
Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

author:Hall of Fame black and white past

Recently, the state has strengthened the management and punishment of entertainment stars, and countless bad stars have been banned, which can be said to be a great pleasure.

But there is such an artist, his bad deeds have not only been moral, and even suspected of violating the law and discipline, but in the end he escaped severe punishment and is still popular, this person is Zhang Han.

What did Zhang Han do, and how did he escape sanctions?

Zhang Han was born in 1984, the family conditions are very favorable, his mother is a doctor, his father runs a business in the local area, and his parents are very fond of him, so his personality is very arrogant.

Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

When he was a teenager, Zhang Han liked to listen to popular songs, and he liked the songs of Jacky Cheung and the Little Tigers the most, so he set up a dream of becoming a star, and later he was admitted to the Central Academy of Drama and Performance as he wished.

But an incident that happened after that almost changed Zhang Han's life.

In fact, Zhang Han's real name is not Zhang Han, the previous name was Zhang Han, and it was also the name that was changed when this incident occurred.

One day in March 2007, Zhang Han drove a car on the road, because of the suspected violation of the traffic police stopped, but Zhang Han, who was a thief, was unwilling to cooperate with the traffic police inspection, and directly rushed out with a foot on the accelerator, resulting in the traffic police being dragged for more than 100 meters.

Fortunately, it was daylight at that time, there were many private vehicles around, and immediately four or five private vehicles surrounded Zhang Han's car and stopped him, otherwise it might have caused terrible consequences.

Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

The traffic policeman was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with a crushing fracture of the arm and a severe kidney injury that could be lifelong.

Zhang Han's behavior has affected the life of the traffic police.

At that time, this matter had a great impact, and it was also reported by the BTV-3 "When the Legal System is in Progress" column group, and in the face of the interview with the program group, Zhang Han did not show regret and actively admit his mistakes, but defended himself and blamed the faults on the traffic police.

Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

Some people may think that this accident is not serious, so let's compare other incidents.

A traffic policeman in Shanghai was dragged by a private car for more than ten meters while performing his official duties, and he was seriously injured and died.

A 22-year-old auxiliary police officer in Yunnan was dragged for more than 1,600 meters and died.

It shows that this kind of drag incident is very serious, and it is also suspected of violating the law and discipline, since the traffic police check the car, you should cooperate with the traffic police to check the car, hit-and-run plus drag traffic police, the behavior is too bad.

According to the explanation of a friend who is a legal professional, the act of dragging a traffic police violates the provisions of article 277 of the Criminal Law, constituting the crime of obstructing public service, and is punished with fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, public surveillance or fine in accordance with law.

Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

Isn't Zhang Han's nature bad enough?

Zhang Han, who could commit such a vicious act, not only escaped punishment, but even became a big hit and became a domineering president on the screen.

And what Zhang Han studied at the Central Academy of Drama at that time was really unacceptable.

The Central Academy of Drama is a well-known university in China, which has trained countless outstanding entertainers, and this institution has clearly stipulated that those who constitute criminal offenses will be punished by the public security administration, and those with serious circumstances and bad nature will be expelled from the school.

Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

But Zhang Han still graduated from school with a big wave and got the school's diploma.

Another thing is that illustrates the 'double standard' of the school.

Zhang Guoguo's son Zhang Mo was expelled from the Central Academy of Drama because of the beating incident, so he was expelled from the Central Academy of Drama, and it seems that as long as it does not attract the attention of the society, the school will not severely punish, which is really a double standard.

May see here, some netizens will say that things have passed, knowing the mistake can improve Mo Dayan, but Zhang Han really knows the mistake and corrects it? Did you really get the punishment you deserved?

When asked about Zhang Han's views on this matter, Zhang Han replied unashamedly: "I think this is a very good thing, and I am very grateful that I could encounter such a mistake in my 20s, so that I can always remember it to this day." ”

Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

If you think about this sentence carefully, you will understand where the problem is.

Do you recognize mistakes and make others pay the price of a lifetime of disability?

And after you recognize the mistake, do you bear the consequences of the mistake?

If it is enough for everyone to recognize the mistake, what is the prison for?

You can have a chance to start again, but only if you have fairly borne the consequences and positively corrected them, it is very unfair if you are not justly punished.

And Zhang Han doesn't seem to have corrected it.

Zhang Han has made a lot of money in the entertainment industry, bought a lot of luxury cars, including a very windy green Lamborghini, Zhang Han often drives this car out, but this car has not been listed for a long time.

Zhang Han dragged the traffic police for 100 meters, driving retrograde on the spot of the program, why can such a bad deed still become popular?

Moreover, when Zhang Han was filming "Flowers and Youth", he openly drove backwards at the recording site of the program, fortunately discovered by the attentive audience.

In the program scene, they dare to openly drive backwards, usually they may not know how to drive, and they have committed traffic hit-and-run accidents before, dragging traffic police such a serious thing, when you drive again, why don't you pay attention to it?

Do you think Zhang Han's bad deeds should be forgiven and banned?

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