
The commander of the military region was changed by 7, he was always the deputy commander, and the old subordinate became his superior

author:Wenshi Teahouse 2018

After the founding of New China, General Xu Shiyou and General Yang Dezhi jointly set a record for the commander of the Grand Military Region for 25 years. In the past 25 years, it is not in one major military region, Xu Shiyou has been in 2 major military regions, and Yang Dezhi has been in 3 major military regions.

There was a founding lieutenant general who actually served as a deputy commander in a large military region, and he served for 25 years before and after, and the commander of the military region changed 7 people successively, but he never moved, which should also be a historical record.

He was Lieutenant General Wei Jie, a native of Donglan, Guangxi, and a famous general of the Red Seventh Army led by Deng Xiaoping Zhang Yunyi. In 1952, after returning from Korea, Wei Jie entered the Nanjing Military Academy to study, many generals studied for 3 years, but Wei Jie studied for 5 years, and he had enough electricity for himself.

The commander of the military region was changed by 7, he was always the deputy commander, and the old subordinate became his superior

(Lieutenant General Wei Jie)

Dean Liu Bocheng admired Wei Jie very much and named him as the head of the senior correspondence department and the secretary of the party committee. Wei Jie did not want to take up the position, he wanted to be an ordinary student, concentrate on studying, Liu Bocheng insisted that he pick up this burden.

How did Wei Jie perform at military school? Huang Jianfu, an instructor at the military academy and a former Kuomintang general, said that the Communists humbly learned from us, and their spirit of study touched us; for example, a trainee named Wei Jie, who did not hesitate to go to the door three times to seek advice for a note, was particularly touching.

It can be seen that Wei Jie studied very hard. Wei Was poor and did not have the opportunity to receive an education in his early years, so he cherished this opportunity to learn. Wei Jie's graduation score is 5 points, our whirlwind commander Han Xianchu has never scored 5 points, and Han Xianchu is mostly 3 points, and occasionally scores 4 points.

In 1955, Wei Jie was awarded the rank of lieutenant general during his studies. In 1957, Wei Jie graduated, where should he work? At that time, Marshal Liu Bocheng was about to be transferred to the director of the Higher Military Academy, and he admired Wei Jie too much and wanted to take him to the Higher Military Academy.

Wei Jie believes that his education level is too low, and he prefers to work elsewhere. Liu Bocheng recommended that Wei Jie go to the Chengdu Military Region as deputy commander. At the end of the Liberation War, Wei Jie participated in the campaign to liberate the Great Southwest with He Long and served as the commander of the Northern Sichuan Military Region.

He set out from Sichuan and entered the Korean battlefield. It is also very appropriate to return to Sichuan today. The commander of the Chengdu Military Region at that time was the one-armed general He Bingyan. During the revolutionary war years, Wei Jie and He Bingyan did not have much intersection, but he knew that He Bingyan was a heroic tiger general. He Bingyan's military rank was also higher than his, and Wei Jie was proud to be He Bingyan's deputy.

The commander of the military region was changed by 7, he was always the deputy commander, and the old subordinate became his superior

(Admiral He Bingyan)

He Bingyan was also very important to Wei Jie, and put him in charge of military training. During this period, Wei Jie responded to Chairman Mao's call and actively served as a soldier in the company. The squad leader specially arranged for him to set up guards, and Wei Jie asked the squad leader to remove it, saying that it was safest to be with the soldiers.

The squad leader deliberately did not send Wei Jie to stand at the night post, and Wei Jie found the squad leader and insisted on standing at the night post. During the class assessment, the class leader said that Wei Jie could participate in the assessment, but the results were not counted in their class. Wei Jie understood what was going on as soon as he heard it, and said, Are you afraid that I will pull the hind legs of the whole class?

Although Wei Jie was a founding lieutenant general, after all, he was old, and the squad leader was afraid that he was unfamiliar with marksmanship. Who knew that Wei Jielian hit 5 10 rings, which opened the eyes of the whole class of soldiers, worthy of being the founding general killed in the rain of bullets and bullets, and the sword was not old. The warriors called Vijay a sharpshooter.

In 1960, General He Bingyan died of illness at the post, and Huang Xinting took over as the commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and Wei Jie was also the deputy commander. Wei Jie and Huang Xinting were of equal seniority and both were lieutenant generals, and he was willing to serve as Huang Xinting's deputy and assisted Huang Xinting in studying Guo Xingfu's teaching method and the military region's large-scale military training competition.

