
Quenching garden dreams, tempering responsibility! Yuanshan Street launched a training camp for group workers to improve the essence of the activity_Shenzhen News Network

author:Shenzhen News Network

In order to further stimulate the enthusiasm of the group work cadres to love the party and the country, enhance the team awareness and cooperation spirit of the group work cadres, and promote the courage and good deeds of the group work cadres, recently, the Yuanshan Street of Longgang District organized the "Quenching Garden Dream" group worker tisu training camp. The event arranged for 14 newly recruited civil servants to participate in the exchange and learning together, and promoted the rapid integration and common progress and growth of newly recruited civil servants. More than 80 cadres and cadres, including party member representatives of party branches of street organs, community organization members and organizers, and party building work office group workers and cadres, attended the event. The activity first carried out the orientation training of "following the party with one heart". Under the guidance of the coach, all the group cadres broke the boundaries of age, gender, position and other boundaries, divided into four groups, and successively carried out team ice-breaking, centipede race walking, perfect tone, writing life and other competition items. With the in-depth development of the activities, everyone went from being initially cautious and cautious to fully stimulating the vitality of the battle, from designing the team name and team call, making the regiment flag, and selecting the team leader, in every competition activity, they all bravely competed for the lead and had a high morale, which fully demonstrated the spirit of the cadres who are not afraid of hardship, do not accept defeat, and the spirit of teamwork that does not abandon and do not give up, and has achieved the purpose of relieving work pressure, enhancing the cohesion of unity and cooperation, and the centripetal force of common progress. All the group workers and cadres also organized a visit to the Red Memory Museum of Shayu Chung and the Memorial Park of the North Retreat of the Dongjiang Column, and gave a revolutionary history education class in front of historical materials and relics of martyrs. Through the explanation of the party class in the red venue, they expressed that they enhanced their sense of historical responsibility and mission, fully felt the spirit of Dongjiang, will inherit the great revolutionary spirit of the older generation of party members who work hard and are not afraid of sacrifice, firmly establish a new belief in serving the people wholeheartedly and fighting for the cause of the party and the people for life, always maintain their advanced nature, do not forget their original intention and mission, love their posts and dedicate themselves to their work, and work hard. The relevant person in charge of Yuanshan Street stressed that the activity of carrying out the training camp for organizing workers to improve their skills through team building promotes mutual understanding and cohesion among the cadres of the group work, and secondly, through visiting the red exhibition hall, reliving the red memory, remembering the revolutionary martyrs, and receiving education in revolutionary traditions and ideals and beliefs, so as to inherit and carry forward the party's glorious traditions, not forget the original intention, keep in mind the mission, and forge ahead. As a new attempt to build a team of competent team members, the training camp has achieved the expected effect of relieving pressure and boosting spirits. The workers of Yuanshan Street said one after another that standing at the important historical moment of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, they will deeply study and profoundly understand the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Nineteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, faithfully practice the party's organizational line in the new era, further strengthen their ideals and beliefs, assume their responsibilities, and make unremitting efforts to realize the second centenary goal and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Edited by Yao Jingxia Reviewed by Wang Xinlin window. HLBath=1; window. HLBath=1;