
Writing: Interpreting the threefold realm of a story

author:Live broadcast operation - Uncle Cat
Writing: Interpreting the threefold realm of a story

First, start from the three realms of Wang Guowei's life

Decades of storytelling, interpreting stories is the foundation of all my research work. Wang Guowei has this passage in "Words and Sayings on Earth": Those who become great undertakings and university inquirers in ancient and modern times must pass through three realms:

"Last night the west wind withered the trees. Go up to the tall building alone and look at the end of the world. "This first realm also." The belt gradually widened and finally did not regret it, and was haggard for the people of Ishwa. "This second realm also." The crowd looked for him a thousand times, and looked back, but the man was in the middle of the light. "This third realm also.

Reading this passage of Wang Guowei suddenly coincided with the process of interpreting the story himself, and to truly learn to interpret the story, he also needed to go through such a triple realm.

The first realm: Last night the west wind withered the green trees, went up to the tall building alone, and looked at the end of the world.

In the midst of chaos, climb up to a tall building, condescend to look far, clearly see the distance, see the end of the world, see the place that others can't see. Interpreting the story is the same, and it is not easy to find the story that can provide you with the nutrients of life in the first place.

Just pushing a variety of stories every day on the WeChat platform, many story gimmicks are too big to be substantive. We are in the mass of information to store the essence, choose the most valuable story, it is like climbing a tall building, see the direction, in order to find their most suitable story, to obtain the nutrients of life.

The second realm: the belt gradually widens and there is no regret, and the people are haggard for the sake of Isaac.

People are thin and haggard, but they still "never regret it." That is to say, despite encountering various difficulties, we must persist in struggle, continue to move forward, and do everything for the cause.

For some, stories are just spices in life, curiosity, and reading expectations.

For those who want to have the power of the story, at the beginning, they still need to have the haggard spirit of the people, dare to think, dare to innovate, be good at waiting, continue to train, and finally gain the ability to interpret the story.

The third realm: the crowd looked for him a thousand hundred degrees, and suddenly looked back, but the man was in the middle of the light.

After many twists and turns, after many times of tempering, gradually mature, what others can't see can be seen clearly, and things that others don't understand will suddenly be understood. Interpreting the story to this level, then the work has been accomplished.

Third, the story golden sentence formula

Let's take a look at what is the formula for refining the golden sentence of the story? Story golden sentence = positive energy + opinion + pain point + skill

1. Positive energy

In the golden sentences you have refined, there must be a positive and optimistic motivation and emotion, which can make people feel beautiful and have a healing function.

Speaking of Harry Potter author J. When K. Rowling's life story was told, Hao Guangcai had this to say:

"Setbacks can be turning points, and the twists and turns of life are in your own hands." Can't blame anyone, can't complain about the environment, everything is actually decided by ourselves, only you can be responsible for yourself. ”

After reading the story and reading this golden sentence summary full of positive energy, I believe that you will definitely recall those days of confrontation with setbacks and gas hope in desperate situations.

2. Opinions

After reading the story, treating the new views and ideas generated by the story, and recording these views can help you see the world from the eyes of others, or see things from the perspective of others.

When telling the story of former US President George W. Bush's visit to Iraq, at the end of the story, Hao Guangcai summed up a simple but powerful sentence that summarized the point of view of the story:

"Stupid people are stupid, but there are people who are dumber than him who applaud him."

Once such a point of view is summarized from the story, it will always remind yourself in the days to come, "Laughing at others is laughing at yourself." "Reading stories in this way, the purpose of understanding life is also achieved."

3. Pain points

When interpreting the story, ask yourself what is the most touching thing about this story, and what makes your throat surge and tears fill your eyes? What are you stimulated by? Grasp the pain point and write it down.

In the story "Let Willy Be Free", Hao Guangcai grasped the picture that made his throat swell and tears in his eyes, and willie returned to the sea with the help of everyone, and wrote the following text:

"The entertainment industry, which is based on profit, cannot stop the power of goodness and innocence, making concessions to children and bowing to conscience. Not only to let a killer whale be free, but also to let us see that the human heart is not only radiant, but also powerful. ”

Grasp such pain points to awaken those truths, goodnesses and beauty in your heart.

