolish criminals, forgive their mistakes and mistakes, know that they are guilty and do not try to prevent them from committing crimes again, and immediately forgive them, this is the existence of fluke psychology and instigate people (including others) to commit crimes]; as for the evil accumulation (rěn) [things accumulate for a long time] evil accumulation, it is a last resort, it is based on grace (jǐng) [through the "trap" trap] Also, however, the pardon is not feasible with? [So that evil is so full of evil that he is forced to kill him, which is a trap of grace, but cannot pardon be carried out?] 】

A: There are two laws, there is a general prohibition of ancient and modern times, and there is a generation of private prohibition [there is a prohibition that is common in ancient and modern times, and there is a prohibition that is unique to the time." Ancient and modern prohibitions, evil and rebellion [are to prevent evil], killing, hurting and stealing. And to release them is to replace them with thieves [but to release them from punishment, which is to replace them as even worse thieves]. A generation of private prohibitions, tea, salt, money, coins, and the like, the people can not be born and the officials can not sympathize, so there are crimes [the people have no livelihood and the officials can not sympathize with them, so they will commit such crimes], although it is difficult to be permanent [although it is difficult to determine that their behavior is normal], the original situation [to deduce the origin of the matter] and loan [forgiveness] can also be. [But it's okay to look at the ins and outs of things and forgive them.""