
Create positive energy with high-quality content Create large traffic with innovative breakthroughs

author:Bright Net

This year's double 11, CCTV financial channel's live broadcast program "Good Life Shopping Cart" caused the communication circle and marketing community to rush to pay attention to and study, which is a new media program with advanced technology, novel content, and broken circles, this live broadcast uses XR and AR technology in stage design, sets up the first and second scenes in the structure, and sets up online and offline tasks in content, creating a beautiful, warm, green, scientific and technological fresh, fun immersive live broadcast experience for the audience. The cumulative number of viewers of this live broadcast exceeded 100 million, and won a number of hot searches, and the total reading volume of all topics on the whole network was nearly 1 billion, which can be said to be another huge innovation and breakthrough in CCTV new media live broadcast.

In the Internet era, mainstream media need to create modern Internet-based communication capabilities through media integration, enhance their own guidance and service capabilities, and influence and serve more audiences and users. In recent years, China's mainstream media have actively practiced media integration and achieved certain results, but at present, the mainstream media, especially the television media, have insufficient service awareness and service capabilities, weak scientific and technological capabilities and do not pay attention to new technologies in the process of integration, and the double 11 "Beautiful Life Shopping Cart" live broadcast exploration of CCTV Financial New Media skillfully transforms the tall content of the grand narrative into grounded people's livelihood content, service awareness and service capabilities are greatly improved, and a large number of XR, AR and other new technologies are used. It creates a deep immersion that combines virtual and reality, and draws a perfect "concentric circle online and offline" between e-commerce platforms such as Tmall and Taobao and mainstream media such as CCTV.

Service awareness The service capability has been greatly improved

The transformation of media integration needs to properly handle the relationship between guiding the masses and serving the masses. For a long time, the media only emphasized the basic function of guiding the masses, but neglected to serve the masses, resulting in a serious disconnect between the content of production and the needs of the masses. "Serving the masses well" is the premise and foundation for "guiding the masses well."; without the service content and ability to meet the needs of the masses for a better life, then "guiding" the masses is a source of water and a tree without roots, and it will even become empty words.

CCTV Finance's double 11 "Good Life Shopping Cart" live broadcast is a good exploration of serving the masses. There is no doubt that "Double 11" has long become an annual national shopping carnival, which is closely related to the people's livelihood of each individual, and the total transaction volume of Tmall 'Double 11' in 2021 is 540.3 billion, continuing to grow steadily. CCTV Finance's double 11 "Beautiful Life Shopping Cart" live broadcast brought everyone into the "heart" of "Double 11", the host of the station Chen Weihong, Guo Ruotian, the main station reporter Wang Bingbing at the scene, with professional content, easy expression to record a concentrated outbreak of China's digital economy, with a detailed story, wonderful moments, scientific and technological support and data interpretation of the all-round presentation of the huge momentum of Chinese consumption. For example, behind the "double 11" and "trend items" of Tmall such as skis, outdoor power supplies, pet toys, archaeological blind boxes and handmade, atmosphere lights, morning C and evening A, four treasures of the study room, pre-made dishes, floor washers, child safety seats, etc., is everyone's yearning for food and good things.

Netizens also commented in the live broadcast room: "The mysterious force behind buying and buying, strong science popularization." "This game of CCTV is very novel, and I haven't encountered it anywhere else." "Here comes, CCTV's live broadcast is to bring energy!" Awesome. "This live broadcast highlights the heartfelt service awareness of CCTV Finance and Economics, as well as its strong service capabilities, and naturally has also received multiple hot searches!"

The organic combination of technology and art highlights the paradigm of the main station

XR, AR technology is the frontier field that the top media at home and abroad are actively exploring, in the live broadcast of CCTV Finance's double 11 "Good Life Shopping Cart", we can see the mature application of XR, AR and other new technologies everywhere, especially commendable, is that the use of technology in the program is not a simple showmanship, but an organic combination of Chinese style architecture, comics, landscapes and future science and technology and other elements. Netizens commented that the show is full of Chinese style design, looking too addictive, behind the cool is a kind of cultural self-confidence, but also the Chinese paradigm of the main station as an international station.

The live broadcast background gives people a beautiful immersive experience, and also makes people fully feel the technical strength of CCTV. At the same time, in the live broadcast everywhere reflects the professionalism of CCTV for the picture and the insistence on details, it can be seen that the main station has always adhered to the idea of integrity and innovation, has been pursuing to be at the forefront of the industry, and is ready to use the power of science and technology to respond to the challenges brought by the era of media and seize new opportunities. As netizens said: "Technology changes Double Eleven, science and technology make people progress, and technology makes society better." "Now CCTV is also advancing with the times." "Is Singles' Eleven popular to play like this?" surprise. ”

Of course, CCTV Finance and Economics fully displayed its many black technologies at the same time, but also comprehensively displayed the black technology of the "Double Eleven" e-commerce platform, showing that the media and e-commerce platforms are committed to high-quality development efforts. In the live broadcast room, we can see that the servers of the "Double 11" data center can "soak" and dissipate heat, and these data centers can absorb a large amount of green clean energy such as wind power generation and photovoltaic power generation during the "Double 11" period, which can reduce carbon emissions by 26,000 tons, which is equivalent to planting 1 million trees. In addition, robots can take over nearly 30% of repetitive tasks on duty. These technologies not only achieve efficient operation and maintenance, but also help save energy and reduce emissions, and implement the concept of green and low carbon.

