
The first snow of the Nu River came, and they were still holding out

author:Open screen news

In the early morning of November 24, the Nu River ushered in the first heavy snow of 2021. This year's snow came a little later, but harder than last year. Since 2020, the Nujiang Border Management Detachment's Cikai Border Police Station Has moved forward three consecutive times, and at present, the No. 35 epidemic prevention and control duty station is located on the mountainside 2 kilometers away from the border line.

The first snow of the Nu River came, and they were still holding out

The newly erected tent at the duty station was crushed by the snow

Along the Danzhu Village of Gongshan County, more than 40 kilometers up the A nong Pass at an altitude of more than 4,000 meters, a new tent for duty stations was erected. When he woke up, the police officer Luo Jiang tightened the thick quilt on his body, still felt very cold, and the comrades-in-arms did not sleep steadily, he simply got up and pushed open the door of the joint defense office's bedroom, and the white expanse was in full view.

At present, there are 4 people in the office, 2 people at the Tengchong Entry-Exit Border Inspection Station, plus 15 militiamen, doctors and government personnel, and there are more people in the deserted area. In the morning, the comrade in charge of cooking stewed a pot of canned pork soup, and everyone sat around with a smile on their faces, discussing the topic of snow.

"The tent was crushed by heavy snow!" With a loud bang, the fast comrades rushed out to check the situation, and it turned out that the tent that had just been tied up a few days ago had been crushed by the snow in the morning. "The nails are a few centimeters down, and the rope is tied a little tighter." Without eating, Luo Jiang and 3 auxiliary police officers nervously rushed to repair, clean up the snow, tent reinforcement, such work is not unfamiliar to them, epidemic prevention and control work in the past two years, the border where there are tents is the position, is the home.

The first snow of the Nu River came, and they were still holding out

The water heater can only be used for one person per night

The police got up in the morning with the basin to wash their faces, the water waited for a long time, opened the faucet to see, it was stuffed with ice, the water had long been frozen, simply find a clean place to hit a bucket of snow and take it back to the pot to melt. "It's inconvenient to take a shower at night." Luo Jiang explained that the temperature on the snowy mountain at night is below zero degrees, and the water on the monitor is more than 70 degrees, and it drops to 30 degrees in less than a few minutes when the bath is opened, and it takes a few hours to take the turn of the next comrade to wash, and the action must be fast. Comrades who are not resistant to freezing are very easy to catch a cold, and have tried several times to simply wait for a week to go back to the unit to wash comfortably, but every day when they are on duty outside, the sweat stains on their bodies are really uncomfortable.

The first snow of the Nu River came, and they were still holding out

After breakfast, the snow on the ground has reached nearly 10 centimeters

The people's auxiliary police on duty on the mountain in the first half of last year all knew that Gongshan County had rarely encountered exceptionally heavy rainfall in a hundred years, dozens of landslides on the supply line of more than 40 kilometers, and materials could not come up, and personnel could not go down. Now in the winter, even if the vehicles do not come up when the snow is heavy, the government will find a way to use bulldozers to drive a road on the snow. "After this snow, the temperature will plummet day by day, and the quilt will be more belted." Auxiliary police officer Li Ziyi planned to prepare more warm clothes before going up the mountain next time. However, you don't have to bring clothes to change, even if you change and wash for a while and a half. Patrolling and preventing and controlling every step on the snowy mountains is like walking on thin ice.

"The road is quite slippery when walking in the snow!" Eat breakfast, the snow on the ground has been nearly 10 centimeters, because the road is relatively narrow, the vehicle can not turn around, so a group of people set off on foot, braving the goose feather snow on the sparse snow, heading in the direction of the No. 35 boundary pile, the surrounding snowflakes hit the tip of the boots and flew around, Luo Jiang led the team to remind everyone to pay attention to the safety of the feet.

The first snow of the Nu River came, and they were still holding out

The border pile is intact Border security

People who have been to pile 35 know that this road is not easy to walk, on one side is a backer, on the other side is a few hundred meters of cliff valley, especially on snowy days for this road to increase the risk factor, every step under the feet of everyone is extra careful. Shortly after the snow fell, the foothold in some places was still relatively strong, and after a few days, the snow was thick, and I had to make a pit in the ground. "The boundary pile is intact, the border is safe!" Pillar No. 35 was right in front of us, checking the safety of the border jurisdiction for a week, the corners of the comrades's frozen purple mouths rose slightly, and a smile appeared on their tired faces. As long as the jurisdiction is safe, their daily patrols become meaningful.

As nujiang immigration management police, the Border People have their own way to go, and even if this Border Patrol road is lonely ahead, even if there are thorns everywhere, with a mission and responsibility, they will never move forward.

The first snow of the Nu River came, and they were still holding out

Kaiping News Reporter Daniel Zhang Correspondent Dai Chao Xie Peng Photographic report

Editor-in-charge Xu Hong

Proofread by Yuan Xi

Editor Li Rong