After Huang Xinting and Guo Linxiang, political commissar of the military region, were hit by the impact, Wei Jie withstood the pressure and tried his best to preside over the work of the military region and maintain normal operation. In 1967, Liang Xingchu, a famous general of the first generation, was transferred to the commander of the Chengdu Military Region.

The commander of the military region was changed by 7, he was always the deputy commander, and the old subordinate became his superior

(Commander of Chengdu Military Region Liang Xingchu)

At the beginning of the anti-Japanese war, when Wei Jie was the head of the special task force regiment at the headquarters of the Eighth Route Army, Liang Xingchu was a battalion commander of the 115th Division. During the Red Army period, Wei Jie served as a division commander, and Liang Xingchu was the highest as a regimental commander. It should be said that Wei Jie's seniority was higher than Liang Xingchu's, but he resolutely obeyed the organization's arrangements and served as Liang Xingchu's deputy.

In 1973, Qin Jiwei was transferred to the commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and Wei Jie was still the deputy commander. Qin Jiwei was Wei Jie's old comrade-in-arms. Entering the Korean battlefield, the 15th Army under Qin Jiwei and the 60th Army under Wei Jie were both subordinate to the Third Corps of the Volunteer Army.

Wei Jie and Qin Jiwei once fought side by side and formed a deep sense of comradeship. They were also founding lieutenant generals. In 1987, Wei Jie died of illness. Qin Jiwei later learned that he was very sad and complained to Wei Jie's wife:

Why didn't you notify me earlier! Wei Jie and I have been fighting together since four years, we are both on the Taihang Mountain, born and died in the war years, this kind of feeling is not understood by others, don't you understand it? I should be allowed to see him one last time.

In 1975, Liu Xingyuan took over as commander of the Chengdu Military Region, he was also a founding lieutenant general, and Wei Jie continued to serve as deputy commander. Two years later, Wu Kehua took over as commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and Wei Jie was still deputy commander. They were all founding generals of equal rank and rank.

In 1980, You Taizhong took over as commander of the Chengdu Military Region, and Wei Jie continued to serve as deputy commander. You Taizhong was only a founding major general, his rank was not as high as Wei Jie's, he was several years younger than Wei Jie, and more importantly, You Taizhong was once Wei Jie's old subordinate.

At the beginning of the Liberation War, Wei Jie served as deputy commander of the Sixth Column and brigade commander of the Sixteenth Brigade. You Taizhong was the deputy brigade commander of the Sixteenth Brigade, and Wei Jie happened to be his immediate superior, and together they participated in the campaign to attack Dayang Lake and liberate Tangyin.

The commander of the military region was changed by 7, he was always the deputy commander, and the old subordinate became his superior

(General You Taizhong)

Later, Wei Jie served as the deputy commander of the column and no longer served as the commander of the 16th Brigade, and You Taizhong was promoted to the commander of the 16th Brigade. Wei Jie is also You Taizhong's superior. After Wei Jie left Liu Deng's army, he went to North China and was promoted to commander of the 14th Column. Entering the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Wei Jie was the commander of the 60th Army, and You Taizhong was only a division commander of the 12th Army.

Wei Jie was always the old chief of You Taizhong. But now, You Taizhong has become Wei Jie's boss. Wei Jie, who has a bright and broad mind, resolutely obeys the organizational arrangements, serves as a deputy to his old subordinates, continues to be responsible for military training work, grasps training according to the outline on the one hand, and reforms in training on the other, and gradually transitions to focusing on training reform.

In addition to being in charge of military training, Wei Jie also managed the logistics of the military region and became a good assistant to You Taizhong. By October 1982, wei jie, who was already 68 years old, finally quit the leadership team of the Chengdu Military Region and became a retired cadre.

You Taizhong also left the Chengdu Military Region, and the commander of the Chengdu Military Region happened to be another of Wei Jie's old subordinates, who was the founding major general Wang Chenghan. In the Korean battlefield that year, Wei Jie served as the commander of the 60th Army, and Wang Chenghan was only one of the three masters of the 60 army.

Wang Chenghan, Wei Jie's old subordinate, almost became Wei Jie's boss. From 1957 to 1982, Wei Jie served as the deputy of the Grand Military Region for 25 years, why did he never serve as the chief of the Grand Military Region?

Probably affected by the major defeat of the 180th Division in the Korean Battlefield, Wei Jie was after all the commander of the 60th Army, and the 180th Division was under his command.

In 1985, the Central Military Commission approved Wei Jie to enjoy the treatment of a full-time post in the Grand Military Region, which was a good consolation for Lieutenant General Wei Jie, who had never been a full-time official in a large military region in his life. In 1987, Wei Jie died of cancer at the age of 73.