4. Technology

According to my custom, I would write down the golden sentences sorted out of the story and record them in a special book.

When we were young, we had diaries and excerpts, and now we can also prepare a beautiful notebook to record the stories you met and write down your stories?

So since we want to write into words, we need some writing skills, the positive energy, views, and pain points just talked about are all at the level of consciousness, and the recording skills, how to write down, are at the technical level.

Here, we will first talk about three language models to make your golden sentences more powerful and more suitable for recording and sharing. They are the central epithet, the figurative narrative, and the variational coupling.

(1) Behind the central word hall

Contemporary linguistics has a "tail focus" and "tail focus" research results: the most important information in language often appears in the last word or several words of the sentence reading paragraph. If you place a verb at the end of the sentence, the whole sentence appears to be more lively and jumpy, showing a smooth sense of movement.

If it is an adjective, then the whole sentence is brightly colored, and the writer's unique artistic feeling and life experience can be highlighted; if the noun is placed at the end of the sentence, the whole sentence is dignified and stable, which can create a stable and calm tone.

Summed up in one sentence, the most important words are placed at the end. When we process the golden sentence of the story, we need to try to put the words that need to be emphasized at the end.

For example, in Hao Guangcai's story about the birth of the classic cartoon character Snoopy, his story sentence goes like this:

"Never give up on yourself and believe that you have different talents." Putting the word "talent" at the end has both a prominent effect and makes the whole sentence strong.

(2) Figurative description

This figurative description is a specific linguistic wisdom and language skill. The artistic sensations and life experiences derived from the story, as well as the artistic discovery and aesthetic imagination, can be expressed through a metaphorically described language model.

This extraordinary combination of languages, the unfamiliar language realm, will have a unique artistic experience, and in such a figurative narrative, it can be fully expressed in place.

Hao Guangcai wrote the story of Elvis Presley as follows:

"We often hear that if God closes one door, he opens another door for you. God is not so stingy, and He will not deliberately disappoint you in order to make the whole person for the sake of the whole person. It's more doors, waiting for you to open and go, otherwise even if God opens them for you, you don't go, it's useless. ”

Here the image of the "door" is used as a metaphor for the opportunities of life, and when we actually establish the image of the door in our minds, we feel the vivid and expressive and infectious language.

(3) Variable coupling

In ancient China, the philosophical idea of viewing the world as the opposition and unity of the yin and yang sympathetic movements profoundly influenced the "dual thinking" of the Han people, and the structure of the two-to-two opposing sentence reading modules accounted for a considerable proportion in the formation of the Chinese written language.

Chinese vocabulary has the advantages of monosyllabic and two-syllables that cannot be compared with other languages, which lays the phonetic foundation for the Chinese language to generate "coupled comparative sentences" with harmonious syllables and neat sentence patterns.

Many neatly coupled comparative sentences with equal word counts and part-of-speech correspondence can be coupled into a complete Sense of Chinese language, enabling authors and readers to achieve a kind of language understanding in the corresponding structure of the upper and lower language modules.

In telling the story of the novelist Herman, Hao Guangcai wrote:

"Destiny comes from the heart, and destiny comes from the outside. Those who believe in the Destiny will have the strength to fight against fate and the determination to resist it. ”

There are two variational coupling language models in this sentence. "Destiny comes from the heart" and "Destiny comes from the outside" are a group, and "the power of fate to fight" and "determination to resist fate" are a group.

Such two sets of language models change the sentence mentality, so that the sentence forms a rhythmic sentence group, so that the sense of language becomes weekly, and achieves a specific effect of highlighting the will.

Well, when we have figured out the threefold realm of interpreting the story and the formula for refining the golden sentence of the story, find the stories that move you, and interpret them.

Distill the golden sentences that nourish your own story and record them. Let the power of the story help you gain momentum in life.

Figure | Internet

Text | Liu Haitao

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