
The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...

author:Yueqing release
The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...
The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...

On the afternoon of November 24, Ms. Zheng, who lives in Platinum Bay Garden in the downtown area, came to Qushui Bookstore near her home to borrow books and punch cards at the same time. Recently, the two book gardens in the city of Wanggang and Qushui are carrying out the activity of punching cards and collecting praises and winning prizes, and many citizens have also taken photos of the book garden to share in the circle of friends while visiting the book garden.

On October 15 this year, 20 yueqing city bookstores were officially put into use. According to the statistics of the municipal library, the eight major book gardens in the urban area of Minfeng, Danxia, Guanchao, Xicen, Qushui, Wanggang, Yuji and Chenmu have reached 140,000 people and borrowed more than 24,000 books. Next, each bookstore will also carry out a variety of reading cultural activities, so that the public can enjoy the joy of reading at their doorstep.

The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...

Wanggang Book Garden parent-child reading. Photo by Huang Han

The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...
The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...

Great place to go on the doorstep of home

"I have been to Qinghe Book Garden, Yuzhen Book Garden, and Minfeng Book Garden before, but I forgot that there is also a book garden at my doorstep." Ms. Zheng of Platinum Bay said that Qushui Book Garden is only 500 meters away from her home and can be reached on foot, and the library has a rich collection of books and a wide variety of books.

On the afternoon of November 24, the reporter opened the electronic social security card on Alipay at the door of Qushui Book Garden, and after swiping the code, the electric door automatically opened, and the "warm reminder" displayed on the wall was displayed, and the way to open the door could be used for ID cards, citizen cards, and electronic social security cards. "The way to open the door is so advanced, the design inside is very modern and makes people feel comfortable." Ms. Lin, who is reading in the library, said that when she recently took a break from work, she asked three or five friends to come to the library to sit down. The library is surrounded by transparent floor-to-ceiling windows, through which you can see the runway and beautiful scenery outside, and your heart is quiet. Huang Hyun-han, a third-grade elementary school student, was sitting quietly in the corner of the library writing homework, and he said that because of his mother's work, he often came here to write homework, and it was quiet here.

On the evening of November 23, mr. Huang, a citizen of wanggang bookstore, was selecting books in front of the bookshelf, and in recent times, as long as he had time, he would come to the East Canal Park for a walk and then sit in the library. Mr. Huang said that his house is in the Mingyue Community on the Sea and is still in the final soft decoration stage. Originally, when the house was renovated, there was a study in the space arrangement of the house, but since the opening of the Wanggang Bookstore, it seems to have become his family's study. Families often walk here after dinner, or read a book, or chat. The arrangement of some small cubicles in the museum is very suitable for families or friends to sit, and he often sees some parents taking picture books and sitting on the parent-child terrace on the second floor of the library to tell their children about picture books. This atmosphere is very contagious, and some children who used to run around on the terrace will also choose a picture book in the museum and ask parents to help read it. "There is such a good library in front of the house, so I consulted with my family and changed the original study in the home into a tea room." Mr. Huang said with a smile.

In the process of chatting with the citizens in the book garden, the reporter found that the citizens' love for the book garden at the door exceeded expectations, and some citizens who did not love to read also entered the book garden. "I used to feel very busy and didn't have time to read, but keeping reading is not only to increase knowledge and experience, but also a process of meditation, which can help you clean up your mood, adjust your mindset, and face life better." Chen Yao, a citizen, said that every Wednesday she would take her children to Nanhong Square to learn to paint, and during this hour, she would sit in the nearby Yuzhen Bookstore.

Colorful activities await you

Tomorrow afternoon, the Municipal Library Culture Station will have a sharing meeting with the theme of "Double Reduction, New Challenges to Family Education", the main speaker is Wang Yujue, president of the Municipal Association of Family Educators, who will start from the perspective of parents' anxiety after the double reduction, and share with you how to reduce the burden on students and improve the quality of education, and what kind of good education is.

According to the relevant person in charge of the municipal library, in the future, the city library will carry out a variety of reading cultural activities, and the public can enjoy more efficient, fairer and better public cultural services at their doorstep. In December, the "Reading for All, Books Fragrant and Happy" City Book Garden Recitation will meet with the public one after another, and the recitation will be held in 9 bookstores in the city, each with a different theme and inviting different groups of people to participate. In addition, activities such as "Take You to Talk about Books" parent-child book sharing meeting and "I speak for the Book Garden" in cooperation with the Himalaya platform will also be carried out one after another to enhance the interaction and interest between the Book Garden and the public, and truly make the whole people read and everyone participates.

The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...

Source: Yueqing Rong Media Center reporter Zheng Jianpei correspondent Yu Wenjun

The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...
The book garden has gradually become a "home study"! And then there are these colorful reading activities...