
Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

author:In-depth tourism

Here, it is a city of canyons.

Here, there are both "Wanlingshan Mountain, Qianzhang Water", and there is also a power station Gezhou Dam.

Here, there are people in the depths of the Three Gorges, and the qingjiang landscape is picturesque.

Here, is Yichang.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Where is Yichang?

The majestic waters of the Yangtze River rush out from the Tanggula Mountains, marching all the way through Sichuan, through Chongqing, through the continuous Wushan Mountains, at the junction of Chongqing and Hubei, forming "China's most worthwhile landscape" - the Three Gorges.

The so-called Three Gorges refers to the three major canyons of Qutang Gorge, Wuxia Gorge and Xiling Gorge, of which the longest, steepest and most magnificent Xiling Gorge is located in Yichang, Hubei Province.

Yichang Yichang, a pleasant city, a place of prosperity.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Xiling Gorge

Yiling in the past, Yichang in today, "Yiling" is the old name of Yichang.

"The water is destroyed here, and the mountain is here and the mausoleum", which means that when the mountain arrives here, it becomes a small hill, and when the water arrives here, it will turn the danger into a disaster.

Yichang choked the throat of Yu'e, controlled the bakuo from the top, and led the jingxiang down, which has always been a place where soldiers and families must fight.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

At the beginning of the Western Han Dynasty, remembering the border people who suffered greatly from the war, and the bleak end of the old death palace, Wang Zhaojun, who was also a returnee of Yichang with Qu Yuan, stepped forward and voluntarily went north to marry the Xiongnu, which was also Zhaojun's departure.

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the central government was divided by three forces, Cao Wei guarded the Central Plains, Eastern Wu occupied jiangdong, and Shu Han occupied the Bashu area, and the corner of these three forces fell in Jingzhou on the east side of Yichang.

During the Three Kingdoms period, Lu Xun led an army to capture Yidu (present-day Yichang Yidu) on the west side of Jingzhou, cutting off shuzhong's connection with Jingzhou, eventually causing Guan Yu to lose Jingzhou and defeat Maicheng (present-day Danyang, Yichang).

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Yichang is one of the cities with the richest terrain in Hubei.

Alpine cliffs, rivers and streams, and various landforms and forms are interlaced in Yichang, interweaving a beautiful and magnificent picture.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Li Bai, who has romantic fantasies about Yichang, is not the first person.

In Yichang, the collision of mountains and rivers has created water conservancy energy while also shaping a gorgeous and magnificent natural landscape.

In the face of the ultimate and peculiar natural landscape, the ancients living in Yichang inevitably had a beautiful imagination of the land under their feet.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, Qu Yuan, who was born in danyang (present-day Yichang) in the Chu state, pioneered Chinese romantic literature.

There are also three tours before Bai Juyi and three tours after Su Dongpo, and how many literati and inkers come here to wave.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?
Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Qu Yuan Ancestral Hall

In the mountains of Yichang, there is the spring color of the fishermen blooming in the gorges, and in the water of Yichang there is the soul of the Chu state recalled by the dragon boat,

The strange charm of ba feng and the agility of the water of Yiling are still telling the grandeur of the city's past.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Zhenjiang Pavilion

What to play in Yichang?

Amazing mountains, clear water, to this day, the Three Gorges is still one of the most desirable travel routes for countless travelers.

Come to Yichang, be sure to take a boat ride and experience the feeling that the light boat has passed through the Ten Thousand Heavy Mountains.

Three Gorges Dam

The Three Gorges Dam is the main project of the Three Gorges Hydropower Station, the largest hydropower project in the world today, the core landscape of the Tourist Area of the Three Gorges Dam, and the eastern end of the Three Gorges Reservoir.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Nature is great, and so is the architectural civilization of mankind, which has changed nature and left it for posterity.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Three Gorges people

"Pick two dams on one shoulder, and carry two streams with one river." The mountains and rivers reflect each other, the ink color is confused, and walking into the Three Gorges people's home, it seems that there is a kind of artistic conception of "walking into the Taoyuan without returning".

Walking into the Three Gorges people's home, it is as if you have mistakenly entered the depths of Taoyuan.

The quaint architecture blends in with the landscape, where the ancient Ba kingdom, fisherman culture, is hidden.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

There is a Bawang Village here, which is the core of the Three Gorges Scenic Area.

The village is built on the cliff of the halfway point of the canyon, according to the layout of the mountain, staggered, hidden in the verdant, there is an open atmosphere overlooking the river, but also full of the mystery of the Ba people living in isolation.

In ancient times, the Ba people hid in the deep mountains and old forests to escape the chaos of war, built a stone castle here, occupied the mountain as the king, recuperated, multiplied offspring, and gradually established a mysterious Ba kingdom.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

The water of Longjin Creek is breathtaking.

Small bridges and flowing stilt houses, dead vines and old trees, small macaques, sisters standing on the bow of the boat, beautiful boys collecting fishing nets, singing sails and shadows, fishing songs singing late, love eagles flying waterfalls...

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Qingjiang Gallery

Qingjiang Gallery is really beautiful, eight hundred miles of Qingjiang from Enshi Prefecture into the territory of Yichang,

When it rains, it is the most meaningful, the mist covers the water, the breeze blows the Buddha, and the leisure and ease will retain the hearts of passers-by.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Night is another kind of dream, the mountain is as dark as ink, and the water waves are gentle.

Qingjiang is the mother river of the Tujia family, and all kinds of Qingjiang fish are sought-after goods in Changyang and even Yichang, so don't forget to try the fresh fish hot pot.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Three tour caves

When I came here, I first went to Zhang Fei's drum platform to stay for a while, see the Three Gorges towering, the walls standing thousands of people, sighing the mighty river water, rushing endlessly.

Then go into the cave and feel the nostalgia.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

There are three tours before and after, first Bai Juyi, Bai Xingjian and Yuan Shu travel together, giving poems to the cave wall, which is the "first three tours", and then there are Su Xun, Su Shi, Su Rui father and son, and each of them inscribed poems on the cave wall, which is "the last three tours".

Yichang Zigui, a beautiful name, named after Qu Yuan.

The Notes on the Water Classics records: "Qu Yuan's sister, Wen Yuan's banishment, also came and went... Because of the name of the zigui".

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

The ancestral hall is built next to the river, magnificent, and the appearance alone is very shocking, and it will be attracted at a glance.

It is better to go inside, take a look, and stay in history for a moment.

Born bridge

The mountains are incomparably mysterious and the water is deep and magnificent, beautiful to the point of being enchanted, and it will go in this life.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

What to eat in Yichang?

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Radish dumplings

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

When the radish dumplings are cut into strips and mixed with chili noodles, pepper powder, garlic (green onion) seedlings, fine salt and other spices, fried, first put in a special meniscus iron spoon into the bottom pulp, and then put on the mixed radish shreds as filling, then covered with sizing, put in the oil pot and fried until golden brown. Soft, spicy and not prickly on the outside, delicious and delicious.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Yichang kang potatoes

"Kang" is a dialect in the western part of Hubei Province, which is a way of cooking in addition to stir-frying and braising, a cooking method between frying and frying with a small amount of cooking oil. "Potato" is potato, also called potato. After kang is cooked, it is tender on the outside and tender on the inside.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

Cold shrimp

A cold shrimp made from rice milk with a translucent amber texture. Place it in brown sugar water and fly over, making a slight ripple in the bowl.

Why do I recommend you to Yichang?

There are also many snacks in Yichang, such as roasted pig's trotters, roasted brain flowers, amaranth crisp, dried brine tofu, oil crisp, top cake and so on.