
The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

author:Shui Juan

Since ancient times, celebrities have mostly "planted their heads" on women, such as Dong Zhuo, Cao Cao, and Li Zicheng in ancient times. In modern times, there are Lao She, Cao Yu, Yu Dafu.

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

Lao She

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

Cao Yu

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage


But the person I want to talk about today who is "planted on a woman" is called Jiang Tingdi.

When it comes to Jiang Tingdian, everyone may feel that the eyes are raw and the ears are raw, and they feel that this person is different from those celebrities, and they are so unfamiliar with him. In fact, Jiang Tingdian is really a big man, he once served as the "ambassador" of the National Government to the United States and concurrently served as the representative of the National Government to the United Nations.

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

Cai Tingdi

I wasn't familiar with him either. After accidentally reading his "Modern Chinese History", I felt that his writing was really good, the language was easy to understand, the vernacular, the content was real and convincing, and it was completely different from the modern Chinese history that we came into contact with when we were children. The modern History of China that we learned when we were children should be said to be incomplete and one-sided. Of course, it is not wrong for our syllabus to intercept fragments of history from a positive, progressive point of view. But if you read Jiang Tingdi's "Modern Chinese History", you will definitely have a new perspective and a new understanding of China's modern history and its historical figures!

But what I want to talk about today is not the history written by Jiang Tingdian, but his marriage!

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

Jiang Tingdian was born in 1895 in a peasant family in Shaoyang, Hunan Province, to a relatively good family, his father and uncle were in business, and the family owned real estate. Jiang Tingdian has been intelligent since he was a child, and is considered by his father to have a super brain and amazing memory, so he has been carefully cultivated by his father. At the age of 16, Jiang Tingdian was introduced by the Christian Church to study in the United States at his own expense, majoring in history, and later received a doctorate from Columbia University. In 1923, he returned to China to serve as the first head of the history department of Nankai University, and liang Qichao became the founder of the historiography of Nankai University, and later naturally became a famous historian.

Due to the continuous display of his talents, from 1933 to 1934, Chiang Tingdian was received by Chiang Kai-shek three times, and in 1935 he began to abandon Wen to enter politics. After that, he grew into a diplomat and was also known as "sima guang's talent" and "unparalleled in the country".

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

During his days of studying at Columbia University, Jiang Tingdian met Tang Yurui. Tang Yurui is a native of Shanghai and comes from a wealthy family.

Unlike Jiang Tingdi, who studied abroad at his own expense, Tang Yurui did not have the worries and constraints on the funds for studying abroad, so Tang often received Jiang Tingdian in terms of study expenses. After Jiang Tingdian finished his studies, he was determined to return to China to serve, and Tang Yurui also resolutely followed Jiang Tingdi back to China. On the ship back home, they were witnessed by the captain to a romantic wedding attended without relatives.

After returning to China, Jiang Tingdian taught at Nankai University, while Tang Yurui taught mathematics and music at Nankai Middle School. After marriage, the trivialities of life such as wealth, rice, oil and salt, and raising children have exhausted Tang Yurui's knowledge of femininity.

Finally, after the birth of 4 children, Tang Yurui chose to return to the family and gave up his career. This also became the beginning of Tang Yurui's future marital tribulations....

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

Jiang Tingdian's hobby is playing cards (while Tang Yurui never plays cards). At the card table, Jiang Tingdian met Shen Enqin, who was beautiful and had a good figure, and since then he has fallen in love with Shen Enqin and cannot extricate himself. But at that time, both of them had families, so their feelings were restrained. Later, in order to achieve the goal of living with Shen Enqin, Jiang Tingdian used his position to transfer Shen's husband to a foreign post. And it just so happened that in order to treat the young son's illness, Tang Yurui also wanted to take the child abroad, which just gave the two people a free opportunity, and the two finally lived together.

In order to unite with Jiang Tingdian, Shen Enqin divorced. In order to be with this woman with a variety of styles, Jiang Tingdian also announced in Mexico that he and Tang Yurui had dissolved their marriage, because according to Mexican law, it is possible to unilaterally dissolve the marriage, and Jiang Tingdi has exploited this loophole. But Tang Yurui refused, she was unwilling to divorce, she would not give up the marriage. Therefore, Tang Yurui also took up the legal weapon, and she filed a complaint against Jiang Tingdi to the US court, but because Jiang Tingdi was a diplomat in the United States and he had diplomatic immunity, Tang's lawsuit failed, and the US court did not accept it. Therefore, Tang Yurui went to the UN Human Rights Council to complain, wanting Jiang Tingdian to return to his family. How can the UN Human Rights Council, which is an institution for the settlement of international disputes, accept family disputes? So Don failed again.

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

After the defeat, Tang was still not discouraged, as long as there was an occasion for Jiang Tingdian to appear in public, Tang Yurui would be present, she did not cry, nor did she make trouble, she sat down and quietly watched Jiang Tingdi, and then everyone said that Jiang Tingdi was a negative man who abandoned his wife and abandoned his son, and she wanted to use this to ruin Jiang Tingdi's work, ruin his reputation, and force him to return to the family. Therefore, Jiang Tingdian's matter was also boiling over at that time, and behind it was also pointed out by many people and discussed one after another.

In this way, Tang Yurui spent eighteen years pestering Jiang Tingdian, which caused a lot of pressure on Jiang Tingdian's spirit, and also made Shen Enqin finally not get the name of the main room.

The painful torture made Jiang Tingdian's health deteriorate, even with Shen Enqin's company and careful care, it still did not make Jiang's body better, but worse and worse.

Finally, in 1965, Jiang died of illness in New York. He was 70 years old.

At Jiang Tingdi's funeral, people saw two women, one was Tang Yurui, the original match who had pestered Jiang Tingdi for eighteen years. One is that he never gave up, never got a name, but accompanied Jiang Tingdi's successor Shen Enqin for eighteen years.

The original match was stalked for eighteen years, and the future appointment did not leave and did not abandon the final fruitless, jiang Tingdi helpless marriage

What is surprising is that in the distribution of property, Jiang Tingdian gave half of his property to Tang Ruiyu. Presumably because Don bore him four children, right?

Tang Yurui's stalking and beating, there is hatred, there is love, there is reluctance, and there is even more unwillingness.

Many people say that Tang Yurui is not worth it, but for Tang Yurui, there is nothing worth it or not, she may think that when she sponsored her husband to complete his studies, later gave him four children, gave up her career, and was willing to help her family, her dedication to the family was not to make room for others!