
Blockbuster news! The Jingzhou Chengnan University Town project has entered the launch stage

author:Jingzhou News Network

Recently, when I met Li Min, director of the Compilation and Research Center of the Municipal Planning Institute, she was working in the office, and her feet were still wrapped in plaster bandages. Seeing us come in, she staggered up on crutches, swept her face of fatigue, and told the story of her and the University City planning project...

This spring, the municipal party committee and municipal government planned to build the Jingzhou Science and Technology Innovation Corridor, and the planning of Jingzhou University Town was put on the agenda. In July, the Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning launched the "Jingzhou University Town Conceptual Planning and Detailed Planning and Design Bidding for Key Areas", and after determining that the main body of preparation is Shanghai Tongji Planning Institute and the consortium is Jingzhou Urban Planning and Design Research Institute, the Jingzhou Chengnan University Town project entered the launch stage.

From that moment on, the Municipal Bureau of Assets and Planning, which was responsible for the administration, the Tongji Planning Institute that led the design, and the Municipal Planning Institute that cooperated with the landing, formed a solid "iron triangle" - the planning project team of Jingzhou University Town, and began to draw a blueprint for beautiful development.

Bringing together all the elements to follow the project

The conceptual planning scope of Jingzhou University Town is to reach Jianghan Canal in the west, Jingjiang Avenue in the south, Nanhu Road in the east, and Henan Moat Road and Fuxing Avenue in the north, with a total planned land area of 24.8 square kilometers. Among them, the core area is north to Xueyuan Road, west to West Ring Road, south to Jingjiang Avenue, and east to the enclosed area of Nanhu Road, with a total planned land area of 5.16 square kilometers. The construction of the university city is closely integrated with the recombination of urban functions, making the university city an important base for promoting economic development.

At the beginning of the planning, the Municipal Bureau of Assets and Regulations, on behalf of the government, led the administrative work, was responsible for the preliminary bidding, procurement and funding, and the team of the Municipal Planning Institute did on-site exploration, status analysis and policy collection, and then handed over to the Tongji Planning Institute team to complete the specific design plan according to the current situation.

As a member of the Municipal Bureau of Assets And Planning and the director of the Compilation and Research Center of the Municipal Planning Institute, Li Min, with the support of the leaders of the Municipal Bureau of Resources and Planning, participated in the planning and preparation work and organized the specific affairs of the preparation of the "Conceptual Planning and Detailed Design of Key Areas of Jingzhou University Town".

Li Min is like a link, maintaining the Municipal Bureau of Assets and Planning, the Tongji Planning Institute and the Municipal Planning Institute, and promoting the planning projects to be more optimized and more complete.

In the WeChat group established by the Municipal Bureau of Assets and Regulations, they share the progress of work in real time, communicate unexpected problems at any time, and give immediate feedback on the latest achievements, from early morning to late at night, as long as there is a problem, there will be an answer; as long as there is a demand, there will be a response. They span the distance between time and space and do their best for the University City planning project.

Zhou Xiaobing, chief of the detailed planning and urban design section of the Municipal Bureau of Assets and Planning, said: "Through the cooperation of the university town planning project, the team has formed a smooth mechanism of planning and design, reception, communication and reporting, so that everything has been explained, everything has been implemented, and everything has an echo. ”

Increase service assurance around the project

As the second city of Universities in Hubei, Jingzhou has Yangtze University, Yangtze University College of Arts and Sciences, Jingzhou College, Jingzhou Vocational and Technical College, Hubei College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Jingzhou Polytechnic Vocational College, Yangtze River Art Engineering Vocational College and other universities. The Jingzhou University Town Planning Project is mainly based on various universities, and how to plan the surrounding area of the campus needs to exchange views with the university.

At night, Li Min returned home from work at the end of the day. At this moment, she had time to deal with the missed calls during the day. After today's event, she went home while communicating with the head of the university by phone.

In order not to wake up her sleeping daughter at home, she decided to stand downstairs and make a phone call, and only crept back home after the communication was over, until she saw her daughter sleeping peacefully, she breathed a long sigh of relief, and finally put her mind at ease. Fate will not fail to live up to the hard work of the people, after many coordinations between all parties, the planning plan has finally been recognized by the university step by step.

At the same time, in order to complete the work task more efficiently, the team of the Municipal Planning Institute invested 26 members to form a special work class, which was divided into three projects of road design, control detailed planning, and garden landscape at the same time, and they rushed to the scene to investigate, shoot the current situation map, make analysis reports, and hold meetings to study and discuss... Cycle. Overtime has become the norm for them, but they are all full of energy - sleepy, just drink a cup of coffee to refresh; tired, cheer each other up.

"In accordance with the requirements of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, it is necessary to view the extraordinary projects with an extraordinary understanding, exchange the extraordinary combat methods for the extraordinary progress, and the extraordinary organization guarantees the implementation of the extraordinary." Zhang Hua, chief planner of the Municipal Planning Institute, said: "Time is tight and the task is heavy, and everyone completes every task in the state of 'pulling a full bow'. ”

Focus on the project process to promote the implementation of the plan

From the start of the planning project to the landing, it seems that it is just a big stroke of the drawing, writing and painting, but behind this writing and painting is the tenacity of the university city planning team beyond ordinary people.

During the critical period of docking with various departments and implementing important proposed projects, the sudden attack of the new crown pneumonia epidemic disrupted the original rhythm of the university town planning team.

In order not to delay the progress of project planning, they rushed to the scene during the day to investigate, and gathered in the program room of the Municipal Planning Institute at night to sort out the proposed projects one by one to avoid mistakes and omissions, and repeatedly demonstrated the road plan. Even if they are so busy, leaving early and returning late, they do not relax or slacken off at all.

Li Min's foot was sprained in a large number of on-site research work, at first she did not care, insisted on working on the spot, until she could not walk on the ground, only to realize the seriousness of the problem. But she still did not stop, but continued to participate in various affairs in the way of working from home, and when the phone and WeChat could not communicate, she simply came to the unit on crutches for face-to-face communication.

They are more concerned about the excitement of receiving tasks than the pressure of planning work, and they enjoy the sense of achievement of the gradual progress of planning projects than the difficulties encountered in the process.

From the university town planning team, we can see their hard work and tenacity to work together to overcome difficulties, and also see the determination and confidence of Jingzhou to build a regional central city. In focusing on breaking the ice and solving difficulties, they have solidly promoted the "double optimization" special governance, rushed to solve problems, rushed to solve problems, rushed to goals and results, and made every effort to be a "shop small two" with responsiveness and nothing to disturb, and focused on solving the problems existing in project planning.

Through the joint efforts of the University Town planning team, the University Town Planning Project is being implemented step by step in a clearer direction. We have reason to believe that the completion of the Jingzhou University Town project in the future will certainly provide important support for Jingzhou to build a regional central city and help Jingzhou's high-quality development. (Reporter Sun Xiaoxu, trainee reporter Ding Huimin)