
Yellow-throated bunting 1316

author:Renew bird pu

The Yellow-throated Bunting is listed in the Field Manual of Chinese Birds No. 1316.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

(Scientific name: Emberiza elegans): A small songbird of the ornithischiidae family, with a body length of about 15 cm.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

The beak is conical and weak compared to birds of the finches family.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

The upper and lower beak edges are not tightly aligned and slightly curved inward, so there is a slight gap in the tangent line;

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

The male has a short, erect black crown with long and broad eyebrow lines from the forehead to the side of the occipital.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

The front segment is yellowish-white and the posterior segment is bright yellow. Back maroon red or dark maroon,

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

The chin is black, the upper throat is yellow, the lower throat is white, and there are half moon-shaped dark spots on the chest,

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

The rest of the underparts are white or off-white. Females and males are roughly similar, but have lighter plumage,

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

The head turns black to brown, and the black half-moon spot on the forebreast is not noticeable or disappears.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

It inhabits secondary forests, broad-leaved forests, and

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

In the margin shrubland of the mixed coniferous and broad-leaved forest, the sparsely forested shrub along the Yuxi River Valley and streams.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

General staple food plant seeds. During the non-breeding period, they often move in groups, and during the breeding period, they build bowl-shaped nests on the ground or in shrubland.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

It is found in Russia, North Korea, Japan and China.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316

Disclaimer: Bird species science information comes from Baidu Encyclopedia, and the pictures are created for personal photography.

Yellow-throated bunting 1316
Yellow-throated bunting 1316
Yellow-throated bunting 1316

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