
A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

author:The art is boundless

In the previous tweet, we have made a brief introduction to the landscape painters of the Ming Dynasty. However, the context of the development of landscape painting in the past three hundred years of the entire Ming Dynasty is not very clear. Moreover, the Ming Dynasty was the first dynasty in the history of Chinese painting to produce many painting schools, and the author has made a simple combing according to this characteristic, as follows:

In short, the Ming Dynasty landscape painting school is divided into four periods, the early Zhejiang school, the middle period is the Wumen school, and the middle and late Ming Wumen school and the Huating school are.

The Zhejiang school is a genre of landscape painting in the early Ming Dynasty. Represented by Dai Jin. Taking the physique of the Southern Song Dynasty Painting Academy, with Ma Yuan and Xia Gui as the main body and the Northern Song Dynasty as the mainstay, a relatively new style was formed in landscape and figure painting, and more axe splitting, strokes fell suddenly, and there were the characteristics of "laying out the far and near" and "being open-minded and vain", which had a wide impact, from many scholars. After the middle of the Ming Dynasty, the Zhejiang school of painting tended to be simple and simple, and then declined.

The representative painters of the Zhejiang school are: Dai Jin, Wu Wei, Zhang Lu, Zhou Wenjing, Zhou Ding, Chen Jingchu, Zhong Qinli, Wang Chen, Li Shan, Zhu Rui, Chen Jie, Xia Zhi, Fang Yu, Jiang Song, Jiang Qian, Wang Shixiang, Guo Yan, Zhong Ang, Lu Zhen and others, in addition to Wang Lu, Guo Xue, Du Yan, Li Zai, Zhou Chen, and others, which also have some characteristics of the Zhejiang school.

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Mountain rain is coming to figure Ming Dynasty Zhang Road

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Ruixue condensed winter figure Ming Dynasty Wang Chen

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Snow Night Visit Dai Axis Ming Dynasty Zhou Wenjing

It should be pointed out that although Wu Wei, Zhang Lu and other famous painters are called Zhejiang schools, they are not Zhejiang people, because Wu Wei is a Hubei person, also known as the "Jiangxia school"; Lan Ying in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, although posterity usually calls him the Zhejiang school of dianjun, in fact, in addition to his place of origin is Zhejiang Qiantang, his artistic origins and style have little to do with the Zhejiang school.

The Wumen school is referred to as the Wumen school or wu school, because Suzhou in Jiangsu was the capital of the Wu kingdom in the Spring and Autumn Period, there is a name for Wumen, and the representative painters of the school, Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin, Qiu Ying and others, are all Wu County, and most of the painters of the school are active in the Wumen area, so the name. The first to propose the name of the Wumen school was Dong Qichang. It is generally believed that this school flourished in Shen Zhou and became in Wen Zhengming. The painters who belonged to this school, except for Tang Yin and Qiu Ying, were mostly Wen Zhengming's nephews and students. Most of them are literati and celebrities who are excellent in poetry, books and paintings, and their art is still interesting, using landscapes, flowers, birds, characters and other themes to express their own character and feelings, and then reflect the spiritual life of self-enjoyment. The Wumen School occupies an important position in the painting world in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, and has a great influence on other painting schools in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, such as the Huating School and the Yunjian School.

Wu Men's school has made outstanding achievements in landscape painting, and there have been new breakthroughs in both the Yuan Sijia and the Southern Song Dynasty courtyard paintings. It also has its own achievements in figure painting and flower painting, and its emphasis on the organic combination of poetry, books and paintings has made this fine tradition of literati painting more perfect and universal, and effectively influenced the painting circle from the late Ming Dynasty to the early Qing Dynasty.

The representative painters of the Wumen School include Du Qiong, Liu Jue, Chen Ruyan, Xu Ben, Chen Xian, Shen Zhou, Wen Zhengming, Tang Yin, Qiu Ying, Wen Boren, Wen Jia, Qiu Zhu, Zhou Zhimian, Xie Shichen, Lu Zhi, Qian Yu, Lu Shidao, Zhou Tianqiu, Chen Chun, Zhang Hong and others.

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Xia Shan wants to rain figure Ming Dynasty Liu Jue

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Yousongtu Ming Dynasty Du Qiong

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Spring Ploughing Diagram Ming Dynasty Lu Zhi

The Huating school is also known as the Songjiang school. It was a school of landscape painting that was active in the area of Huating (present-day Songjiang District, Shanghai) during the Ming Dynasty and was closely related to the Wu school. The founder is Gu Zhengyi. Represented by Dong Qichang, the Huating school is characterized by its clean pen and ink, simplicity, and elegance, the pursuit of clumsy fun, and rarely color.

There are three branches of the Songjiang sect: the "Susong faction" headed by Zhao Zuo. Represented by Shen Shichong, it is called the "Cloud Sect". Both factions originated from Song Xu. Zhao Zuo and Song Maojin were the same teacher Song Xu, and Shen Shichong was also the teacher of Mao Jin and Zhao Zuo. Represented by Gu Zhengyi, it is called the "Huating Sect". They were all from Songjiang Province (now Songjiang, Shanghai, known as Huating in ancient times) at that time, and their styles had an influence on each other, and their painting style was elegant and lush, and their bones were beautiful. Air rhyme brushwork.

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Landscape map Ming Dynasty Gu Zhengyi

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Qiutang Caoting Figure Ming Dynasty Zhao Zuo

A genre of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty

Landscape map Ming Dynasty Song MaoJin

In the Ming Dynasty, when landscape painting was the most popular, the "Ming Painting Record" alone contained more than 400 landscape painters, and it was a common social trend for the literati to use it as an anecdote. Among them, in addition to the painters who occupy an important historical position in the sect, there are also some important painters. Wang Lu, who painted the "Huashan Map", occupied a place because the "Huashan Map Sequence" emphasized the creation of teachers. Another example is Wu Bin and Chen Hongshou, who have a special painting style, as well as Lu Zhi and Cheng Jiaxuan, who are not famous but are exquisite in painting, and Xiao Yuncong, the leader of the "Gushu School", and so on, which constitute the prosperity of landscape painting in the Ming Dynasty.

In short, the landscape painting of the Ming Dynasty is a peak in the history of Chinese painting, and together with the landscape of the Five Dynasties, the landscape of the Song Dynasty, and the landscape of the Yuan Dynasty, it is called the four peaks of Chinese landscape painting.