
Sweet and soft sweet potato cake, simple and easy to make, you must try

author:It's hot

Winter is the season suitable for eating sweet potatoes, roast sweet potatoes, boiled sweet potatoes, and other sweet potato gods eating methods. Today to share a sweet potato cake, sweet and soft glutinous, really good! [Give you caution]

Ingredients 1 sweet potato, 1 egg, 1 spoonful of cornstarch, 1 spoonful of black sesame seeds, a small amount of honey


1: Cut the sweet potatoes into small pieces and set aside

2: Beat an egg into a bowl, add a spoonful of starch, a spoonful of black sesame seeds, stir well

3: Pour the cut sweet potatoes into a bowl and mix well

4: Spread well in a baking dish, blotting paper, and lay the sweet potatoes flat

5, oven 180 degrees bake for 20 minutes, take out the brush layer of honey, bake for another 10 minutes Come and try it!

Simple and easy to do, will not fail Oh [power]

finished product:

Sweet and soft sweet potato cake, simple and easy to make, you must try
Sweet and soft sweet potato cake, simple and easy to make, you must try