
What are the benefits of kissing?

author:I love small waist essence

1. Acceleration of calorie consumption

Needless to say, kissing is irreplaceable by any language. The heart rate of men can be increased to 110 beats per minute when they kiss passionately, and the heart rate of women can be increased to 108 times per minute, thereby accelerating blood circulation. This change stimulates the cellular energy of the entire body – adenosine triphosphate is easy to burn fat. All organs of the body are in a state of happiness, which relieves people from depressed emotions.

What are the benefits of kissing?

2. Lose weight

Kissing for a long time, involving many muscles in the human body, also helps to lose weight.

3. Decompression

Kissing prevents the formation of stress hormones, adrenocortical hormones, which are the main causes of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, muscle weakness and insomnia. Regular kissing can effectively relax the nerves and free people from stress.

Generally speaking, kissing can effectively calm people from nervous emotions and get rid of the shackles of stress.

What are the benefits of kissing?

4. Beauty and wrinkle prevention

A hot kiss that promotes blood circulation.

When people kissed with their tongues between the face, mouth and chin, a total of 38 muscles were mobilized. Therefore, frequent kisses can stretch wrinkles, prevent the formation of wrinkles, and also make the skin whiter. So kissing becomes a beauty product.

5. Prevention and treatment of dental diseases

Saliva secretion increases during hot kisses. Trace amounts of calcium and phosphorus contained in oral saliva, absorbed by tooth enamel can prevent caries; Saliva contains natural antimicrobial enzymes that control bacteria in the mouth. In addition, there is also growth in saliva that promotes wound healing.

A hot kiss produces hormones that achieve analgesic effect comparable to that of a piece of painkiller.

What are the benefits of kissing?

Why touch your chest when kissing

Today, a girl suddenly asked a question that made me a little embarrassed, she said: "Why do men have to touch their breasts when kissing?"

I said that because men don't know where to put their hands when kissing, they naturally touch their breasts. After I finished speaking, I asked him, is there anything wrong with a man touching his chest when kissing? She was speechless, haha! After the couple kissed each other, the boy naturally touched the woman's chest.

A woman's breasts have a great allure to men, and when men have the conditions to touch her, they will definitely subconsciously touch them.

What are the benefits of kissing?

Touching a man's chest when kissing a woman is a normal reaction, a very natural reaction of opposite-sex attraction.

And many women are not very repulsive to this behavior of men, and many women like this.

Let the kiss escalate, more intimate and comfortable. What is it like to kiss and touch your breasts? ► "I heard that touching your chest and closing your eyes when kissing is better!" ”

► "Because the two hands are empty-handed and unprepared, the palms are less soft." ”

What are the benefits of kissing?

► "It's not touching your chest when you kiss, it's because it's too awkward to stand there and touch your breasts, so take a kiss to ease the embarrassment." "►" When two people kiss together, you touch her breasts, and the two of you form a triangle, and the triangle has stability, and it can only be said that touching the chest is a physical reaction. "►"Only a man who has done it can understand the mystery of touching his chest with his hands~

What are the benefits of kissing?

► "The first time the inner fawn bumped nervously and unsteadily, I could only grab something by the hand to make my heart more stable." "Whoever said that, my boyfriend wouldn't." Uh, forgot to say, I don't have a chest. ”