Spread positive energy in the live broadcast room to evoke the love of the whole society

When some programs are chasing traffic, there is a vulgar content and excessive marketing, but "Good Life Shopping Cart" has been committed to the spread of positive energy and establishing a clean and clear wind for the society.

In the program, the general station specially prepared an elephant protected area for this live broadcast as a public welfare task, the praise is full of energy bars, Ali public welfare will donate 1 million yuan specifically to improve the 200 acres of elephant protection area, improve the quality of life of elephants; at the same time, the general station reporter Wang Bingbing and netizens shuttle interaction challenge, but also to the entire live broadcast through a warm and challenging main line, attracting netizens to participate in the interaction, to complete the task of protecting elephants.

The results proved that the dotted line to protect the elephant did attract a large number of netizens to brush the screen to like, and some netizens brushed the screen to shout "elephant". Netizens commented: "Social welfare is in the front, and CCTV has set a good example." "I've already liked it, and the elephant's home must be protected." "CCTV Finance's Double Eleven, a little special" "Advocate low-carbon life, start from ourselves, and protect our environment." "Support such a practice, did not expect CCTV like this, really fantastic, I think in the future can have more such activities, deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!"

Spread the positive energy out of the circle and create a large flow and high-quality traffic for the main theme. What is even more heartwarming is the "one shoe" plan launched by Tmall and 7 sports brands, that is, to provide services for people with disabilities to buy only one shoe. In the special venue of "Double 11", there were no blockbusters, but there were "one shoe", visually impaired music rice cooker, ultrasonic guide blind cane, Braille keyboard, lip mask, sign language interpreter, hearing aid, paired custom shoes, silicone prosthetic limbs, turning aids, multi-functional backrests and other special goods that serve various special groups of people. Make it easier for people who really need it to find what they need.

Increase online and offline interaction and enhance audience engagement

In this live broadcast, there is not only the first scene hosted by the hosts Chen Weihong and Guo Ruotian, but also the second scene where the reporter Wang Bingbing completed various challenges and tasks in the Ali Park. Throughout the live broadcast, Wang Bingbing led the audience to complete four tasks while touring ali park. For example, the Winter Olympics warm-up exercise challenge completed in the staff gym, and the recycling express box unpacking challenge completed at the employee small post office. The audience also witnessed many fun, warm and shocking moments with Bingbing online.

For example, how many couriers can be dismantled in 1 minute? In the CCTV financial live broadcast room, Wang Bingbing "personally" went to battle, laughing and saying that he "enjoyed 1 minute of happiness"! Finally# Wang Bingbing four seconds to open a courier # also on the hot search, the reading volume reached 270 million, Bingbing did not forget to remind everyone: "After receiving the courier, the packaging box can be sent to the recycling station, so that resources flow Oh."

After each task is completed, Wang Bingbing also has to give the audience a number to empty the shopping cart, and the audience will also remind Wang Bingbing of how to complete this challenge more efficiently through comments at any time in the live broadcast room. This form not only increases the watchability of the program, but also increases the audience's sense of participation and immersion. The biggest difference between new media live broadcasting and live television broadcasting is that the live broadcast of new media can interact with the audience anytime and anywhere. Many new media live broadcasts in the past have ignored this point, and still use traditional TV live broadcast thinking to do new media live broadcast, which is equivalent to just moving the large-screen live broadcast of TV to the small screen, in fact, it has not effectively used the resources of new media live broadcasting. The live broadcast of CCTV Finance can be said to be a good example in the development of integrated media.

Since its establishment, the general station has always emphasized the need to continue to innovate the way of publicity and interpretation with Internet thinking, and constantly make new breakthroughs in the integration of technology and art, technology and thought, technology and audience, and truly express the tension of thought through art and technology, so that art and technology can achieve the best state with the help of the east wind of thought, and achieve integrated communication, circle-breaking communication, and continuous communication. CCTV Finance's double 11 "Good Life Shopping Cart" live broadcast is undoubtedly a successful exploration in accordance with this requirement, which not only fully demonstrates the temperature of CCTV's service to the masses, but also shows the heat of guiding the masses, and also shows the depth of technical ability reserves. (Guo Quanzhong, Senior Economist, School of Journalism and Communication, Minzu University of China)

Source: China Economic Network